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Develop and Build Drives by Visual C++ IDE

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Presentation on theme: "Develop and Build Drives by Visual C++ IDE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Develop and Build Drives by Visual C++ IDE

2 Step 0. Requirement DDK Visual C or Visual C++ .NET

3 Step 1. Set Environment Variable

4 Step 2. Mkdir DriverEnv 建立目錄 DriverEnv(名稱隨意)作為開發驅動程式的大本營

5 Step 3. MakeDrvr.bat 在DrivrEnv目錄下建立一個批次檔MakeDrvr.bat,內容如下: @echo off
if "%1"=="" goto usage if "%3"=="" goto usage if not exist %1\bin\setenv.bat goto usage call %1\bin\setenv %1 %4 %2 cd %3 build -b -w %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 goto exit :usage echo usage MakeDrvr DDK_Dir Driver_Drive Driver_Dir fre/chk [build_options] echo eg MakeDrvr %%DDKROOT%% E: DriverEnv\DriverBuildSample chk -cef :exit

6 Step 4. New Makefile Project

7 Step 5. Modify Project Setting
[專案]  [屬性]  開啟專案的屬性頁

8 Step 5. Modify Project Setting
先修改 Win32 Debug 的 Project Setting

9 Step 5. Modify Project Setting
在建置命令列(Build Command Line)一欄填入: MakeDrvr %DDKROOT% E: $(SolutionDir) chk -cef

10 Step 5. Modify Project Setting
在建置命令列(Build Command Line)一欄填入: MakeDrvr %DDKROOT% E: $(SolutionDir) chk -cef WINDDK所在的PATH,即Step 1所設的環境變數

11 Step 5. Modify Project Setting
在建置命令列(Build Command Line)一欄填入: MakeDrvr %DDKROOT% E: $(SolutionDir) chk -cef 欲建置的Driver檔案所在的磁碟機

12 Step 5. Modify Project Setting
在建置命令列(Build Command Line)一欄填入: MakeDrvr %DDKROOT% E: $(SolutionDir) chk -cef 欲建置的Driver檔案所在的資料夾完整路徑

13 Step 5. Modify Project Setting
在建置命令列(Build Command Line)一欄填入: MakeDrvr %DDKROOT% E: $(SolutionDir) chk -cef 欲建置的Driver版本為FREE/CHECKED BUILD

14 Step 5. Modify Project Setting
在建置命令列(Build Command Line)一欄填入: MakeDrvr %DDKROOT% E: $(SolutionDir) chk -cef BUILD Options,參考DDK文件中有關Build Utility的部分

15 Step 5. Modify Project Setting
在重建命令列(Rebuild all options)一欄填入: -nmake /a

16 Step 5. Modify Project Setting
在輸出(output file)一欄填與sources文件中的 TARGETNAME相同的設定值

17 Step 6. Add Source Files 可以新建立檔案或加入以存在的檔案(可將HELLOWDM的檔案引入以供測試)

18 Step 7. makefile 將makefile檔放入專案目錄中,makefile的內容如下:
# # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!! Edit .\sources. if you want to add a new source # file to this component. This file merely indirects to the real make file # that is shared by all the driver components of the Windows NT DDK !INCLUDE $(NTMAKEENV)\makefile.def

19 Step 8. sources file 將sources檔加入專案目錄中,其內容為: TARGETNAME=HELLOWDM

20 Step 9. MakeDrvr 因為MakeDrvr.bat在DriverEnv目錄下,所以應該把DriverEnv加到

21 Step 10. Build Driver

22 Step 10. Build Driver

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