主說 "不“ AND GOD SAID, " NO" By Claudia Minden Welsz 製作: 賴建鵬.

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Presentation on theme: "主說 "不“ AND GOD SAID, " NO" By Claudia Minden Welsz 製作: 賴建鵬."— Presentation transcript:

1 主說 "不“ AND GOD SAID, " NO" By Claudia Minden Welsz 製作: 賴建鵬

2 我求主拿走我的驕傲, I asked God to take away my pride,

3 祂說不是衪應拿走, 而是我應交出. He said it was not for Him to take away, But for me to give up.

4 我求主醫治孩子的殘疾, I asked God to make my handicapped child whole,

5 主說 "不". And God said, "No."

6 祂說她的靈魂完整,身體只是暫時. He said her spirit is who Her body is only temporary.

7 我求主賜我忍耐, I asked God to grant me patience

8 主說 "不". And God said, "No."

9 It is not granted, it is earned.

10 我求主給我快樂, I asked God to give me happiness,

11 主說 "不". And God said, "No."

12 叫我結果子更多. To make it fruitful. 祂說我必須自己長大,但衪會修剪,
He said I must grow on my own, But He will prune me To make it fruitful.

13 我問主是否愛我, Iasked God if He loved me,

14 祂賜下愛子, 為我而死, 有一日我會在天堂, 因為. 我相信
祂賜下愛子, 為我而死, 有一日我會在天堂, 因為....我相信. He gave me His only son, who died for me, And I will be in Heaven someday, Because I believe.

15 我求主幫助我愛別人,像祂愛我一樣. I asked God to help me love others, As much as He loves me,

16 主說: "到現在,你總算想通了. "And God said, "Ah finally, You have the idea."
你總算想通了." 本文由倫敦中華基督教會國語堂提供. (海外校園第21期.) 本文由倫敦中華基督教會國語堂提供. (海外校園第21期.) The end 若要瀏覽更多powerpoint投影片請打開:

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