#1 你忌邪愛火燒在我的心上 Your jealous flame of love burns in my heart 你忌邪愛火燒在我的臂上 Your jealous flame of love burns in my arm 我要認識你 I want to know You 我要追求你 I.

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1 #1 你忌邪愛火燒在我的心上 Your jealous flame of love burns in my heart 你忌邪愛火燒在我的臂上 Your jealous flame of love burns in my arm 我要認識你 I want to know You 我要追求你 I will pursue You

2 The sons of God have freedom
#2 神的兒子有自由 The sons of God have freedom

3 被擄的要得釋放 The bound will be set free 被壓的要飛翔 這是神悅納的日子
#2 被囚的要出監牢 The prisoners will be released 被擄的要得釋放 The bound will be set free 被壓的要飛翔 The oppressed will soar again 這是神悅納的日子 These are the days of the Lord's favor

4 #3 我從未見一位 如你那麼美麗 I have never seen someone as beautiful as You 你為著我的罪 被釘在十架上 For my sins you were nailed to the cross 你寶血為我流 除去我的罪惡 Your blood poured out washed away all my sins 你真愛我 (我真愛你) You love me (I love You)

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