(1)不肖黑心豬肉商企圖蒙蔽民眾 有關病死豬肉的事件。

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Presentation on theme: "(1)不肖黑心豬肉商企圖蒙蔽民眾 有關病死豬肉的事件。"— Presentation transcript:

1 (1)不肖黑心豬肉商企圖蒙蔽民眾 有關病死豬肉的事件。
(1)不肖黑心豬肉商企圖蒙蔽民眾 有關病死豬肉的事件。

2 (2)有成千上萬的病死豬肉流入學 校、餐廳等地方。
(2)有成千上萬的病死豬肉流入學 校、餐廳等地方。

3 (3)豬肉攤的生意因為病死豬肉的 事件而每況愈下。
(3)豬肉攤的生意因為病死豬肉的 事件而每況愈下。

4 (4)民眾被豬肉食品均可能摻雜病 死豬肉嚇得目瞪口呆。
(4)民眾被豬肉食品均可能摻雜病 死豬肉嚇得目瞪口呆。

5 (5)發生了病死豬肉的事件,家庭 主婦大發雷霆。
(5)發生了病死豬肉的事件,家庭 主婦大發雷霆。

6 (6)購買豬肉成了棘手的問題。

7 (7)衛生局表示會全力以赴去調查 病死豬肉的來源。
(7)衛生局表示會全力以赴去調查 病死豬肉的來源。

8 (8)希望不肖黑心肉商能捫心自問, 別再危害民眾。
(8)希望不肖黑心肉商能捫心自問, 別再危害民眾。

9 (9)更希望他們能夠公開認錯,對 民眾負責。
(9)更希望他們能夠公開認錯,對 民眾負責。

10 (10)如果最後他們被抓起來,那也 是他們自作自受。
(10)如果最後他們被抓起來,那也 是他們自作自受。

11 (1) The unscrupulous money-hungry pork
sellers attempted to pull the wool over the public’s eyes about diseased pork events. P.77-38

12 (2) Thousands upon thousands of diseased pork were sold into schools, restaurants and so on. P.62-12

13 (3) The pork sellers’ businesses were on the down grade because of
diseased pork events. P.65-48

14 (4) The public was stunned by the news of pork products may mixed with
diseased pork. P.80-59

15 (5) Housewives hit the ceiling for diseased pork events.

16 (6) How to buy the pork became hot potatoes.

17 (7) Department of Health indicated that
they will do their level best to investigate the source of diseased pork. P.66-練習二-1

18 (8) Hope the unscrupulous money-hungry
pork sellers can search their heart and do not harm the public anymore. P.66-50

19 (9) Hope they can stand in a white sheet and be responsible to people.

20 (10) It will give them rope to hang themselves if they get caught.

21 Thank you… ^_^

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