信心中的看見 Through Eyes of Faith

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1 信心中的看見 Through Eyes of Faith
慕創 [18] 詞、曲:呂敏文、施弘文 我聽見主的天軍戰鼓聲 I hear the sound of Heaven's battle drums! 這是天使前進腳步聲 God's thundering Angels marching on! 耶和華如同烈焰向前行 Jehovah advances like a roaring fire! 火焰輪子展開寶座奧秘 Wheels of fire unleash God's mysteries! 信心中的看見 [1/6]

2 我看見神的約櫃向前行 榮耀煙雲充滿著能力 祭司威武如展開的旌旗 向著迦南同心踏進
I see God's presence move forth as the Ark! 榮耀煙雲充滿著能力 God’s power fills the glory cloud! 祭司威武如展開的旌旗 Your priests are majestic as banners! 向著迦南同心踏進 Enter Canaan in unity! 信心中的看見 [2/6]

3 * 約旦河水波濤洶湧漲四溢 這條路向來沒人走過 但我信心的眼睛已看見 神在那地豎立旌旗
Jordan River's waters surge and overflow! 這條路向來沒人走過 This forged path no one has ever tread 但我信心的眼睛已看見 Yet through the eyes of Faith I already see 神在那地豎立旌旗 God's raised banners claim the new land! 信心中的看見 [3/6]

4 *- Cont’d 約旦河水波濤洶湧漲四溢 這條路向來沒人走過 當敬畏自潔在神的面前 耶和華要創作更新
Waves of Jordan crash and billow! Overflow! 這條路向來沒人走過 A new path of faith journeyed by none 當敬畏自潔在神的面前 I cleanse my garments in reverence of You LORD! 耶和華要創作更新 Jehovah Creates and Renews! 信心中的看見 [4/6]

5 *- Cont’d 剛強壯膽不要懼怕 將信心堅持到底 剛強壯膽大步前進 Be Bold and Do not fear!
Faith persists unto the end! 剛強壯膽大步前進 Be Courageous! Take great Strides! May your faith fight to the end! 信心中的看見 [5/6]

6 將起初信心堅持到底(*) 將信心堅持到底 Coda May my faith be as it was at first.(*)
Faith endures unto the end! Copyright 2004 Forerunner Mission Ministry 信心中的看見 [6/6]

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