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Introduction to Research

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1 Introduction to Research
NCTU 任維廉 2017/4

2 任維廉 (William Jen) My story 交大 管院 運管系 教授 交大管理科學研究所 博士 交大運管系系主任,交大 傑出教學獎 台北市交通局、新竹市政府市政顧問 中華民國 運輸學會 理事 PCMPCL, Harvard Business School My subject 管理學,服務行銷,公共運輸 …… STAR: Service, Teaching, Administration, Research 2 交通大學 運管系 任維廉

3 出處 Lang, G. and Heiss, G. D. , A Practical Guide to Research Methods

4 Outline 1 The Research Process Levels of Training in Research 2 3
Some Research Terms 4 Appendix A 5

5 1. The Research Process 1.1 What is research
1.2 Why are research methods used? 1.3 How are these research methods used? Stretches back to Aristotle A way of thinking and tackling a problem 胡適(師John Dewey):大膽假設,小心求證(?)  should be 小心假設,大膽反證

6 1.1 What is research A systematic and unbiased way of solving a problem through generating verifiable data. John Dewey’s schema for cognition A puzzling situation Define the problem Formulation of hypothesis Collection, organization and analysis of data Formulation of possible conclusions Verification, rejection or modification *大膽假設,小心求證? Stretches back to Aristotle A way of thinking and tackling a problem 胡適(師John Dewey):大膽假設,小心求證(?)  should be 小心假設,大膽反證

7 1.2 Why Use Research Methods
Scientific methods The most reliable way to move from limited, biased perceptions and opinions to fact or tentative truth Self-correcting nature Authority Personal experiences Common sense Intuition Scientific methods 啟蒙時代後才又重新發展 偏頗的論點,暫時性真理 自我矯正的過程,e.g., 逐漸趨向真理(向真理收斂), 不斷的有反例出來  革命  進步 e.g., 黑天鵝 vs. 白天鵝

8 1.3 How to Use Research Methods
Legitimate, ethical uses of research methods 抄襲,作假,杜撰:黃禹錫複製狗,誰砍櫻桃樹,睡覺聽教學錄音帶,早立志賺得多.. 科學 vs.人權,基因資料庫:醫生,雇主,保險,結婚. design a study: potentially harmful car components will appear to be safe? Politics of research, 花錢請人作假民調,genetically modified crops, Amazon & 出版社:cooperative advertising Taboo area, 複製人 學術倫理  balance 利害關係人  良心的譴責

9 2. Levels of Training in Research
2.1 Research literacy 2.2 Action research 2.3 Applied research 2.4 Basic research Stretches back to Aristotle A way of thinking and tackling a problem 胡適(師John Dewey):大膽假設,小心求證(?)  should be 小心假設,大膽反證

10 2.1 Research literacy Ability to ask cogent questions
Selection of research tools Analysis of data 基本功

11 A systematic process for gathering data
2.2 Action research Solving a problem which is of limited, local interest Research (Scholar) Evaluation (Manager) A systematic process for gathering data Answering specific questions or test certain hypotheses Gathering data on all parts of the setting or object under study e.g., 計劃案。相較於 Applied research更不嚴謹。 Evaluation:在通盤性的考量下提出建議。 Evaluation = Quantitative techniques (tests, questionnaires, scales) + Qualitative techniques (observation, anecdotal records, interviews) + Professional judgment source: Lang, G. & Heiss, G. D., A practical guide to research methods, 4th ed., 1991 Evaluation = Quantitative techniques Qualitative techniques Professional judgment Holistic, naturalistic To help real world decision makers

12 2.3 Applied research Solve an immediate problem or improve a product or a process Answering specific questions or test certain hypotheses. e.g., educational research: 相關,差異,因果 Basic (Pure) research:理論的來源。 Applied research:在實際世界中對理論加以驗證或應用。

13 2.4 Basic (Pure) research Increase understanding of fundamental principles. It is not intended to yield immediate commercial benefits. e.g., Alec Jeffreys 發現 DNA 如同指紋般每個人各異。 It is the basis for many commercial products and applied research. e.g., Alec Jeffreys 的發現應用在犯罪調查中。 IV. Basic research

14 3. Some research terms Operational definition (Constructs)
Clearly define the key variables, concepts, and terms e.g., “intelligence”  Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Highly technical nature e.g., “ITS”, “VRP” (Vehicle routing problem) Common words with a very special meaning e.g., “Patent”, “Adult” and “Child” 

15 Ask yourself whether someone else reading your proposal clearly understands what you mean by that particular term. Research is one field where flowery rhetoric will do more harm than good. A researcher, unlike a politician, must be precise. * Socrates, Wittgenstein, William Shakespeare

16 4. Appendix A Checklist for evaluating a research report
The title I. Introduction: problem, related research, hypotheses, assumption and delimitation, operational definitions II. Method: materials, instruments, procedure III. Results and conclusions IV. Discussion V. Summary VI. Communication * Proposal = I +M The title I. Introduction A. Statement of the problem B. Related Research C. Hypotheses or Questions D. Assumptions and Delimitations E. Operational Definitions II. Method A. Population and Sample B. Research Instruments and/ or Apparatus C. Procedure III. Results and conclusions IV. Discussion V. Summary Communication

17 Q & A

18 交流分析 傳送者 接收者 父母 成人 兒童 父母 成人 兒童 18

19 互補溝通 1. 這份工作月薪多少? 2. 開始的時候 22K. P P 1 A A 2 C C

20 互補溝通 妻子為了失去一位朋友感到憂傷,她丈夫 同情、安撫她。於是她的依賴慾望得到滿足。 P P 1 A A 2 C C 妻子 丈夫

21 交錯溝通 P P A A C C 妻子:週三晚上我要用車,去台中和姊姊好好聊聊。 丈夫:是啊!你永遠都不會想到要和我多聊聊? 丈夫 妻子 2
1 C C 妻子 丈夫

22 曖昧溝通 1. 推銷員不懷好意地對顧客說:「這是我們廠裡最好的跑車,但對你而言可能太刺激了。」 2.「我買下了,我就是想要這部車」 P P 1 A A 2 C C

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