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Paris OpenStack Summit Recap

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1 Paris OpenStack Summit Recap
Guang Ya Liu Sina

2 Open Source is the Infrastructure of the Cloud Tomorrow

3 Overview Over 5000 attendees, a significant number of enterprise attendees. Over 185 Sessions, over 184 design summit sessions, and over 26 Ops summit sessions. 45 major sponsors (large companies) and another 43 startup sponsors. OpenStack is now: 17,300 People, 433 supporting companies, contributions from 145 countries, in excess of 20M lines of code More than 4,600 developers & users in attendance 33% - Product Strategy/Management / Architect 26% - Developer 16% - User / Operations SysAdmin 9% - CEO / CIO / IT Manager 10% - Business Development / Marketing 6% - Other Percent of 1st timers – 58% Countries represented – 62 Companies represented – 876 峰会的一个概况,大家可以感受下。 5000多人参加 185个session 184个design session 26 个操作相关的session 45个主要的赞助商 43个刚成立的新公司

4 Major themes for Paris 11 core projects have been defined in the 10th release of OpenStack (Juno). The community is growing significantly with major companies joining – Intel is now a platinum member, and SAP has joined. Docker and OpenStack is coming to one ecosystem There is increasing interest around NFV within OpenStack - across carriers and service providers Ceph is leading the unified storage solution for OpenStack

5 Docker All the OpenStack Service
Isolated, lightweight, and portable Pre-integrated Easily describe run-time relationships Run on something thin and easy to update

6 Docker All the OpenStack Service
Isolated, lightweight, and portable Pre-integrated Easily describe run-time relationships Run on something thin and easy to update Kubernetes是Google开源的容器集群管理系统。它构建于docker技术之上,为容器化的应用提供资源调度、部署运行、服务发现、扩容缩容等整一套功能,本质上可看作是基于容器技术的mini-PaaS平台。

7 Docker All the OpenStack Service
Isolated, lightweight, and portable Pre-integrated Easily describe run-time relationships Run on something thin and easy to update Atomic是一个用于运行Docker容器的原型系统。是红帽开源的Docker容器管理和部署工具,专门用来托管docker的容器系统。他可以很容易的实现在线升级 类似于coreos

8 Demo OpenStack deploy Kubernetes cluster
The Kolla project is part of the OpenStack TripleO effort, focused on deploying OpenStack environments using Kubernetes and Docker containers. Kolla call kubernetes to create another openstack cluster by running all services in docke containers All applications can run in docker container

9 Orchestrating Docker with OpenStack

10 Solum An OpenStack related project designed to make cloud services easier to consume and integrate into your application development process. Solum is natively designed for OpenStack clouds and leverages numerous OpenStack projects, including Heat, Keystone, Nova, Trove, and more. Openstack的一个项目,主要是 简化应用部署 主要是一个应用控制面板,可以和heat,keystone,nova,trove等交互,帮助用户部署应用。 从右边可以看到,Solum可以支持用户通过拖拽的方式很方便的将一些服务进行排列组合,最终创建一个能够实现某种功能的应用。

11 HEAT Docker Resource Heat provides a Docker resource
Docker resource communicates directly to Docker Server Templates may glue Nova and Docker resources Can deploy containers on top of VMs or bare-metal instances.

12 Hybrid Nova Configuration + Ironic

13 Future - MAGNUM Container As A Service
Might be handled in a new incubation project Gantt help resource scheduling Create instance on demand Container Agent Agent Reply

14 Docker Best Practise I have a lot of data
Do not put “data” in containers Replicate your data in each target cloud Bind mount your data volume(s) to your container(s) I have a lot of cloud servers You need a utility with a resource scheduler Nova, Magnum, Kubernetes, Mesos etc Treat application servers like cattle Create them from container images using automation

15 Docker With Multiple Clouds
Docker Hosts Create Automatically set up new docker hosts Select which docker hosts to interact with Support Azure, Digital Ocean and Rackspace Docker Clustering Support for running Docker on multiple hosts, with autoscaling capabilities and pluggable scheduling algorithms. Similar with Kubernetes

16 Clocker Clocker creates and manages a Docker cloud infrastructure.
Clocker support single-click deployment and runtime management of multi-node applications that can run on containers distributed across multiple hosts Using the Weave SDN to manage network Application blueprints written for Brooklyn can be deployed to a distributed Docker Cloud Infrastructure.

17 Clocker Clocker Solves Brooklyn + Docker + Jclouds + Weave
Docker Networking Container Placement Application Definition

18 Docker Ecosystem PaaS based on Docker Kubernetes + Mesos
Mesos help Kubernetes do resource scheduling Docker生态系统

19 RedHat: ManageIQ->CloudForm
Operational visibility and control Dashboards Reports Policies Alerts Approval workflows Advanced virtualization management Monitoring and tracking Capacity management and planning Resource usage and optimization Workload life-cycle management Policies to govern access and usage Private or hybrid cloud management Self-service portal and catalog Controls to manage request Quota enforcement and usage Chargeback and cost allocation Automated provisioning 监控 容量管理和计划 优化资源使用率 Workload的生命周期管理 一些访问权限的控制 混合云的管理 自服务的界面 对用户请求的处理 Quotae的管理 计费 自动化的部署 界面 报表 策略 告警 流程批复

20 HP Helion Cloud Bringing you the benefits of 3 major cloud ecosystems
CF for PaaS Amazon for cloud burst in Hybrid Cloud OpenStack for Infrastrcture management Helion Cloud可以把openstack,cloudfoundry和amazon连接起来 Os主要是管理infrastructure Cf主要是提供paas服务,帮助用户创建application Amazon提供公有云服务,还可以提供cloud burst功能,本地资源不够的时候,可以到公有云去申请资源

21 HP Helion Cloud OpenStack is the foundation of HP’s Cloud 私有云 托管云 公有云
企业级云平台 自动化的升级 应用的标准化管理 Cost effective 这个就是说 因为不同公有云的价钱是不一样的 helio cloud能够帮助用户找到最便宜的公有云来部署应用

22 HP Helion Cloud Messaging Database IDOL Docker Marconi Trove
Integrated Data Operating Layer Sahara Docker OpenStack manage Infrastructure CF manage Docker applications Helion cloud上的一些应用

23 Design Sessions Nova HEAT Ironic Sahara Cell enhancement
Scheduler refactor (Mainly for Gantt) Migrate nova network to neutron CaaS might be a new incubation project and will not be in nova Ironic Create a “standalone” ironic Simpler to deploy without the rest of OpenStack Just simpler in general and simpler for the user Similar with xCat HEAT Auto scaling API HEAT and Container HEAT is going to integrate with K8S Heat Convergence - resolving any and all questions Enhance HEAT debug ability Sahara How to push it to production Docker Support Heat Engine by default Spark and Hadoop OOB support

24 Other Hot Topics NFV (Network Function Virtualization)
Ceph (Unified Storage Solution) Just google if you are interested

25 OpenStack is calming down
Focusing on usability and debug ability HEAT Horizon Refactor to make architecture more clear Nova scheduler and Gantt Scalability is on priority Nova cell Huawei cascading

26 Open Source is eating the software world!
Thank You

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