是照片还是画 是照片, 还是画? PHOTOS OR PAINTINGS?.

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Presentation on theme: "是照片还是画 是照片, 还是画? PHOTOS OR PAINTINGS?."— Presentation transcript:

1 是照片还是画 是照片, 还是画? PHOTOS OR PAINTINGS?

2 Iman Maleki Look like photos... but they are actual PAINTINGS!
伊朗画家迪尔曼.玛基 伊朗画家狄尔曼-玛基, 他的作品仿佛是照片, 但却是画。 Iman Maleki Look like photos... but they are actual PAINTINGS!

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4 难以置信 Unbelievable! 难以置信!

5 迪尔曼.玛基简介 狄尔曼——1976年生于德黑兰。幼年就着 迷于绘画艺术。15岁开始跟伊朗最伟大的写实派 画家莫尔塔扎卡多詹学习绘画。 至今他举办了很多画展。其中,最重要的展 览是1999年在德黑兰当代艺术博物馆举办的现实 派画展和1998年在卡拉工作室的萨卜兹画廊的组 展和2003年在萨阿德阿巴德宫的展。 From an early age he was fascinated with paintings. Age 15 he studied with Morteza Katouzian, a greatest realist painter in Iran . Since then he had many successful paintings shows. The most important exhibition to date was the “Exhibition of Realist painters of Iran” in the Contemporary Museum of Art in Teheran(1999) and the “Group Exhibition of KARA Studio Painters” in the SABZ galerie(1998) and the SA'AD ABAD Palace(2003). Iman Maleki

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7 He is considerd to be the best realist painter in the world!
他是世界是最优秀的现实派画家 He is considerd to be the best realist painter in the world! 他被认为是世界上 最优秀的现实派画家!

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10 Unbelievable technique and talent ......
难以置信的技巧和 难以置信的 技巧和天才…… Unbelievable technique and talent

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