MGT 213 System Management Server的昨天,今天和明天

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1 MGT 213 System Management Server的昨天,今天和明天

2 课程内容概述 System Management Server 是“IT基础架构优化”中非常重要的一个组成部分,自动化的软件、补丁的部署和资产管理等特性为IT集中管理和过程优化提供了绝佳的解决方案。本主题将与听众一起探讨SMS 2003未来的发展,并展示新版本的贴心特性。

3 课程内容安排 昨天:System Management Server回顾
今天:System Management Server 2003 SP2更新 明天:System Management Server 2003 R2

4 昨天: System Management Server回顾
8/2/ :50 PM 昨天: System Management Server回顾 4 © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

5 与IT经理的对话 调查者 某IT经理 你是否满意您的现状 不是太满意 为什么不满意呢? 我们真的都很忙,但别人又不怎么认可我们 的努力
为什么会不认可呢? 可能因为IT不是核心业务,也不创造利润 可是应该谁都离不开你们吧? 虽然是这样说,不过感觉价值却不怎么明显 有没有给企业创造价值的机会? 有!各种各样的应用系统,如决策支持,移动办公、ERP,供应链系统都很有价值 你是否满意现在的薪水和在公司里的地位? 不满意?感觉低还是高?反正不高 为什么会不高?因为你对企业没什么价值当然不会高! 为什么会价值不高?因为你没有给企业创造价值 IT部门有没有给企业创造价值的机会?有!各种各样的应用系统,如决策支持,ERP,订单系统都是! 可为什么不去创造价值呢?因为没有时间? 为什么没有时间呢?因为时间和资源都被占用了。 都被什么占用了?被IT环境的维护占用了。 是否以忙不忙为标准 你们现在就是CEO,你手下的IT经理一天到晚忙得不行,另一个CEO觉得IT经理没什么事情做。 可为什么不去创造价值呢? 因为没有时间和资源 为什么没有时间和资源呢? 预算和人手本来就少,还都忙得要命 都忙?忙些什么? 被IT环境的维护占用了,有个病毒坏块硬盘都麻烦得要命

6 钱和精力都花在哪里了?

7 幸亏有了SMS 2003 保证每台接入网络的机器都必须接受安全标准的检测 MS06-40分发——自动的!
100份Office 2003安装——自动的! 年底做软件资产统计报告——自动的!

8 不过新的烦恼随之而来 我买不到SQL Server 2000啦! Collection对象只能一个人一个人手动选择,这也太那个啥了吧…
IA64, x64, and x86,系统越来越多样,SMS认不全了… 慢,特别是统计多台机器的时候着急 还有BugS

9 说你呢,赶紧升级到SMS 2003 SP2吧 8/2/2019 12:50 PM 9
© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

10 SMS 2003 SP2支持 SMS 2003进入SQL 2005新时代 SQL Server 2005意味着更高的性能和更多可能的报表展现机会 SMS 2003彻底抛弃了Windows 2000 SP4之前的平台 有限支持Vista和Longhorn 支持IA64, x64和x86系统

11 Collection对象的变迁 昨天:只能单个选择 今天:可以把AD中的Group作为选择对象 我可以让SMS去找一个人,也可以去找一群人
简化操作 Group有嵌套?没问题 The Active Directory Security Group Discovery method has been added under Discovery Methods in the SMS Administrator console. This method offers the following advantages: •You can discover groups from Active Directory without having to use either the Active Directory User Discovery method or the Active Directory System Group Discovery method. •Collection objects are the group names and not the individual members, which lets you to target a group without having to update the group membership for individual users or computers.•The new All Active Directory Security Groups collection and the new All Active Directory Security Groups query have been added to display the groups discovered by the Active Directory Security Group Discovery method. The results can also be found in a new log file, Adsgdis.log.•This method can be configured to discover any groups that are nested.

12 补丁分发

13 SMS 2003 SP2性能的提升 请选择,昨天的表现不佳是因为: SMS 2003 SP2性能提升有赖于: A.Bug B.数据库后台
C.单线程处理 D.RPWT SMS 2003 SP2性能提升有赖于: A.38个HotFix中12个与性能有关 B.支持更强劲的SQL Server 2005 C.在资产处理的时候支持多线程 D.以上全是 When properly configured, there is a relational increase in software inventory processing, dependent on the number of CPUs in the site system. For dual processor systems, the increased processing gain can be 200%, with four processor systems gaining as much as a 400% increase in software inventory processing performance. This functionality is controlled in the registry of the site server, through the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Components\SMS Software Inventory Processor key. The Backlog Threading Threshold registry key configures the number of inventory files that must be backlogged before the software inventory processor creates an additional thread. When the backlog has fallen below the configured value, the additional thread is removed. The default value for backlog threading is 1024. The Max Worker Threads registry key sets the maximum number of threads that the software inventory processor can launch to process backlogs of software inventory files. The default value is 3, and the maximum value is 10. It is suggested that the value be set to the number of processors in the site server. There is no performance gain by setting this to a larger value than the number of processors on the site server.

14 IT资产统计

15 明天: What’s New in SMS 2003 R2 8/2/2019 12:50 PM 15
© 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

16 你一定还不满足 你很可能还想象着: 如果有集成的对漏洞的检测工具 如果我自己开发的程序也能被SMS当作IT资产统计到

17 好吧,让SMS 2003 R2一并满足你 你要检测,就给你检测 使用MBSA 2.0作为网络漏洞检测工具

18 如果想更新自己的应用: SMS管理员可以导入客户化的应用程序到SMS中,无论这种应用程序是否来自微软
不仅仅分发,SMS R2还会把这些应用程序列入到自己的资产统计数据库中作出所需要的报表

19 填反馈表


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