Ultra-high-voltage(UHV) electricity transmission

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1 Ultra-high-voltage(UHV) electricity transmission
冯寅潇 2017年7月

2 Rectifier & Inverter(整流器和逆变器)
目录 Contents 1 Introduction 2 Transformer(变压器) 3 Rectifier & Inverter(整流器和逆变器) 4 UHV in China 5 Prospect

3 What is UHV? UHV is the world‘s most advanced transmission technology, it transport electricity at very high voltage, usually over 800kV

4 Features Higher conveying capacity Longer transmission distance
economic transmission cost Less power transmission corridors Smaller line losses Simple grid structure

5 AC or DC? AC DC No converter station Easily built branches
Lower line cost Smaller power loss Flexible and reliable Networking different frequencies

6 How to realize——Transformer(变压器)

7 Rectifier & Inverter(整流器和逆变器)
A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC), which periodically reverses direction, to direct current (DC), which flows in only one direction. A power inverter, or inverter, is an electronic device or circuitry that changes direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC).

8 Ultra-high-voltage electricity transmission in China

9 Reasons for UHV transmission in China
energy resources are far away from the load centers. The majority of the hydropower resources are in the west, and coal is in the northwest, but huge loadings are in the east and south To reduce transmission losses to a manageable level, UHV transmission is a logical choice. Implementation of the UHV grid enables the construction of newer, cleaner, more efficient power generation plants far from population centers. This will lower the total current amount of pollution, as well as the pollution felt by citizens within urban dwellings. The UHV grid will aid China‘s plan of electrification and decarbonization, and enable integration of renewable energy by removing the transmission bottleneck that is currently limiting expansions in wind and solar generation capacity whilst further developing the market for long-range electric vehicles in China.

10 Prospect 国家电网还建立了系统的特高压与智能电网技术标准体系,目前 已制订企业标准356项、行业标准90项、国家标准44项,编制国 际标准19项,特高压交流电压成为国际标准电压。 国际电工委员会(IEC)主席克劳斯·乌赫勒指出:"和中国一样, 世界上许多国家都存在能源资源分布不均的情况,如德国就需要 通过特高压把风电从北部送到南部。同时,特高压能够减少长距 离输电的损耗,在世界上其他地区也有着广泛的应用前景。目前 中国的特高压输电技术在世界上处于领先水平,作为国际标准电 压,中国的特高压交流电压标准将向世界推广。"

11 Thank you!

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