How Can I Keep From Singing

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1 How Can I Keep From Singing

2 (1) How Can I Keep From Singing 我怎能不歌唱
There is an endless song, echoes in my soul 在我心靈深處音樂不休止 I hear the music ring 我常歌唱頌揚 And though the storms may come, 雖然遭遇風暴 I am holding on, 不絲毫放鬆 and to the Rock I cling. 緊緊倚靠磐石 (1) How Can I Keep From Singing 我怎能不歌唱

3 (C) How Can I Keep From Singing 我怎能不歌唱
How can I keep from singing Your praise? 我怎能不歌唱讚美主 How can I ever say enough? 我怎能完全盡述說 how amazing is Your love? 祢的愛何等奇妙 How can I keep from shouting Your name? 我怎能不歡呼祢的名 I know I am loved by the King 宇宙大君王竟愛我 and it makes my heart want to sing 我心就要歌唱不停 (C) How Can I Keep From Singing 我怎能不歌唱

4 (2) How Can I Keep From Singing 我怎能不歌唱
I will lift my eyes in the darkest night 在漆黑夜裏我舉目仰望 for I know my Savior lives 因我知救主活著 and I will walk with You 我要與祢同行 knowing You see me through 深知祢常看顧 and sing the songs You give 祢賜我心詩歌 (2) How Can I Keep From Singing 我怎能不歌唱

5 (C) How Can I Keep From Singing 我怎能不歌唱
How can I keep from singing Your praise? 我怎能不歌唱讚美主 How can I ever say enough? 我怎能完全盡述說 how amazing is Your love? 祢的愛何等奇妙 How can I keep from shouting Your name? 我怎能不歡呼祢的名 I know I am loved by the King 宇宙大君王竟愛我 and it makes my heart want to sing 我心就要歌唱不停 (C) How Can I Keep From Singing 我怎能不歌唱

6 (B-1) How Can I Keep From Singing 我怎能不歌唱
Bridge: I can sing in the troubled times, sing when I win. 在苦難中,在得勝時,我能歌唱 I can sing when I lose my step, and I fall down again. 當我失足跌倒時候,我仍然能歌唱 I can sing 'cause You pick me up, sing 'cause You're there 我歌唱因祢扶起我,祢在我旁 (B-1) How Can I Keep From Singing 我怎能不歌唱

7 (B-2) How Can I Keep From Singing 我怎能不歌唱
I can sing 'cause You hear me Lord, when I call to You in prayer 我歌唱因主聽禱告,祢垂聽我呼求 I can sing with my last breath sing for I know 我要盡我一生來向主歌唱 that I'll sing with the angels, and the saints around the throne. 與天使和眾聖徒在寶座前歌唱 (B-2) How Can I Keep From Singing 我怎能不歌唱

8 (C) How Can I Keep From Singing 我怎能不歌唱
How can I keep from singing Your praise? 我怎能不歌唱讚美主 How can I ever say enough? 我怎能完全盡述說 how amazing is Your love? 祢的愛何等奇妙 How can I keep from shouting Your name? 我怎能不歡呼祢的名 I know I am loved by the King 宇宙大君王竟愛我 and it makes my heart want to sing 我心就要歌唱不停 (C) How Can I Keep From Singing 我怎能不歌唱

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