(C) Reap What You Sow 收你所種的

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1 (C) Reap What You Sow 收你所種的
You will sow what you reap, reap what you sow. What you plant in the kingdom will surely grow. And what you grow with love will surely bloom, and the fruit of the Spirit will come back to you. 人種的是什麼, 收的也是什麼 你在國度裡所栽的必會生長 憑著愛心所種的必要開花結果 你必收聖靈的果子 (C) Reap What You Sow 收你所種的

2 (C) Reap What You Sow 收你所種的
You will sow what you reap, reap what you sow. What you plant in the kingdom will surely grow. And what you grow with love will surely bloom, and the fruit of the Spirit will come back to you. 人種的是什麼, 收的也是什麼 你在國度裡所栽的必會生長 憑著愛心所種的必要開花結果 你必收聖靈的果子 (C) Reap What You Sow 收你所種的

3 (1) Reap What You Sow 收你所種的
Do not tire from doing good and never give up when your road gets rough. For one day soon a great reward you’ll see From the good you’ve done when the harvest comes. 你們行善不可喪志, 道路崎嶇時也不要灰心 很快到了時候就要收成 (1) Reap What You Sow 收你所種的

4 (2-1) Reap What You Sow 收你所種的
When the harvest comes, you will reap what you sow, sow what you reap. What you plant in the Kingdom will surely keep until the day 到了收成的時候, 人種的是什麼, 收的也是什麼 你在國度裡所栽的必要存到那日 (2-1) Reap What You Sow 收你所種的

5 (2-2) Reap What You Sow 收你所種的
when you hear the words of the Lord: He’ll say, “Well done, my child, well done, come taste the joy of heaven’s reward. 你要聽見主說: 孩子, 你做得好, 可以來享受屬天的喜樂 (2-2) Reap What You Sow 收你所種的

6 (C) Reap What You Sow 收你所種的
You will sow what you reap, reap what you sow. What you plant in the kingdom will surely grow. And what you grow with love will surely bloom, and the fruit of the Spirit will come back to you. 人種的是什麼, 收的也是什麼 你在國度裡所栽的必會生長 憑著愛心所種的必要開花結果 你必收聖靈的果子 (C) Reap What You Sow 收你所種的

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