Requirements for SPN Information Modeling

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Presentation on theme: "Requirements for SPN Information Modeling"— Presentation transcript:

1 Requirements for SPN Information Modeling

2 SPN Network Architecture
SPN (Slicing Packet Network) is a new transport technology , which includes new protocols,new optical and new control. L2 VPN L3 VPN SDN controller Time Sync IETF Path Segment Packet Layer (SPL) Segment Routing with Path segment MAC Flexible connections with path OAM in 64B/66B blocks Path Layer (SCL) ITU-T OIF FlexE Logic Section Layer (STL) Lower Phy DWDM+ROADM Slicing Packet Network (SPN) Architecture

3 ITU-T standard Scope will define two new non recursive layer networks (path and section) that will be used in the metro networks, including the transport of D RAN and C RAN The path layer provides flexible connections that carry client data and path OAM in 64B/66B blocks that are conformant to IEEE clause 82 encoding rules and results in valid B/66B blocks, which allows using the lower layers of the Ethernet protocol stack. OAM functions include connection verifications, PM, path status and delay measurement. Protection overhead to support path layer SNCP will also be supported. The section layer frame format will be defined in a way that maximizes reuse of FlexE implementation logic including support for bonding homogenous groups of 50GBASE R, 100GBASE R, 200GBASE R, 400GBASER PHYs PMDs. The section layer frame format will only use valid IEEE clause 82 64B/66B blocks which will allow use of the lower layers of Ethernet stack in the same way as FlexE.

4 SPN NBI and information modeling requirements
SPN network northbound interface and information model requirements: Compatible with OMC system of existing network Open and programmable interface support rapid and flexible deployment of new services. Cross-Layer (packet/optical) and cross-domain (wireless/transport/core) orchestration; End-to-end transport network slice lifecycle management; Third-party “BSS” Third-party “BSS” Network Application Layer BSS NBI Orchestrator/Super Controller NBI SPN network northbound interface requirements: Open and programmable interface is provided to support rapid and flexable deployment of new services. Cross-Layer (packet/optical) and cross-domain (wireless/transport/core) orchestration; End-to-end transport network slice lifecycle management; Compatible with OMC system of existing network, Legcy OMC system smoothly evolves to SPN control system Network Management Layer RAN Controller SPN Controller IP network Controller Core Controller Common Infrastructure Layer AP Edge DC Core DC Terminal AN TN CN APP

5 Enterprise private line
The transport network slice should be modeled SPN Network Slicing:With the management and control plane integration, SPN implements logical abstraction of physical resources , achieving "one physical network and multiple networking architectures”. How to model the transport network slices should be considered. SPN Physical Network View SPN Network Slice Presenting SPN Controller ONAP wireless VNFC Core NetworkVNFC SDN-O NE1 NE2 NE3 NE4 NE5 NE6 NE7 NE8 L1:TDM L2 VPN L3 VPN uRLLC mMTC Enterprise private line eMBB Internet High reliability Sensitive to delay Large bandwidth General reliability Non-sensitive to delay Software isolation Hardware isolation mMTC uRLLC Slice subnet control

6 Some new information models needed
SPN layer network architecture SPN information model requirements L2 VPN L3 VPN Existing L2 VPN/L3 VPN Modeling Segment Routing with Path segment SR-TP information modeling MAC Existing MAC information modeling Flexible connections with path OAM in 64B/66B blocks G.Mtn path layer information modeling OIF FlexE Logic G.Mtn section layer and FlexE interface information modeling Lower Phy DWDM+ROADM Optical layer information modeling

7 Thanks

8 参考资料—G.mtn需要新增哪些详细的信息模型
根据《中国移动切片分组网(SPN)总体技术要求》定义的网络模型,需要为新增的切片传送层、切片通道层建模。 定义flexe-group、flexe-channel类,或直接使用fc、ltp、link类 flexe-group的源宿端口为一个FlexE Group,建模为ltp;flexE-channel的源宿端口为一个FlexE Client,也建模为ltp。 端到端的flexe-group建模为fc 端到端的flexe-channel建模为fc flexe-channel的Overhead功能,重新定义新的类型:flexe-channel-overhead。 flexe-channel具备的保护属性,放在fc-switch中。

9 参考资料—SR-TP需要新增哪些详细的信息模型
SR-TP隧道管理的对象类型和操作接口定义,使用FC。 SR-TP隧道的标签栈使用FcRoute。 SR-TP隧道的保护使用FcSwitch。 SR-TP隧道的BindingSID使用FcRoute嵌套来实现。

10 参考资料—切片需要新增哪些详细的信息模型

11 SPN拓扑模型与SPTN信息模型之间的关系
Information model of PTN topology 需基于PTN拓扑信息模型,为SPN补充定义OIF FlexE接口拓扑信息模型; 需补充基于网络切片的拓扑管理信息模型

12 SPN分组模型与SPTN信息模型之间的关系
Information model of PTN packet service 需基于PTN分组业务信息模型,为SPN补充定义SR-TP、L3VPN、SPN Channel信息模型; 需补充基于网络切片的业务管理信息模型

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