Hallelujah, shout for joy For You have won the victory

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1 Hallelujah, shout for joy For You have won the victory
哈利路亚 我们欢呼 哈利路亚 我们庆贺 主你战胜黑暗权势 Hallelujah, celebrate Hallelujah, shout for joy For You have won the victory

2 Hallelujah, shout for joy For You have risen from the grave
哈利路亚 我们欢呼 哈利路亚 我们庆贺 主你得胜 你已复活 Hallelujah, celebrate Hallelujah, shout for joy For You have risen from the grave

3 你要震动天地 你必震动 沧海旱地 因万国万邦 全都属于你
Lord, come again in pow’er Lord, come and shake heaven and earth Let every tribe and tongue Return to You

4 你使圣殿充满荣耀 荣耀大过荣耀 你必赐平安 必赐福这地
Lord, come again in glory Your glory fills the earth Your peace and blessings Rain upon our land





9 1. 藏我在 翅膀蔭下 Hide me now, under Your wings
安靜 Still 1. 藏我在 翅膀蔭下 Hide me now, under Your wings 遮蓋我 在祢大能手中 Cover me, within Your mighty hand “Still” words and music by Reuben Morgan © 2002 Hillsong Publishing. CCLI License # 9

10 *當大海翻騰波濤洶湧 When the oceans rise and thunders roar
我與祢展翅 暴風上空 I will soar with You above the storm 父祢仍作王 在洪水中 Father, You are King over the flood 我要安靜 知祢是神 I will be still and know You are God “Still” words and music by Reuben Morgan © 2002 Hillsong Publishing. CCLI License # 10

11 2. 我靈安息 在基督裡 Rest my soul, in Christ alone
祢大能 使我安然信靠 Know His pow’r in quietness and trust “Still” words and music by Reuben Morgan © 2002 Hillsong Publishing. CCLI License # 11

12 的愛 1/5

13 的愛 2/5

14 的愛 3/5

15 的愛 4/5

16 的愛 5/5

17 我們呼求 1/5 17

18 我們呼求 2/5 18

19 我們呼求 3/5 19

20 我們呼求 4/5 20

21 我們呼求 5/5 21

22 引我亲近你 永不离开你 今我全然交托给你 听你说我是你朋友 求你引导我 回转归向你
Draw me close to You, never let me go I lay it all down again To hear You say that I’m Your friend Help me find the way, bring me back to You

23 你是我所爱 无人能相比 世上无一能取代你 我感受你温暖拥抱 求你引导我 回转归向你
You are my desire, no one else will do ‘Cause nothing else could take Your place To feel the warmth of Your embrace Help me find the way, bring me back to You

24 You’re all I’ve ever needed Help me know You are here
你是一切 我心所爱心所求 我知你已临近 You’re all I want You’re all I’ve ever needed Help me know You are here

25 Above all wisdom and all the ways of man
Above all powers, above all kings Above all nature and all created things Above all wisdom and all the ways of man You were here before the world began 超越眾能力, 超越眾王 超越眾全地和一切被造的 超越眾人的智慧和道路 是你創造宇宙和萬物

26 超越眾王國,超越權勢 超越世人理解的奇妙知識 超越世上的金銀和財富 沒什麼比有你更富足
Above all kingdoms, above all thrones Above all wonders the world has ever known Above all wealth and treasures of the earth There's no way to measure what You're worth 超越眾王國,超越權勢 超越世人理解的奇妙知識 超越世上的金銀和財富 沒什麼比有你更富足

27 Crucified , Laid behind the stone You lived to die, rejected and alone
Like a Rose trampled on the ground You took the fall and thought of me Above all 釘十架, 被埋石洞裡 犧牲自己孤獨地被拋棄 像玫瑰被踐踏在地 降低自己因你愛我 超越一切

28 每當我來到你寶座前 我心我靈向你俯伏敬拜 再次將主權交託全能神 懇求你心意向我顯明 我願觸動你心弦 全心討你喜悅

29 我要舉起雙手降服於你 貼近你的胸懷 我願觸動你心弦 全心討你喜悅 我主我的神 求奪我心意 完全屬於你

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