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≈≈ Guidelines for Argumentation ≈≈

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1 ≈≈ Guidelines for Argumentation ≈≈
(Argumentation Basics)      Argumentation and persuasion defined Argumentation-persuasion is the type of writing in which writers try to encourage readers to accept their point of view on a controversial issue. Ø    In argumentation, writers use objective, logical reasoning, facts, and hard evidence to demonstrate the soundness of a position. Their purpose is to encourage readers to accept their point of view. Ø    In persuasion, writers use emotional language and dramatic appeals to readers’ concerns, beliefs, and values, often in the hope of encouraging them to take a specific action, besides encouraging acceptance of an opinion. Ø    Argumentation and persuasion are frequently used together in an essay. Also, the two terms are often used interchangeably.

2 & Essential elements of argumentation
Ø      The issue—a controversy, a problem, or an idea about which people disagree and hold different points of view Ø      The claim—the point of view the writer tries to prove about the issue, usually the writer’s view on the issue Ø   The support—ideas and information intended to convince readers that the claim is sound or believable. The three common types of support are reasons, evidence, and emotional appeal. Ø     The refutation, which recognizes/acknowledges and argues against opposing viewpoints

3 Middle-class spending and saving in China

4 Middle-class Spending and Saving in China

5 Middle-class Saving and Spending in China

6 Saving and Spending

7 Different social expectations at different stages of development
Pre-industrial Industrial Post-industrial

8 Saving and Spending understood in the context of present-day China
“a thrift China,” “a creative China,” “Made by China,” “Golden Holiday Week,” “Sustainable Development,” “Scientific Attitude Towards Development,” “China Threat,” etc.— “Butterfly Effect,” “Dumping and Anti-Dumping case” against China “Chinese socialist countryside,” etc.

9 本书的主要内容 议论文 单元题材 议论文的技巧 词汇 储蓄与消费 基本要素 词的层次 校园恋情 陈述观点 抽象/具体
单元题材 议论文的技巧 词汇 储蓄与消费 基本要素 词的层次 校园恋情 陈述观点 抽象/具体 英雄与娱乐大腕 论据支持 简明扼要 考试:支持还是反对反驳对方 贴切字眼 心灵美,还是外在美?煽动感情 不当语言 作弊与抄袭能消除吗?常见谬论 生动语言 大学教育首要的任务是什么? 归纳推理 使用词典

10 Orientation Objectives Organization Textbook Assessment
a. regular assignment 60% b. final in-class test: writing an essay, answering multiple choice questions and editing a faulty passage 30% c. attendance and participation in class activities 10%

11 Different Ways of Spending and Saving
Spending and saving: Rich Daddy, Poor Daddy Spending and saving: different cultural patterns, different ways of living: playing golf, playing tennis, x-sports for the new generation Chinese (expensive equipments etc.) Consumer confidence index, macro- and micro- The cultural implications of spending and saving: Plastic surgery, cosmetics, keeping fit, losing weight, etc.

12 The consumer index The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index Declines in February The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index, which had increased in January, declined in February. The Index now stands at (1985=100), down from in January. The Present Situation Index rose to from The Expectations Index, however, fell to 83.3 from 92.1 last month. The Consumer Confidence Survey is based on a representative sample of 5,000 U.S. households. Consumers' appraisal of overall current conditions held steady in February. Those claiming conditions are "good" edged up to 26.2 percent from 25.9 percent. Those claiming conditions are "bad" edged down to 15.5 percent from 15.9 percent. Labor market conditions, however, were mixed. Consumers saying jobs are "plentiful" increased slightly to 27.3 percent from 27.0 percent, while those claiming jobs are "hard to get" moved up to 20.7 percent from 20.3 percent. Source: February 2006 Consumer Confidence Index, The Conference Board.

13 Buildup Branded Fair Lead Fashion Trend
1. A Big Fashion Event   Endless Chances for Business 2. Top Leading Industry   The Engine of Economics 3. Name Brands Leading Fashion Trend:The company image and style is becoming a kind of cultural trend , this  fascination in the mind of customer will bring self-identification with company fashion image.  4. Noble taste, cultural seeking: In the modern society, Clothing is not only away to keep out the cold but has become body art or we may say body make up. Especially to women, it has become the taste of beauty. The fashion style is the pursuit of life style and symbol of wealth and culture. This culture will be essences of the future garment industry.

14 经济学家称中国要学会花钱 美国要学习存钱 2006年03月10日 09:34 第一财经日报
2006年03月10日 09:34    第一财经日报  “中美截然相反的储蓄态势之间正存在一道较为隐蔽的联系,中国的储蓄者实际上正在补贴着挥霍无度的美国消费者。” 这是摩根士丹利全球首席经济师史蒂芬·罗奇又在动用经济数据讲述最新版本的中美故事。 公开数据显示,中国去年的储蓄额为1.1万多亿美元,约占GDP一半。美国同期的储蓄额为1.6万亿美元,仅相当于其GDP的13%。储蓄率在两国家庭层面的差距则更大,去年中国的个人储蓄率约占家庭收入的30%,而美国的储蓄率则低至负值水平(约为家庭税后收入的-0.5%)。 罗奇称,相对疲弱的消费意味着中国经济增长的动力主要来源于出口和投资这两极,但这会对中国经济持续增长带来麻烦,因为出口方面的任何增长容易引发贸易摩擦,国内投资的持续膨胀也将导致产能过剩和本地通货收缩。 “过犹不及”,美国储蓄短缺同样不是什么好事。 罗奇认为,美国消费者错误地把像泡沫般的房屋增值视为储蓄,并套用房屋增值借贷以维持消费。为此,美国必须从海外输入盈余储蓄以满足对资金的需求,美国的储蓄缺口对其他国家产生了前所未有的需求压力。美国经常项目赤字在2005年破纪录地达到相当于GDP约6.5%,并有可能在今年进一步上升至7%的水平。换言之,美国将需要平均每个营业日从外国输入资金30亿美元。

15 他解释说:“为了给以出口为导向的经济增长支持,人民币就维持在相当水平的汇率,这导致部分储蓄转化为以美元计价的金融资产,美国利率则因此保持在低水平,而对利率敏感的美国房地产市场泡沫则可以长期不破。中美储蓄态势因此就存在了联系,即中国储蓄者补贴着挥霍无度的美国消费者。” 这是一个有意思的均衡,但维持现状对双方均无好处。从中国方面看,货币供应量的增加将导致中国金融体系流动性过剩,如美元贬值,中国的美元资产组合则又将面临潜在财务损失。从美国方面来看,若中国储蓄日后持续转化为消费,可用于弥补美国储蓄缺口的剩余资金便会减少,这势必会提高美国经济硬着陆的可能性。 罗奇的结论是,中国人要学会花钱,美国人则要学习存钱,以寻求一个较佳平衡点。 不过,在上海交通大学博导潘英丽看来:“和美国的高消费不同的是,中国高储蓄有很多客观成因”,尽管她也赞成中国确实需要进一步拉动内需来促进经济增长。 潘英丽表示:“中国的高储蓄和我国社会保障体系的不完善有关,储户用增加存款的方式来应对社会保障的不确定性。中国的消费目前正面临着结构转型,购买力指向以中低档个人住宅、私人轿车为主,但对汽车和住房等大宗商品的消费需要一个积累过程。” (记者 韩圣海 实习记者 王蔚祺 发自上海)

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