Example for CIC Report CIS-I.

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1 Example for CIC Report CIS-I

2 Note 為讓審查會更具公平性,不可於投影片(含logo)和審查報告過程中提及申請者相關之學校系所、指導教授、實驗室、身份等資料。
審查過程以下線梯次的ftp上傳編號處理 若因違反規定造成負面審查結果,需自行負責! 投影片格式,頁數不拘,以重點敘述為主。但內容必需包含以下範例所提及項目(範例均為審查委員經常詢問項目)

3 Process: SiG-94A (下線梯次) FTP No.: 23 (ftp上傳編號) Date: 2005/04/16 (日期)
CIC 審查會報告 範例 鎖相迴路於脈波產生器之設計 (中文專題名稱) Design on phase locked loops for clock generator (英文專題名稱) Process: SiG-94A (下線梯次) FTP No.: 23 (ftp上傳編號) Date: 2005/04/16 (日期)

4 Outline Introduction & Motivation
(Including last three taped-out chip records) Architecture & Schematic Simulated Results Layout Specification Table Measured Considerations (Including instrument/measure Env. setup) References

5 Introduction & Motivation
The last three taped-out chip records ** if you don’t get the chip yet, fill in “going on” *** if you don’t have any chip implementation record, just to fill in “none” List motivations for this PLL. List contributions (feature) for this PLL. Chip number (IC編號) Project Name Result/status T18-93A-XX XXXXXX Fail/ Work/ Partial work T18-93C-XX YYYYYY going on** none***

6 Architecture & Schematic
All schematic of PLL must be revealed clearly. (need to detail describe it during presentation.) Design principle of this new PLL can be explained briefly.

7 Simulated Results Simulated results/figures of this PLL must include all corner cases of process. Simulated results/figures of this PLL must be shown clearly. All parameter which need to measure must be description clearly.

8 Layout The layout of this PLL must be clearly revealed. (It’s important for RF circuit) Clear node-notation in layout for this PLL is necessary.

9 Specification Table Table list all specifications of this PLL and point out which need to measured. Item Specification (unit) measure Vdd (Supply voltage) 3.3 V N/A Kvco 60 MHz/V Yes Phase Noise -98 1MHz Locking time 22 us Jitter 430 ps Power Consumption 11 mW Chip Area 1500 X 1500 um^2 …..

10 Measured Considerations
List all measured instruments you need, and illustrate those purpose. List measure setup for each parameter you need to know. Mark where you will measure. (in CIC, NDL, self’s Lab., et al….)

11 References [1] Donhee Ham, Ali Hajimiri, “Concepts and Methods in Optimization of Integrated LC VCOs, ” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. 36 No.6, pp , June 2001. [2] ….

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