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南投縣104年度四、六年級英語科 學習成就測驗回饋報告

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Presentation on theme: "南投縣104年度四、六年級英語科 學習成就測驗回饋報告"— Presentation transcript:

1 南投縣104年度四、六年級英語科 學習成就測驗回饋報告
國小英語領域輔導員 延平國小 鄒海茵

2 大綱 1.試題編製與對應能力指標 2.檢測結果分析 3.補救策略與教學建議

3 1. 試題編製與對應能力指標 1-1. 檢測目的 1-2. 命題依據 1-3. 評量向度

4 1. 試題編製與對應能力指標 1-3. 評量向度: 四年級對應能力指標 字母 子母音聽辨 詞彙 句意 Listening Reading
1-1-1 1-1-2 5-1-6 1-1-3 1-1-7 1-1-8 Reading 3-1-1 3-1-2 3-1-5 Writing 4-1-1 4-1-3 3-1-6 4-1-4

5 1. 試題編製與對應能力指標 1-3. 評量向度: 六年級對應能力指標 詞彙 單句 對話問答 短文 Listening Reading 字詞
1-1-3 1-1-8 1-1-9 Reading 3-1-2 3-1-5 字詞 句子重組 Writing 4-1-5 5-1-7 3-1-6 4-1-7

6 2. 檢測結果分析 2-1. 四年級 2-2. 六年級 2-3. 學生錯誤示例

7 2-1. 檢測結果分析: 104 四年級 字母 答錯率 子母音聽辨 詞彙 句意 Listening 3% 11.6% 10.8% 7.2%
Reading 5.2% 16.6% 25% Writing 9.8% 16.5% 28.5%

8 2-2. 檢測結果分析: 104 六年級 詞彙 答錯率 單句 對話問答 短文 Listening 10.5% 5.4% 14.6%
24.6% Reading 26.2% 36.6% 22.4% 字詞 句子重組 Writing 57.2% 63.4% 38.6%

9 學生錯誤示例及補救建議: 見試卷:

10 學生錯誤示例及補救建議:


12 學生錯誤示例及補救建議:

13 學生錯誤示例及補救建議:

14 3. 補救策略與教學建議 3-1.補救策略 1. 設定教學目標 2. 引發並維持學習動機 3. 強化音韻覺識 4. 建立書寫格式概念
5. 運用多重感官,由做中學

15 3. 補救策略與教學建議 3-2 教學建議 1.字母拼讀法強化字音-字義-字形的連結 2.增加詞彙認讀、拼寫及句子認讀、書寫練習
3.善用課文內容,帶入閱讀理解策略 4.適時統整複習相關學習內容

16 3. 補救策略與教學建議 3-2 教學建議 5.課室英語與全英語教學
「全英語授課」係指該學期英語課程中課堂用語(classroom English)或運用教學媒體,使用英語教學比率達70%以上。 6.差異化教學(differentiation),提供班級內不同程度學生適合其程度的學習任務 (task-based learning)

17 Dinosaur Song adapted from Steven Murray, BC Teacher Training Program, 2016
They used to walk. They used to (1)______. They used to fly with a toothy (2)_______. Some ate plants and some ate (3)________. Some walked around on just two feet. (chorus) Oh, the dinosaurs! Big as (4)________! The dinosaurs! Brains like (5)________! Jaws and (6)________ and teeth and (7)________...  that used to growl and (8)________ and moan.

18 Some had (9)________. Some had (10)________
Some had (9)________. Some had (10)________.  Spikes clubs and whip-like tails. They fought like (11)________. The earth sure shock. The volcanos sizzled and the (12)________ cooked. (chorus) Tyrannosaurus Rex was a (13)________ king. The Stegosaurus' tail could really (14)________. Brachiosaurus liked to (15)_________. Trachadon would chew and (16)________. (chorus) They roamed the earth for a hundred (17)______ years without worries, cares or fears. Then one day they hit the soil... Now they're fossils, gas and (18)________! (chorus)x2

19 Questions and Comments

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