Our responsibility in the 21st Century: Where do we go from here

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1 Our responsibility in the 21st Century: Where do we go from here
Titus 提多書 3:1-11

2 Overview of Titus 3:1-11 提多書 3:1-11 概觀 Attitude checklist 態度核對表
THE SUBMISSIVE CHRISTIAN! (1,2) 順服的基督徒 (第一、二節) THE SALVAGED CHRISTIAN! (3) 被搶救出來的基督徒 (第三節) THE SAVED CHRISTIAN! (4-7) 得救的基督徒 (第四 -- 七節) THE WORKING CHRISTIAN! (8) 留心行善的基督徒 (第八節) THE DIVISIVE MAN! (9-11) 分門結黨的人! (第九 -- 十一節)

3 THE SUBMISSIVE CHRISTIAN! (1,2) 順服的基督徒 (第一、二節) Our duty 我們的責任
Submit to rulers and authorities (3:1) 順服作官和掌權的 (3:1) Obey rulers and authorities (3:1) There may be times this is not possible: Shadrach, Meshach and Abendego (Dan 3) Peter and John (Acts:4) (not to be confused with open rebellion) 聽從作官和掌權的 (3:1) 這並不是每一次都可行: 沙得拉、米煞和亞伯尼歌 (但以理書 三章) 彼得和約翰 (使徒行傳 四章) (不要跟造反混淆)

4 THE SUBMISSIVE CHRISTIAN! (1,2) 順服的基督徒 (第一、二節) Our duty 我們的職責
Ready to do good works (3:1) Faith and works (James 2) 預備行各樣的善事 (3:1) 信心與行為 (雅各書 二章) Slander (speaks evil of) no one (3:2) 不要毀謗任何人;不要說任何人的壞話 (3:2) Peaceable, Gentle, and Humble (3:2) Jesus’ example (Mat 26:52-53) 和平、溫柔和謙虛 (3:2) 耶穌的榜樣 (馬太福音 26:52-53)

THE SALVAGED CHRISTIAN! (3) 被搶救出來的基督徒 (第三節) Our former condition 我們從前的境況 We as Christians were once no better than our neighbors (Rom 3:23) 我們從前不見得比我們的隣舍好。 (羅馬書 3:23) Remembers his former state 記得他從前的境況 Foolish, Disobedient, and Deceived 無知、悖逆及受迷惑 Enslaved, Malice, Envy, and Hatred of others 被受制、惡毒、嫉妒及彼此相恨

6 THE SAVED CHRISTIAN! (4-7) 得救的基督徒 (第四 -- 七節) remembers his salvation 記着他的拯救
Knows the kindness of God saved him. (3:4) 知道是神的恩慈救了他 (3:4) Did Nothing to warrant this gift. (3:5) (Eph2:9) 沒做過一件事叫他配受這份禮物 (3:5) (以弗所書 2:9) Is justified by Christ’s grace. (3:7) 因基督的恩得稱為義 (3:7) Are “heirs having the hope of eternal life” (3:7) 可以憑着永生成為後嗣 (3:7)

7 THE WORKING CHRISTIAN! (1-2, 8) 留心行善的基督徒 (第一、二、八節) Remembers the “mission” 記着他的使命
Is ready for every good work(3:1) 預備好去行各樣的善事 (3:1) Follows the instruction (3:2) 按照教導而行 (3:2) Be careful to maintain good works(3:8) [it profits everyone] 留心行善 (3:8) ﹝與人有益﹞

8 THE DIVISIVE MAN! (9-11) 分門結黨的人! (第九至十一節) Whom to reject 要棄絕的人
Engages in foolish controversies (3:9) 參與無知的辯論 (3:9) Is to be warned twice, then shunned (3:10) 警戒過一、兩次就要棄絕他 (3:10) Is warped, sinful, and self-condemned (3:11) 已經背道,犯了罪,自掘墳墓 (3:11)

9 How to live today 今天如此行 Remember our duty 記着我們的責任
Remember our former condition 記着我們從前的境況 Remember our salvation 記着我們的拯救 Remember our mission 記着我們的使命 Reject false teachers 棄絕假教師

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