Are You Ready to YES? 您預備好 YES 嗎?. Are You Ready to YES? 您預備好 YES 嗎?

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2 Are You Ready to YES? 您預備好 YES 嗎?

3 Jesus’ Mother Said 耶穌的母親說
They have no wine 他們沒有酒了 Do whatever he tells you 他告訴你們甚麼,你們就做甚麼。

4 Jesus Said 耶穌說 Fill, Now Draw Some Out 倒滿,現在可以舀出來

5 Yield

6 Enter

7 Serve

8 Are You Ready to YES? 您預備好 YES 嗎?

9 全所有奉獻 I Surrender All Jodson Van de Venter 聖徒詩歌 312 CCLI

10   1. 盡我所有歸給耶穌, All to Jesus I surrender; 甘心樂意全奉獻; All to Him I freely give; 我今一生熱愛救主, I will ever love and trust Him, 天天活在祂面前。 In His presence daily live.

11 (副)全所有奉獻,全所有奉獻, I surrender all, I surrender all, 永遠歸給慈愛救主, All to Thee, my blessed Savior, 全所有奉獻。 I surrender all.

12 盡我所有歸給耶穌, All to Jesus I surrender; 在祂腳前我俯伏; Humbly at His feet I bow, 罪中之樂棄如糞土, Worldly pleasures all forsaken; 有主收留,我滿足。 Take me, Jesus, take me now.

13 (副)全所有奉獻,全所有奉獻, I surrender all, I surrender all, 永遠歸給慈愛救主, All to Thee, my blessed Savior, 全所有奉獻。 I surrender all.

14 3. 盡我所有歸給耶穌, All to Jesus, I surrender; 我今對你全歸依; Make me, Savior, wholly Thine; 聖靈見証何等堅固, Let me feel the Holy Spirit, 你是屬我,我屬你。 Truly know that Thou art mine.

15 (副)全所有奉獻,全所有奉獻, I surrender all, I surrender all, 永遠歸給慈愛救主, All to Thee, my blessed Savior, 全所有奉獻。 I surrender all.

16 4. 盡我所有歸給耶穌, All to Jesus, I surrender; 我今仰望等候你; Lord, I give myself to Thee; 你的愛心、能力、祝福, Fill me with Thy love and power; 求你向我多賜給。 Let Thy blessing fall on me.

17 (副)全所有奉獻,全所有奉獻, I surrender all, I surrender all, 永遠歸給慈愛救主, All to Thee, my blessed Savior, 全所有奉獻。 I surrender all.

18 5. 盡我所有歸給耶穌, All to Jesus I surrender; 聖火將我燒乾淨, Now I feel the sacred flame. 完全救恩何等豐富, O the joy of full salvation! 榮耀、榮耀歸主名。 Glory, glory, to His Name! CCLI

19 (副)全所有奉獻,全所有奉獻, I surrender all, I surrender all, 永遠歸給慈愛救主, All to Thee, my blessed Savior, 全所有奉獻。 I surrender all. END

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