I Am Bound for the Promised Land 我要開往應許之地

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1 I Am Bound for the Promised Land 我要開往應許之地
On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand, and cast a wishful eye to Canaan’s fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie. 站在風雨交加的約旦河河畔,渴望的眼睛遙望我將擁有的迦南美地。 I am bound for the promised land, I am bound for the promised land; 我要開往應許之地,我要開往應許之地; I Am Bound for the Promised Land 我要開往應許之地

2 I Am Bound for the Promised Land 我要開往應許之地
Oh, who will come and go with me: I am abound for the promised land. 哦,誰願來與我同去?我要開往應許之地。 Oh, the transporting, rapturous scene that rises to my sight! 哦,這伸展在我眼前心盪神移,歡天喜地的景色! Sweet fields arrayed in living green, and rivers of delight! 鮮綠甜美的田野,歡樂的河流! I am bound for the promised land, I am bound for the promised land; 我要開往應許之地,我要開往應許之地; I Am Bound for the Promised Land 我要開往應許之地

3 I Am Bound for the Promised Land 我要開往應許之地
Oh, who will come and go with me? I am bound for the promised land. 哦,誰願來與我同去?我要開往應許之地。 Filled with delight my raptured soul would here no longer stay; 我充滿喜樂,歡天喜地的靈不能再停留; Though Jordan’s waves around me roll, fear less, I’d launch away. 約旦的水浪雖四面冲激,我卻無懼地把船開出。 I am bound for the promised land, I am bound for the promised land; 我要開往應許之地,我要開往應許之地; I Am Bound for the Promised Land 我要開往應許之地

4 I Am Bound for the Promised Land 我要開往應許之地
Oh, who will come and go with me? I am bound for the promised land. 哦,誰願來與我同去?我要開往應許之地。 Oh, who will come and go with me: I am bound for the promised land. I Am Bound for the Promised Land 我要開往應許之地

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