May the Mind of Christ My Savior 救主基督的心(1)

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1 May the Mind of Christ My Savior 救主基督的心(1)
live in me from day to day, by his love and power controlling all I do and all I say. May the Word of God dwell richly in my heart from hour to hour, so that all may see I triumph only through God’s love and power. 願基督我救主的心天天活在我裡面 藉祂的慈愛與大能掌管我的言行 願神的話語時刻豐富地存在我心 讓眾人看見我唯靠神的慈愛與大能得勝 May the Mind of Christ My Savior 救主基督的心(1)

2 May the Mind of Christ My Savior 救主基督的心(2)
May the peace of God my Father rule my life in everything, that I may be calm to comfort the sick and sorrowing. May the love of Jesus fill me as the waters fill the sea, Christ exalting, self abasing, for this is victory! 願父神的平安管理我的生活 使我能平靜地安慰軟弱憂傷的人 願耶穌的愛充滿我如汪洋 高舉基督,降卑自己,乃是勝利 May the Mind of Christ My Savior 救主基督的心(2)

3 May the Mind of Christ My Savior 救主基督的心(3)
May I run the race before me, strong and brave to face the foe, looking only unto Jesus as onward I will go. May the mind of Christ my Savior live in me from day to day, by his love and power controlling all I do and all I say. 願我跑那當跑的路, 堅定勇敢地面對仇敵 單單仰望耶穌, 前行天路 願基督我救主的心, 天天活在我裡面 藉祂的慈愛與大能, 掌管我的言行 May the Mind of Christ My Savior 救主基督的心(3)

4 May the Mind of Christ My Savior 救主基督的心(4)
May the Word of God dwell richly in my heart from hour to hour, so that all may see I triumph only through God’s love and power. 願神的話語時刻豐富地存在我心 讓眾人看見我, 唯靠神的慈愛與大能得勝 May the Mind of Christ My Savior 救主基督的心(4)

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