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The brief history of National Taichung University (NTCU)

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1 The brief history of National Taichung University (NTCU)
國立臺中教育大學簡史 The brief history of National Taichung University (NTCU)

2 自創校以來,本校已擁有超過百年之優良歷史與傳承,不僅培育優秀師資,也孕育許多法官、律師、企業家、政治家、工程師等各類社會人才
目前發展理念:創新經營、邁向卓越、永續發展 National Taichung University of Education (NTCU) is a university with proud legacy. The University has prepared not only excellent teachers but also talents in different fields, such as court judges, lawyers, entrepreneurs, politicians, and engineers. Its guiding principles have been “Innovative Management, Search for Excellence, and Sustainable Development.”

3 本校發展分成六期 初創期: 年於彰化孔廟開辦臺中師範學校 建校期: 年在現址建立臺中師範學校 師範學校時期: 年建立「社會楷模」的師資培育理念 師範專科時期: 年發展「博雅專業」的高等教育理想 師範學院時期: 年發展為「現代教育專業」的教學與研究機構 教育大學時期:2005年以後成為「地區第一、國內一流、國際知名」的文理型大學

4 1899 1923 1945 1960 1987 2005 Established in Changhua Wunwu Temple
The College was upgraded and renamed National Taichung University of Education 1987 The school was upgraded and renamed Taiwan Provincial Taichung Teachers College 1960 The school was promoted to Taiwan Provincial Junior Teachers 1945 The school was renamed the Taiwan Provincial Taichung Normal School 1923 School reestablished 1899 Established in Changhua Wunwu Temple

5 臺中教育大學長期累積的「教育」與「藝術」優勢,在臺灣中部地區已具有領導地位
With the advantages in the fields of education and art, NTCU has been a leader in the middle area of Taiwan. 未來更將積極發展各系所特色,開拓專業發展的藍海領域,成為國內一流的教學研究機構,並在快速國際化的過程中,達到國際知名學府的理想 It will continue to develop features for each academic department, to expand professional fields, to be one of the global leading research institutes, and in the rapid process of internalization, to become a renowned university.

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