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Rebuilding the Temple, Past and Present 重建聖殿, 過去與現在

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1 Rebuilding the Temple, Past and Present 重建聖殿, 過去與現在
Zechariah 4,5 撒迦利亞, 四至五章

2 God is in control of His work 神掌控祂的事工

3 God is in control of His work 神掌控祂的事工
He removes all obstacles when we follow His instructions. 當我們遵祂旨意行,祂必排除萬難.

4 God is in control of His work 神掌控祂的事工
He removes all obstacles when we follow His instructions. 當我們遵祂旨意行,祂必排除萬難. Do not doubt anything that seems small and insignificant. 勿輕看任何看來微不足道的事

5 God wants His servants to be Holy 神要求祂的僕人要聖潔

6 God wants His servants to be Holy 神要求祂的僕人要聖潔
Love one another. Be truthful. 當愛人如己, 勿行詭詐.

7 God wants His servants to be Holy 神要求祂的僕人要聖潔
Love one another. Be truthful. 當愛人如己, 勿行詭詐. Love our only true God with all our heart and all our strength. 當盡心盡力的愛我們為一的真神

8 Rebuilding Today’s Holy Temple 重建今日的聖殿

9 Rebuilding Today’s Holy Temple 重建今日的聖殿
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit makes everyone of us a living temple. 我們就是永生神的殿, 因聖靈進住在人心.

10 Rebuilding Today’s Holy Temple 重建今日的聖殿
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit makes everyone of us a living temple. 我們就是永生神的殿, 因聖靈進住在人心. Speaking and behaving according to God’s will is our task of rebuilding today’s temple. 言行舉止合神心意正是我們今日重建聖殿的任務.

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