(1) Be Unto Your Name 歸主聖名

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1 (1) Be Unto Your Name 歸主聖名
We are a moment You are forever 我們雖短暫, 主, 祢是永遠 Lord of the ages God before time 萬古尊貴主, 太初真神 We are a vapor You are eternal 我們是雲霧, 主, 祢是永恆 Love everlasting reigning on high 永恆的大愛, 在天掌權 (1) Be Unto Your Name 歸主聖名

2 (C) Be Unto Your Name 歸主聖名
Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty 聖哉、聖哉, 全能大主宰 Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain 被殺羔羊配受尊崇 Highest praises honor and glory 尊貴、頌讚、榮耀歸羔羊 Be unto Your name, Be unto Your name 歸於主聖名, 歸於主聖名 (C) Be Unto Your Name 歸主聖名

3 (2) Be Unto Your Name 歸主聖名
We are the broken You are the healer 我們雖破碎, 祢是醫治者 Jesus Redeemer mighty to save 耶穌救贖主, 大能拯救 You are the love song we'll sing forever 我們要永遠歌頌敬愛祢 Bowing before You blessing Your name 屈膝敬拜主, 稱頌祢名 (2) Be Unto Your Name 歸主聖名

4 (C) Be Unto Your Name 歸主聖名
Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty 聖哉、聖哉, 全能大主宰 Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain 被殺羔羊配受尊崇 Highest praises honor and glory 尊貴、頌讚、榮耀歸羔羊 Be unto Your name, Be unto Your name 歸於主聖名, 歸於主聖名 (C) Be Unto Your Name 歸主聖名

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