我寧願有耶穌 I’d Rather Have Jesus Hymn 411 Rhea F. Miller

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1 我寧願有耶穌 I’d Rather Have Jesus Hymn 411 Rhea F. Miller
George Beverly Shea CCLI #

2 1) 我寧願有耶穌,勝於金錢 我寧屬耶穌,勝過財富無邊 我寧願有耶穌,勝於地土 願主釘痕手,引導我前途
411 - 我寧願有耶穌 I’d Rather Have Jesus 1) 我寧願有耶穌,勝於金錢 I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold 我寧屬耶穌,勝過財富無邊 I’d rather be His than have riches untold 我寧願有耶穌,勝於地土 I’d rather have Jesus than houses or lands 願主釘痕手,引導我前途 I’d rather be led by His nail-pierced hand 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus 1 of 6 CCLI #

3 (副歌) 勝過做君王,雖統治萬方 卻仍受罪惡捆綁 我寧願有耶穌,勝於世上 榮華、富貴、聲望
411 - 我寧願有耶穌 I’d Rather Have Jesus (副歌) 勝過做君王,雖統治萬方 (Chorus) Than to be the king of a vast domain 卻仍受罪惡捆綁 Or be held in sin’s dread sway 我寧願有耶穌,勝於世上 I’d rather have Jesus than anything 榮華、富貴、聲望 This world affords today 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus 2 of 6 CCLI #

4 2) 我寧願有耶穌,勝於稱揚 我寧忠於主,滿足主的心腸 我寧願有耶穌,勝於美名 願對主忠誠宣揚主聖名
411 - 我寧願有耶穌 I’d Rather Have Jesus 2) 我寧願有耶穌,勝於稱揚 I’d rather have Jesus than men’s applause 我寧忠於主,滿足主的心腸 I’d rather be faithful to His dear cause 我寧願有耶穌,勝於美名 I’d rather have Jesus than worldwide fame 願對主忠誠宣揚主聖名 I’d rather be true to His holy name 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus 3 of 6 CCLI # 4

5 (副歌) 勝過做君王,雖統治萬方 卻仍受罪惡捆綁 我寧願有耶穌,勝於世上 榮華、富貴、聲望
411 - 我寧願有耶穌 I’d Rather Have Jesus (副歌) 勝過做君王,雖統治萬方 (Chorus) Than to be the king of a vast domain 卻仍受罪惡捆綁 Or be held in sin’s dread sway 我寧願有耶穌,勝於世上 I’d rather have Jesus than anything 榮華、富貴、聲望 This world affords today 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus 4 of 6 CCLI # 5

6 3) 恩主比百合花美麗鮮艷 祂比蜂房下滴的蜜更甘甜 我帶飢渴心靈來到主前 有主的同在,勝似赴美筵
411 - 我寧願有耶穌 I’d Rather Have Jesus 3) 恩主比百合花美麗鮮艷 He’s fairer than lilies of rarest bloom 祂比蜂房下滴的蜜更甘甜 He’s sweeter than honey from out the comb 我帶飢渴心靈來到主前 He’s all that my hungering spirit needs 有主的同在,勝似赴美筵 I’d rather have Jesus and let Him lead 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus 5 of 6 CCLI # 6

7 (副歌) 勝過做君王,雖統治萬方 卻仍受罪惡捆綁 我寧願有耶穌,勝於世上 榮華、富貴、聲望
411 - 我寧願有耶穌 I’d Rather Have Jesus (副歌) 勝過做君王,雖統治萬方 (Chorus) Than to be the king of a vast domain 卻仍受罪惡捆綁 Or be held in sin’s dread sway 我寧願有耶穌,勝於世上 I’d rather have Jesus than anything 榮華、富貴、聲望 This world affords today 4 slides 1,2,3,4 Chorus slide 3,4 Repeat Songs 2 times and then repeat Chorus 6 of 6 CCLI # 7

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