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如何写实验报告 How to Write a Lab Report

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1 如何写实验报告 How to Write a Lab Report
张新夷 物理楼243室

2 Acknowledgements How to Write a Lab Report By Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D., Guide 何益鑫、张新夷 Franck-Hertz实验的物理过程 物理实验 2011年第6期 近代物理实验I 学生论文

3 关于实验报告的“三句半” 抄书抄讲义,浪费时间 报告写得越长得分越高,负担太重 实验记录再写一遍,真没意思 最好不写实验报告

4 实验报告和学术论文 实验报告和学术论文有没有区别? 既有又没有!(可能有1000和100的差别) 同样不能抄袭 同样不能粗制滥造

5 Lab Report Lab reports are an essential part of all laboratory courses and usually a significant part of your grade. A lab report is how you explain what you did in experiment, what you learned, and what the results meant.

6 Lab Report 必须回答的问题 What did you do ? Why did you do it ?
How did you do it ? What happened ?

7 Standard Format Abstract I. Introduction A.Motivation
B.Summary of the experiment II. Theoretical background III.Experimental design and procedure A. Description of the samples B. Description of the apparatus C. Description of the experimental procedure IV.Experimental results A. Row data B. Calculated data V.Discussion/Analysis A. Method of analysis B. Discussion of results C. (Optional) Suggestions for future improvements VI.Conclusions A. Summary of the results B. Pertinence of the results to the questions raised in the introduction References Results and discussion

8 Short Sections 摘要、引言、结论 Checklist
 Summarize the entire paper in the abstract  State the problem or question under investigation in the introduction  Summarize the experimental procedure in the introduction  Discuss quantitative results in both the abstract and conclusions

9 Short Sections 摘要、引言、结论 Checklist
 Summarize the entire paper in the abstract  State the problem or question under investigation in the introduction  Summarize the experimental procedure in the introduction  Discuss quantitative results in both the abstract and conclusions

10 Short Sections 摘要、引言、结论 Checklist
 Summarize the entire paper in the abstract  State the problem or question under investigation in the introduction  Summarize the experimental procedure in the introduction  Discuss quantitative results in both the abstract and conclusions

11 Short Sections 摘要、引言、结论 Checklist
 Summarize the entire paper in the abstract  State the problem or question under investigation in the introduction  Summarize the experimental procedure in the introduction  Discuss quantitative results in both the abstract and conclusions

12 Short Sections 摘要、引言、结论 Checklist
 Summarize the entire paper in the abstract  State the problem or question under investigation in the introduction  Summarize the experimental procedure in the introduction  Discuss quantitative results in both the abstract and conclusions

13 The Procedure Section A sketch of apparatus, or a list of equipment
A carefully hand-drawing sketch is usually better Tell what you did with the equipment, but not be too “step-by-step” about it. Avoid (1) a numbered list of steps, and (2) narratives like this: “first we did (whatever), but that didn’t work, so then we tried (something else) …” Refine your procedure to remove these false steps, and present it in enough detail so that the reader can clearly understand what you did. One detail you should definitely include is the number of times you repeated in any given measurement.

14 Checklist for a Procedure Section
Provide a sketch diagram of experimental setup Provide a list and/or descriptions of equipment Describe all any measurements, in roughly the order in which they made Describe any departures from procedure described in the lab manual, if any Describe any steps taken to reduce experimental uncertainty

15 Checklist for a Procedure Section
Provide a sketch diagram of experimental setup Provide a list and/or descriptions of equipment Describe all any measurements, in roughly the order in which they made Describe any departures from procedure described in the lab manual, if any Describe any steps taken to reduce experimental uncertainty

16 Analysis Section Data reduction -- from many numbers to the few
-- from raw data to calculated data Graphing -- present your data graphically -- “The dependence of …is given in Fig. 1” Results -- creative, but very careful, don’t allow yourself to indulge in empty speculation about an unexpected result -- avoid comments like: “Our results prove that the theory is correct.”

17 Lab Report Read your report over twice.
4 or 5 single-spaced typewritten pages of text, not counting graphs. This means that few of the major sections will exceed one page in length, and some may be shorter. There are some items you should leave out of a lab report. Please don’t complain about the equipment. Don’t editorialize about an experiment being a “success” or “failure” in the context of agreement with accepted theories.

18 4、结语 根据本课程的要求,每个实验的实际实验时间非常有限。本文对于赛曼效应实验的调节方面进行了分析,在达到实验所要求的精确程度的前提下,提出了一种提高调整效率的方法,可以使总体的实验效率有一定程度的提高。此外,设计了一种简易的装置,可以在不改变原实验装置的情况下,在一定程度上提高测量的精确度,部分的满足一些更深层次探究的需要。

19 引言:光泵磁共振实验包括了原子物理中很多的内容,其中用光抽运-磁共振-光探测技术,对于原子、离子和 的研究有着非常重要的意义,使我们更加深刻了对于微观粒子结构的认识
摘要 对实验中粒子能谱进行分析,并做出简单的修正;分析实验中的其他误差。

20 由于记录数据的范围不够,只有粒子峰前的数据,没有记录峰之后的曲线,因此无法做出准确的多项式拟合。虽然方法不够准确,但是我绝对没有不负责任的去凑数据。我对本底一共只进行了两次拟合,第一次是因为选取的拟合范围包含了本底峰,所得出的曲线发现本底峰附近的线性并不好,因此缩小了选取的拟合范围,拟合后的线性良好。

21 有图看出,垂直磁感应增加,抽运信号振幅减小。随着水平磁场的磁感应强度越强,则抽运信号的振幅变化就越小。

22 G-M计数管及核衰变的统计规律 摘要: 引言: 实验理论 1.G-M计数器 2.核衰变统计规律与放射性测量的统计误差 3.放射性测量数据分布规律的检验 χ²检验法 频率直方图检验法 结果与讨论 1.统计规律验证 1) 低计数 2) 高计数 2.时间间隔分布规律 3.双源法 参考文献

23 竖直场线圈电流/mA 竖直场磁感应强度/Gs /rad 抽运信号振幅/mV 抽运信号相对振幅 70 1 180 80 0.03 168 90 0.06 148 100 0.09 0.676 126 0.7 110 0.12 104 120 0.15 88 130 0.16 72 0.4


25 Franck-Hertz实验的物理过程 摘要:通过对Franck-Hertz实验中的电子能量分布及其动态变化的分析,对Franck-Hertz曲线的规律性波动现象作出了直观的解释。对充汞Franck-Hertz管,考虑了电子的额外加速程、汞原子的多能级共同激发以及电子与汞原子非弹性碰撞后电子具有剩余能量等因素,对Franck-Hertz实验的物理过程有了更全面的了解,并对Franck-Hertz曲线峰间距随加速电压增大而持续变大的现象作出了解释。



28 I、引言: Franck-Hertz实验是一个经典的近代物理实验… 这个实验还有进一步改进和提高的空间…在Franck-Hertz实验中还有一些现象有待进一步的讨论和解释… 关于峰间距变大的问题,G. Rapior等人已经做过相应的研究 … 我们认为,首先这段额外的加速过程是存在的,…其次,我们认为电子在与汞原子发生非弹性碰撞后,其能量并不能完全转移,…;第三,对汞原子各能级的激发的影响应当分别考虑…。基于这几点考虑,我们得到了对Franck-Hertz管中的物理过程的全面认识,并成功地解释了Franck-Hertz曲线的峰间距增大现象。

29 Ⅵ、总结 我们首先通过分析Franck-Hertz实验中电子能量分布曲线的动态变化过程,直观地解释了Franck-Hertz曲线的规律性波动现象。我们注意到电子能量在达到原子的某激发态时,非弹性碰撞不一定马上发生,由此我们定义了电子的额外加速程。一方面电子在额外加速程中积累的能量使电子有机会去激发原子的较高能级,而且该能量的增加使发生较高激发的比重增大。另一方面,电子激发原子只是失去该激发态所需的相应能量,也就是说在非弹性碰撞后电子还有剩余能量。因此最终决定峰间距变化规律的不是电子发生非弹性碰撞当时的能量,而是与电子激发原子可能到达的各激发态的权重变化有关。由于随加速电压的增加,较高激发的权重增加,所以电子发生一次非弹性碰撞的平均能量损失必然增大,反映在实验结果上就是Franck-Hertz曲线峰间距的持续增大。我们认为这就是在Franck-Hertz管中发生的实际物理过程。

30 如何写实验报告 用3、4句句子写明“摘要” 用3、4句句子写明“结论” 使用正确的格式,用好Checklist
尊重原始数据,正确表达不确定度 切中要害的分析,切忌空想 在头脑中形成一条主线,描述你的全部实验,用精 练、准确、科学的语言,写成一篇不超过4-5页, 100多人都能看得懂的报告。

31 关于实验报告的“三句半” 抄书抄讲义,浪费时间 一定不要抄书 报告写得越长得分越高,负担太重 4-5页 实验记录再写一遍,真没意思
实验报告不是实验记录的翻版 最好不写实验报告 练习写实验报告终身受益

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