I Love to Tell the Story S465 我愛傳講主福音 1/4

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1 I Love to Tell the Story S465 我愛傳講主福音 1/4
我愛傳講主福音,傳講天上妙事, I love to tell the story of unseen things above, 傳講耶穌愛罪人,傳講祂為人死; Of Jesus and His glory, of Jesus and His love. 我愛傳講主福音,福音是神大能, I love to tell the story,because I know’ its true, 能救罪人免沉淪,能叫死人得生. It satisfies my longings as nothing else can do. 我愛傳講主福音!傳講老舊的福音 I love to tell the story!’twill be my theme in glory 傳講耶穌愛罪人,傳講耶穌救恩. To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.

2 我愛傳講主福音,福音美妙清新, 勝過一切的珍品,勝過所有黃金; 我愛傳講主福音,向人不斷傳講, 福音使我得生命,使我心靈歡暢.
S 我愛傳講主福音  2/4 我愛傳講主福音,福音美妙清新, I love to tell the story more wonderful it seems 勝過一切的珍品,勝過所有黃金; Than all the golden fancies of all our golden dreams; 我愛傳講主福音,向人不斷傳講, I love to tell the story it did so much for me, 福音使我得生命,使我心靈歡暢. And that it just the reason I tell it now to Thee. 我愛傳講主福音!傳講老舊的福音. I love to tell the story!Twill be my theme in glory- 傳講耶穌愛罪人,傳講耶穌救恩. To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.

3 我愛傳講主福音,越傳越覺甘甜, 每逢對人來講論,愈講愈覺新鮮; 我愛傳講主福音,傳講救恩信息, 尚有人從未聽聞,真神救人故事.
S 我愛傳講主福音  3/4 我愛傳講主福音,越傳越覺甘甜, I love to tell the story ‘Tis pleasant to repeat 每逢對人來講論,愈講愈覺新鮮; What seems, each time I tell it, more wonderfully sweet 我愛傳講主福音,傳講救恩信息, I love to tell the story For some have never heard 尚有人從未聽聞,真神救人故事. The message of salvation From God’s own holy word. 我愛傳講主福音!傳講老舊的福音. I love to tell the story!Twill be my theme in glory- 傳講耶穌愛罪人,傳講耶穌救恩. To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.

4 我愛傳講主福音,有人雖常聽聞, 但仍飢渴願多聽,像那未聽之人; 一日我必唱新歌,在那榮耀天庭, 新歌仍是我一生所愛老舊福音.
S 我愛傳講主福音  4/4 我愛傳講主福音,有人雖常聽聞, I love to tell the story For those who know it best 但仍飢渴願多聽,像那未聽之人; Seem hungering and thirsting To hear it like the rest 一日我必唱新歌,在那榮耀天庭, And when in scenes of glory I sing the new, new song  新歌仍是我一生所愛老舊福音. ‘Twill be the old, old story That I have loved so long. 我愛傳講主福音!傳講老舊的福音. I love to tell the story!Twill be my theme in glory- 傳講耶穌愛罪人,傳講耶穌救恩. To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love.

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