Center for Deliberative Democracy, Stanford University

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1 Center for Deliberative Democracy, Stanford University
Questionnaires問卷 Center for Deliberative Democracy, Stanford University

2 协商民意调查和定量研究方法 Deliberative Polling & Quantitative Research
问卷 Questionnaires – 之前和之后 before & after deliberation 政策态度 Policy Attitudes Example 例:How important is constructing road X in this village? 在这村里建这条道路有多重要? 价值观 Values Example 例:How important is this to you and your family’s daily life convenience? 对您为您家人生话方便有多大重要? Center for Deliberative Democracy, Stanford University

3 协商民意调查和定量研究方法 Deliberative Polling & Quantitative Research
知识 Knowledge Example 例:Which of the below is not a major product of Zeguo Township? 下例的哪个产品不是泽国镇的主要产品? 人口统计/人基本情况 Demographics Example 例:性别,年龄,等 评估问题 Evaluation Questions Example 例:What are your views on the entire day of deliberation? 您对今天的协商讨论的看法?

4 問卷注意事項 Be aware: Questionnaires
設計 Construction Length, participants, types of questions 問題標度 Question scales 1 to 5, 1 to 7, 0 to 10 scale Differences between scales? 同意/不同意 Agree/Disagree; 贊同/反對Favor/Oppose; 重要/不重要Important/Unimportant 注意 Be aware: 认同偏差 Acquiescence Bias Center for Deliberative Democracy, Stanford University

5 問卷注意事項 Be aware: Questionnaires
問題順序 Question order General to Specific? Specific to General? 例如 人口統計問題在最後 i.e. demographic questions at the end 雙重含義問題 Double-barreled questions Example: Should the government spend less money on military and more money on education? 政府是否应该花多点钱在军事,少点钱在教育?

6 問卷注意事項 Be aware: Questionnaires
問題中的信息 Information in questions 不知道或不適用選項 Don‘t Know or N/A Option 短或長的問卷調查 Shorter vs. longer surveys 前期測試 Pre-test surveys Center for Deliberative Democracy, Stanford University

7 問卷注意事項 Be aware: Questionnaires
收集方法 Method of Collection 面對面 In-person: longer interviews, personal connection, more costly 郵寄 Mail: less costs, low response rate, significant time 電話 Phone: less costs, lower tolerance for long interviews, small window to call 網絡 Internet: cost and time effective, no interview bias, must have computer or access Center for Deliberative Democracy, Stanford University

8 協商民意調查與定量研究 Deliberative Polling & Quantitative Research
筆錄 Transcripts 研究筆錄來獲得對協商更深入的理解 Study the transcripts for deeper understanding on discussion 比較筆錄和問卷結果 (有效性) Compare the results of issues in the transcripts to the questionnaires (validity) Center for Deliberative Democracy, Stanford University

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