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以馬內利 Emmanuel.

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1 以馬內利 Emmanuel

2 以馬內利 基督的愛 Emmanuel the love of Christ  神所應許的同在 The presence that God promise 何等光榮 我心敬拜 How glorious my heart worship you  祢是我一生的倚靠 I trust you for my whole life

3 以馬內利 基督的愛 Emmanuel the love of Christ  神所應許的同在 The presence that God promise 何等光榮 我心敬拜 How glorious my heart worship you  祢是我一生的倚靠 I trust you for my whole life

4 以馬內利 我主我王 Emmanuel my Lord my Kings  一生年日總在我身旁 You are always by my side 以馬內利 我要仰望 Emmanuel I look upon you  軟弱時更得著剛強 Be strength when I am weak

5 以馬內利 基督的愛 Emmanuel the love of Christ  神所應許的同在 The presence that God promise 何等光榮 我心敬拜 How glorious my heart worship you  祢是我一生的倚靠 I trust you for my whole life

6 以馬內利 我主我王 Emmanuel my Lord my Kings  一生年日總在我身旁 You are always by my side 以馬內利 我要仰望 Emmanuel I look upon you  軟弱時更得著剛強 Be strength when I am weak

7 以馬內利 我主我王 Emmanuel my Lord my Kings  一生年日總在我身旁 You are always by my side 以馬內利 我要仰望 Emmanuel I look upon you  軟弱時更得著剛強 Be strength when I am weak

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