恩典的记号 The Marks of Grace.

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1 恩典的记号 The Marks of Grace

2 站在大海邊 才發現自己是多渺小 登上最高山 才發現天有多高 浩瀚的宇宙中 我真的微不足道 像灰塵 消失也沒人知道
Beside the sea do I realize my limitedness On the top of the mountain do I see the grandness Vast universe, where I mount to nothing Like the dust, disappeared without notice 1/4

3 夜空的星星 彷彿在對著我微微笑 輕聲告訴我 一切祂都看見了 我所有掙扎 所有軟弱和跌倒 將成為主恩典的記號
Stars, shining upon the darkness, smiling at me, Telling me softly, that He sees it ALL My struggles, weakness and fallbacks Upon which left Marks of Grace from God 2/4

4 當我呼求 耶穌聽見我的禱告 千萬人中 祂竟關心我的需要 走過的路 有歡笑有淚水 都留下 主恩典的記號
When I call upon Him, Jesus listens to my prayers Among all the people, He cares for my need There are laughter and tears on the road travelled, Upon which left Marks of Grace from God 3/4

5 在風雨中 耶穌將我緊緊擁抱 我深知道 祂是我永遠的依靠 走過的路 有歡笑有淚水 將成為 主恩典的記號
In the howling wind and raging rain, Jesus holds me tight I know deep in my heart that He’s my fortress forever There are laughter and tears on the road travelled, Upon which left Marks of Grace from God 4/4

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