Beautiful Baby, sleeping in the manger,

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Presentation on theme: "Beautiful Baby, sleeping in the manger,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Beautiful Baby, sleeping in the manger,
glory of God in swaddling clothes, angels adore Thee. Wise men and shepherds bow to the Savior in the straw. 美妙主聖嬰 恬靜睡臥馬槽 榮耀真神 包著布安睡, 天使齊敬拜,牧人和博士 屈膝敬拜馬槽聖嬰

2 美哉主耶穌 創造萬物主宰 是天上榮美 地上希望 所應許彌賽亞 以馬內利 主同在 全地歡欣賀主降生 歡欣 歡欣 以色列民 以馬內利已經降臨!
美哉主耶穌 創造萬物主宰 是天上榮美 地上希望  所應許彌賽亞 以馬內利 主同在 全地歡欣賀主降生  歡欣 歡欣 以色列民 以馬內利已經降臨! Beautiful Jesus, King of all creation, Splendor of heaven, now hope of earth.  Promised Messiah, Emmanuel, God with us, The world rejoices at Thy birth!  Rejoices! rejoice ! Emmanuel, has come to thee, O Israel!

3 Beautiful Savior ! Lord of the nations ! Son of God and Son of man!
Glory and honor, Praise, adoration, Now and forever more be Thine! 美哉我救主! 統管萬國萬民! 祂是神子 又是人子 榮耀與尊貴 頌讚與崇敬 都歸耶穌直到永遠!

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