(1) The Birthday of a King 救主君王今降生

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1 (1) The Birthday of a King 救主君王今降生
In the little village of Bethlehem, there lay a Child one day, and the sky was bright with a holy light o’er the place where Jesus lay. 在那小小寂靜的伯利恆安臥聖嬰耶穌 主榮光輝煌,在高天之處,照耀耶穌安臥處 (1) The Birthday of a King 救主君王今降生

2 (2) The Birthday of a King 救主君王今降生
Alleluia! O how the angels sang. Alleluia! How it rang! And the sky was bright with a holy light, ‘twas the birthday of a King. 哈利路亞,聽天使高聲唱,哈利路亞,高聲唱 主榮光輝煌,在高天之處,救主君王今降生 (2) The Birthday of a King 救主君王今降生

3 (3) The Birthday of a King 救主君王今降生
“Twas a humble birthplace, but O how much God gave to us that day; From the manger bed what a path has led, what a perfect, holy way. 雖是卑微貧賤的小馬槽卻有恩典無量 從這小馬槽帶出一條完美神聖的道路 (3) The Birthday of a King 救主君王今降生

4 (4) The Birthday of a King 救主君王今降生
Alleluia! O how the angels sang. Alleluia! How it rang! And the sky was bright with a holy light, ‘twas the birthday of Christ, the King! 哈利路亞,聽天使高聲唱,哈利路亞,高聲唱 主榮光輝煌,在高天之上, 救主君王,基督降生 (4) The Birthday of a King 救主君王今降生

5 (5) The Birthday of a King 救主君王今降生
Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation. Sing, all ye citizens of heav’n above. Glory to God, all glory in the highest; 天使同應聲, 歡然高唱頌歌 天上眾天軍也同聲頌揚 在至高之處榮耀歸於君王 (5) The Birthday of a King 救主君王今降生

6 (6) The Birthday of a King 救主君王今降生
O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord! Christ is born! The King is born! Christ, the King, is born! 齊來歡欣同敬拜,齊來歡欣同敬拜, 齊來歡欣同敬拜, 主耶穌今降生 主降生!君王降生!基督君王降生! (6) The Birthday of a King 救主君王今降生

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