The Blessing that God Promised to Abraham

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1 The Blessing that God Promised to Abraham
神應許亞伯拉罕的福 The Blessing that God Promised to Abraham

2 1) 神應許亞伯拉罕的福 The Blessing that God Promised to Abraham a
1) 神應許亞伯拉罕的福 The Blessing that God Promised to Abraham a. 後裔 The seed (創世記 Genesis15:5) b. 土地 The land (創世記 Genesis15:7) c. 耶和華與亞伯蘭立約 the LORD made a covenant with Abram (創世記 Genesis 15:18)

3 2) 亞伯拉罕的福,因基督耶穌可以臨到外邦人 The Blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus (加拉太書 Galatians 3:14) a. 子孫是指著一個人,就是基督 The seed is as of one, who is Christ (加拉太書 Galatians 3:16)

4 b. 神是憑著應許,把產業賜給亞伯拉罕 God gave the inheritance to Abraham by promise (加拉太書 Galatians 3:18) c. 使我們因信,得著所應許的聖靈 That we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith (加拉太書 Galatians 3:14)

5 3) 主來為要成全父的旨意 The Lord had come to do the Father’s will (希伯來書 Hebrews 10:7) - 今天、明天我趕鬼治病,第三天我的事就成全了…我必須前行 “I must journey” (路加福音 Luke 13:32,33) - 奉主名來的是應當稱頌的 Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord (路加福音 Luke 13:35)

6 4) 我們成為天上的國民 Our citizenship is in heaven (腓立比書 Philippians 3:20) - 等候救主從天降臨 Wait for the savior - 將卑賤身體變為榮耀 Our lowly body to be conformed to His glorious body (腓立比書 Philippians 3:21) - 靠主站立得穩 Stand fast in the Lord (腓立比書 Philippians 4:1)

7 5) 有ㄧ件事,我曾尋求耶和華 One thing I have desired of the Lord (詩篇 Psalms 27:4) - 一生一世住在耶和華的殿中 That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life

8 - 瞻仰祂的榮美 To behold the beauty of the Lord - 在祂的殿裡求問 To inquire in His temple

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