Gesu Bambino/ The Infant Jesus 嬰孩耶穌

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1 Gesu Bambino/ The Infant Jesus 嬰孩耶穌
When blossoms flowered mid the snows, Upon a winter night, Was born the child, the Christmas Rose, The King of Love and Light. 當花兒在飄雪 寒夜盛開之際 如聖誕玫瑰的嬰兒誕生了 祂是愛與光的君王

2 The angels sang, the shepherds sang. The grateful earth rejoiced.
And at His blessed birth the stars. Their exultation voiced. 天使高歌牧人稱頌 普天同慶 祂祝福星空 穹蒼歡呼頌讚

3 O come let us adore Him , O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. 齊來同心敬拜祂 我主基督

4 Again the heart with rapture glows, It’s King of Love and Light.
To greet the holy night. That gave the world its Christmas Rose. It’s King of Love and Light. 再以狂喜歡欣的心 迎接聖善的夜晚 送給世人,聖誕的玫瑰 它是慈愛又充滿的君王

5 Let every voice acclaim His name, The grateful chorus swell,
From paradise to earth He came, That we with Him might dwell. 讓世人宣揚祂的名 聖詠的歌聲震撼天地 從天堂降臨到人間 與世人同居住

6 O come let us adore Him , O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. 齊來同心敬拜祂 我主基督

7 Ah! O come let us adore Him , Ah! adore Him, Christ the Lord.
Let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. 齊來同心敬拜祂 我主基督

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