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Presentation on theme: "生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平台"— Presentation transcript:

1 生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平台
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平台 Summary for policymakers of the global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services 《生物多样性和生态系统服务全球评估》之“决策者摘要”(SPM) Main Messages 主要信息 A. Nature and its vital contributions to people, which together embody biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services, are deteriorating worldwide. 自然及其对人类的重要贡献,它们共同体现了生物多样性和生态系统的功能和服务,正在全球范围内恶化。 A1 Nature is essential for human existence and good quality of life. Most of nature’s contributions to people are not fully replaceable, and some are irreplaceable 自然对人类的生存和良好的生活质量至关重要。大自然对人类的贡献,大部分都不是完全可以替代的,有些是不可替代的。

2 自然对人的贡献往往在空间和时间之间,以及在社会不同阶层之间分布不均。在生产和使用自然的贡献方面往往存在权衡
A2 Nature’s contributions to people are often distributed unequally across space and time and among different segments of society. There are often trade-offs in the production and use of nature’s contributions 自然对人的贡献往往在空间和时间之间,以及在社会不同阶层之间分布不均。在生产和使用自然的贡献方面往往存在权衡 A3 Since 1970, trends in agricultural production, fish harvest, bioenergy production and harvest of materials have increased, but 14 of the 18 categories of contributions of nature that were assessed, mostly regulating and non-material contributions, have declined. 自1970年以来, 农业生产、鱼类捕捞、生物能源生产和材料收获的趋势有所增加, 但在评估的18种自然贡献中, 有14种主要是由管制和非物质贡献的,已经下降。 A4 Nature across most of the globe has now been significantly altered by multiple human drivers, with the great majority of indicators of ecosystems and biodiversity showing rapid decline. 目前, 全球大部分地区的自然已被多种人类驱动因素显著改变, 绝大多数生态系统和生物多样性指标显示出迅速下降。

3 大自然及其对人类的重要贡献共同体现了生物多样性和生态系统的功能和服务, 正在全世界范围内恶化。
A. 2 Nature and its vital contributions to people, which together embody biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services, are deteriorating worldwide. 大自然及其对人类的重要贡献共同体现了生物多样性和生态系统的功能和服务, 正在全世界范围内恶化。 A5 Human actions threaten more species with global extinction now than ever before 人类的活动在比以往任何时候都威胁着更加多的物种在全球灭绝 A6 Globally, local varieties and breeds of domesticated plants and animals are disappearing. This loss of diversity, including genetic diversity, poses a serious risk to global food security by undermining the resilience of many agricultural systems to threats such as pests, pathogens and climate change 在全球范围内, 本地植物和动物种群正在消失。包括遗传多样性在内的多样性的丧失破坏了许多农业系统对虫害、病原体和气候变化等威胁的复原力, 从而对全球粮食安全构成严重风险

4 在区域内和区域间的管理和非管理系统中, 生物群落正在变得越来越相似。
A7 Biological communities are becoming more similar to each other in both managed and unmanaged systems within and across regions. 在区域内和区域间的管理和非管理系统中, 生物群落正在变得越来越相似。 A8 Human-induced changes are creating conditions for fast biological evolution - so rapid that its effects can be seen in only a few years or even more quickly. The consequences can be positive or negative for biodiversity and ecosystems, but can create uncertainty about the sustainability of species, ecosystem functions and the delivery of nature’s contributions to people 人类引起的变化正在为快速的生物进化创造条件--如此之快, 其影响能在几年甚至更快的时间内就看到。其对生物多样性和生态系统造成的后果可能是积极的, 也可能是消极的, 但可能对物种的可持续性、生态系统的功能和自然对人类的贡献产生不确定性

5 在过去的50年里,直接和间接的变革驱动因素加速了
Direct and indirect drivers of change have accelerated during the past 50 years 在过去的50年里,直接和间接的变革驱动因素加速了 B1 For terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems, land-use change has had the largest relative negative impact on nature since 1970, followed by the direct exploitation, in particular overexploitation, of animals, plants and other organisms mainly via harvesting, logging, hunting and fishing. In marine ecosystems, direct exploitation of organisms (mainly fishing) has had the largest relative impact, followed by land/sea-use change 就陆地和淡水生态系统而言, 自1970年以来, 对陆地使用的变化对自然产生了最大的相对负面影响, 其次是主要通过采伐、伐木、狩猎和捕鱼而进行的过度开掘,尤其是对动物、植物和其它生物的过度开发。在海洋生态系统中,对生物的直接利用(主要是捕鱼)具有最大的相对影响,其次是对陆地/海洋使用的变化 B2 Climate change is a direct driver that is increasingly exacerbating the impact of other drivers on nature and human well-being 气候变化是一个直接驱动因素, 日益加剧着其他驱动因素对自然和人类福祉的影响

6 许多类型的污染以及外来入侵物种正在增加, 对自然产生着负面影响。
B3 Many types of pollution, as well as invasive alien species, are increasing, with negative impacts for nature. 许多类型的污染以及外来入侵物种正在增加, 对自然产生着负面影响。 B4 In the past 50 years, the human population has doubled, the global economy has grown nearly 4-fold and global trade has grown 10-fold, together driving up the demands for energy and materials 在过去的50年里,人口增长了一倍,全球经济增长了近4倍,全球贸易增长了10倍,同时推动了对能源和材料的需求 B5 Economic incentives generally have favoured expanding economic activity, and often environmental harm, over conservation or restoration. Incorporating the consideration of the multiple values of ecosystem functions and of nature’s contribution to people into economic incentives has, in the economy, been shown to permit better ecological, economic and social outcomes 经济激励措施通常有利于扩大经济活动,而且往往对环境造成损害,而不是保护或恢复。在经济中,将对生态系统功能和自然对人的贡献的多重价值的考虑纳入经济激励措施,已被证明可以取得更好的生态,经济和社会成果

7 B6 Nature managed by indigenous peoples and local communities is under increasing pressure. Nature is generally declining less rapidly in indigenous peoples’ land than in other lands, but is nevertheless declining, as is the knowledge of how to manage it. At least a quarter of the global land area is traditionally owned, managed,2 used or occupied by indigenous peoples. 土著居民和当地社区管理的自然面临越来越大的压力。土著居民土地上自然丧失的速度通常低于其他土地, 但也仍在衰退, 关于怎样管理自然的知识也在衰退。全球至少四分之一的土地面积传统上为土著居民所拥有、管理、使用或占用。

8 Goals for conserving and sustainably using nature and achieving sustainability cannot be met by current trajectories, and goals for 2030 and beyond may only be achieved through transformative changes across economic, social, political and technological factors 保护和可持续利用自然和实现可持续性的目标无法通过目前的轨迹来实现, 2030年及以后的目标只能通过经济、社会、政治和技术因素的转型来实现 C1 Implementation of policy responses and actions to conserve nature and manage it more sustainably has progressed, yielding positive outcomes relative to scenarios of no intervention, but not sufficiently to stem the direct and indirect drivers of nature deterioration. It is therefore likely that most of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets for 2020 will be missed 为保护自然和更可持续地管理自然而采取的政策对策和行动的执行工作取得了进展, 相对于没有干预的情形产生了积极的成果, 但不足以充分阻止自然恶化的直接和间接驱动因素。因此, 2020年爱知生物多样性目标很可能无法实现

9 C2 Nature is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
C2 Nature is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. However, taking into consideration that the Sustainable Development Goals are integrated and indivisible, as well as implemented nationally, current negative trends in biodiversity and ecosystems will undermine progress towards 80 per cent (35 out of 44) of the assessed targets of goals related to poverty, hunger, health, water, cities, climate, oceans and land (Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 13, 14, and 15) 自然对于实现可持续发展目标至关重要。然而, 考虑到可持续发展目标是综合和不可分割的, 并在国家一级实施,目前生物多样性和生态系统的负面趋势将破坏实现80%可持续发展目标的评估目标(44项中的35项)的进展,涉及贫困、饥饿、健康、水、城市、气候、海洋和陆地(联合国可持续发展目标中的第1、2、3、6、11、13、14和15项)。 C4 Except in scenarios that include transformative change, negative trends in nature, ecosystem functions and in many of nature’s contributions to people are projected to continue to 2050 and beyond, due to the projected impacts of increasing land/and sea-use change, exploitation of organisms and climate change 除包括变革性变化在内的情形外, 由于对陆地/海洋使用变化的增加、对生物过度开掘,以及气候变化的预计影响, 自然、生态系统功能以及自然对人类的许多贡献的消极趋势预计将持续到2050年及以后

10 自然能够得到保护、恢复和可持续利用, 同时通过促进变革的紧急和协调一致的努力来实现其它全球社会目标。
D. Nature can be conserved, restored and used sustainably while simultaneously meeting other global societal goals through urgent and concerted efforts fostering transformative change. 自然能够得到保护、恢复和可持续利用, 同时通过促进变革的紧急和协调一致的努力来实现其它全球社会目标。 D1 The global environment can be safeguarded through enhanced international cooperation and linked locally relevant measures. The review and renewal of agreed environment-related international goals and targets based on the best available scientific knowledge and the widespread adoption and funding of conservation, ecological restoration and sustainable use actions by all actors, including individuals, are key to this safeguarding 通过加强国际合作和与当地相关的措施,能够保护全球的环境。根据现有的最佳科学知识来审查和更新商定的和环境有关的国际目标和指标,以及包括个人在内的所有行动者来广泛采用和资助保护、生态恢复和可持续利用的行动,是这种保障的关键

11 D2 Five main interventions (“levers”) can generate transformative change by tackling the underlying indirect drivers of nature deterioration: (1) incentives and capacity-building; (2) cross-sectoral cooperation; (3) pre-emptive action; (4) decision-making in the context of resilience and uncertainty; and (5) environmental law and implementation 五项主要的干预措施(“杠杆”)能够通过解决使自然恶化的潜在间接驱动因素来产生变革:(1)激励措施与能力建设;(2)跨部门合作;(3)先发制人的行动;(4)在复原力和不确定性的背景下做出决策;(5)环境法和实施 D3 [Transformations towards sustainability are more likely when efforts are directed at the following key leverage points, where efforts yield exceptionally large effects (Figure SPM.9): (1) visions of a good life; (2) total consumption and waste; (3) values and action; (4) inequalities; (5) justice and inclusion in conservation; (6) externalities and telecouplings; (7) technology, innovation and investment; and (8) education and knowledge generation and sharing. 如果将努力针对以下关键杠杆点,就更有可能实现可持续性的转变,因为这些努力产生了特别大的影响(“决策者摘要”图9所示)1)美好生活的愿景; 2)总消费和浪费;3)价值观和行动;4)不平等;5)保护中的公正和包容;6)外部因素和远程耦合;7)技术、创新和投资;8)教育和知识的产生与分享

12 D4 The character and trajectories of transformation will vary across contexts, with challenges and needs differing, among others, in developing and developed countries. Risks related to inevitable uncertainties and complexities in transformations towards sustainability can be reduced through governance approaches that are integrative, inclusive, informed and adaptive 转型的性质和轨迹将因背景而异,发展中国家和发达国家的挑战和需求也不同。通过综合、包容、知情和适应性的治理方法,可以减少与实现可持续性转变中不可避免的不确定性和复杂性相关的风险 D5 Recognizing the knowledge, innovations and practices, institutions and values of indigenous peoples and local communities and their inclusion and participation in environmental governance often enhances their quality of life, as well as nature conservation, restoration and sustainable use, which is relevant to broader society. Governance, including customary institutions and management systems, and co-management regimes involving indigenous peoples and local communities, can be an effective way to safeguard nature and its contributions to people, incorporating locally attuned management systems and indigenous and local knowledge. 认识到土著居民和当地社区的知识、创新和实践、体制和价值观,和他们融入与参与环境治理往往会提高他们的生活质量,以及和更广泛的社会相关的自然保护、恢复和可持续利用。治理,包括习惯体系和管理体制,以及涉及土著居民和当地社区的共同管理制度,能够成为保护自然及其对人民贡献的有效方式,纳入当地调和的管理体系以及土著与地方知识。

13 通过对陆地、淡水和海洋的干预措施进行协调组合,包括利益攸关方之间就公海的使用进行多层次协调,能够实现维持和保护渔业、海洋物种以及生态系统。
D6 Feeding humanity and enhancing the conservation and sustainable use of nature are complementary and closely interdependent goals that can be advanced through sustainable agricultural, aquacultural and livestock systems, the safeguarding of native species, varieties, breeds and habitats, and ecological restoration. 养活人类与加强自然保护和可持续利用,是能够通过可持续农业、水产养殖和畜牧系统、保护本地物种、品种、品种和栖息地,以及生态恢复来推进的互补和密切相互关联的目标 D7 Sustaining and conserving fisheries and marine species and ecosystems can be achieved through a coordinated mix of interventions on land, in freshwater and in the oceans, including multilevel coordination across stakeholders on the use of open oceans 通过对陆地、淡水和海洋的干预措施进行协调组合,包括利益攸关方之间就公海的使用进行多层次协调,能够实现维持和保护渔业、海洋物种以及生态系统。

14 基于自然的解决方案对于实现城市可持续发展目标具有成本效益,而这些目标对全球可持续发展至关重要
D8 [Land-based climate change mitigation activities can be effective and support conservation goals {Table SPM1}. However, the large-scale deployment of bioenergy plantations and afforestation of non-forest ecosystems can come with negative side effects for biodiversity and ecosystem functions 基于陆地的减缓气候变化的活动能够有效支持保护目标{“决策者摘要”表1}。然而,大规模地部署生物能源种植园和非森林生态系统的植树造林会对生物多样性和生态系统功能产生负面影响 D9 Nature-based solutions can be cost-effective for meeting the Sustainable Development Goals in cities, which are crucial for global sustainability 基于自然的解决方案对于实现城市可持续发展目标具有成本效益,而这些目标对全球可持续发展至关重要 D10 A key constituent of sustainable pathways is the evolution of global financial and economic systems to build a global sustainable economy, steering away from the current limited paradigm of economic growth 可持续发展路径的一个关键组成部分是全球金融和经济体系的演变,以建立全球可持续经济,拜托目前有限的经济增长模式

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