哈巴谷書 The Book of Habakkuk 信心的樂歌 The Joyful Song of Faith 義人必因信得生

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1 哈巴谷書 The Book of Habakkuk 信心的樂歌 The Joyful Song of Faith 義人必因信得生
The Righteous will Live By His Faith

2 前言 Introduction - 時代背景:可能是猶大王約雅敬的時候 Historical context: It possibly during the time of King Jehoiakim (列王記下 2 Kings 23:36-24:5) - 哈巴谷的意思 The meaning of Habakkuk “一個依靠的人” “One who clings” - 他是一個先知 He is a prophet (1:1,3:1)

3 I. 哈巴谷的兩個問題 Two problems asked by Habakkuk: 1. 主阿,我呼求,祢為何不應允
I. 哈巴谷的兩個問題 Two problems asked by Habakkuk: 1. 主阿,我呼求,祢為何不應允? ...祢為何看 著奸惡而不理呢? How long, LORD, must I call for help, but you do not listen? …Why do you tolerate wrongdoing?(1:2-4)

4 主的回答: 我必興起迦勒底人刑 罰,懲治 The LORD’s Reply: I am raising up the Chaldeans for judgment, for correction (1:5-11)

5 2. 耶和華我的神,我的聖者阿, 惡人吞滅比自己公義的,你為何靜默不語呢?(1:12-2:1) My God, my Holy One,…Why are you silent while the wicked swallow up those more righteous than themselves?

6 祂對我說, ..迦勒底人自高自大,心不正 直;惟義人因信得生 Then the LORD replied:… “See, the enemy is puffed up; his desires are not upright—but the righteous person will live by his faithfulness (or faith) (2:2-4)

7 迦勒底人的五禍 Woe to the Wicked (2:5-20) 1. 狂傲,貪婪 Arrogant, greedy (5-8) 2
迦勒底人的五禍 Woe to the Wicked (2:5-20) 1. 狂傲,貪婪 Arrogant, greedy (5-8) 2. 斂橫財,圖惡謀 unjust gain, plotted the ruin (9-11) 3. 流血,作孽 Violence (12-14) 4. 醉酒,邪淫 Immorality (15-17) 5. 依靠偶像 Idolatry (18-20)

8 II. 哈巴谷的禱告與讚美 The prayer and
praise of Habakkuk (3:1-19) 1. 主的名,言語,作為,憐憫,榮光 The Lord’s name, speech, work, mercy and glory (3:1-3) 2. 主的能力 The Lord’s power (3:4-12) 3. 主的拯救和審判 The Lord’s salvation and judgment (3:13-16) 4. 信心的樂歌 The joyful song of faith (3:17-19)

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