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eBooks on SciVerse ScienceDirect

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1 eBooks on SciVerse ScienceDirect Email:
Powered by Elsevier PERSONALIZE your name as presenter Following Einstein’s theory, we at Elsevier recently connected with hundreds of researchers and librarians, worldwide, by conducting market research, consulting industry data, and personal interviews with librarians and researchers to learn more about the library experience: How researchers work, how librarians choose and acquire content, and their views on migration from print to online delivery. We did this so that we, as publishers and you, as librarians can better serve the wants and needs of today’s researchers. We’d like to share our findings with you today, starting with: The user-define research workflow—how do researchers work? The value of eBooks vs. Print, for researchers—what content do they use & value most The value of eBooks vs. Print for libraries—what are the impact factors for deciding to try eBooks or to expand their digital library? We’ll also share a global view of how eBooks are progressing worldwide, today—as well as tomorrow’s forthcoming content solutions And finally, we’ll share our own users’ experience, outcomes, and perspectives on the value they associate with acquiring and using eBooks on the ScienceDirect platform This presentation serves as a timely review and evidence-based approach to the concept of conversion from print to eBooks. At the end, we hope that the experiences we’re about to share will serve as a knowledge base to help you decide which is best for your budget—as well as your patrons, your library, and its larger institution. Presented by: Carol Yang(楊思屏) Phone:

2 大綱 資源內容的特色 操作特色與模式 個人化服務和訊息管道 未來趨勢與策略
In today’s uncertain economic times, it’s clear that the libraries decisions based largely on budget and other measurable criteria that they say can validate their choice in content and delivery/format in the process of collection and acquisition.

3 ELSEVIER:資源內容特色

4 SciVerse ScienceDirect:不僅有電子書的全文資料庫
Elsevier, 全世界最大STM學術期刊出版機構 SciVerse ScienceDirect 全文資料庫 包含:電子書、手冊、叢書、參考工具書、期刊 單一平台上超過 2,500 種期刊(含現刊、已停刊、移出資料庫)並擁有10,182,938 篇全文 體貼方便服務:Alerts 新知通報 (1)Volume/Issue Alert 期刊卷期 (2)Search Alert 檢索策略 (3)Topic Alert 主題 (4)Top 25 Articles 全球熱門下載25大

5 什麼是SCIVERSE?全新的整合平台資料庫
10 M Articles 15 K Books 15 K Vedios 41 M Records Smart tools to track and analyze research Patents Institutional Repositories Societies A knowledge sharing community of experts in various fields

6 調查:書籍在研究工作流程中的角色為何? 調查:書籍在研究工作流程中的角色為何?
Books書籍: 72% Books書籍: 58% Books書籍: 32% Books書籍: 55% Journal 期刊 Encyclopedia 百科全書 Handbooks 手冊 Book Frontlist 新書 Books Backlist 存書

7 Elsevier: 領導電子書出版的世代傳承
The Publishing House of Elzevir was first established in 1580 by Lowys Elzevir. Jacobus George Robbers established the modern Elsevier Company in 1880 Galileo published his “Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche, intoro a due nuoue scienze”—his last work with Elzevir despite being banned by the Inquisition. Recognized as the 1st important work of modern physics. Sir Alexander Fleming edited a book about a revolutionary new antibiotic: “Penicillin: Its Practical Application” in 1946.` Anatomy” in 1858 was a landmark for the study of the human anatomy and in many The publication of “Gray’s Anatomy” in 1858 was a landmark for the study of the human anatomy and in many ways for the whole of medicine. Elsevier’s long heritage of publishing leading eBooks started in 1580 at the House of Elzevier—and later in 1880 became Elsevier. From Gallileo to Sir Alexander Fleming, Einstein, and a long line of Nobel prize winners—Elsevier has always been associated with the most renowned authors—and the most rigorous process for producing and distributing high quality content. That matters to all users, in any format, and that will not change regardless of delivery. Nobel Prize winners published with Elsevier Niels Bohr Physics Louis Pasteur (Chemistry) Alexander Fleming Medicine Albert Einstein Physics George F. Smoot Physics John C. Mather Physics Roger D. Kornberg Chemistry Craig C Mello Medicine

8 Renowned Authors & Editors—and Imprints Other Major Publisher Authors
A comparison between 900 book authors who published with Elsevier vs. another major publisher Highly acclaimed imprints Academic Press Butterworth-Heinemann (business, technology) Syngress and Digital Press (computing) Elsevier Science Gulf Professional Publishing (petroleum / petrochemical processing) Morgan Kaufmann (computer science) Newnes (electrical / electronic engineering) North-Holland (mathematics) Pergamon William Andrews More Established More Cited From a sample of 900 publishers who published with Elsevier and with other major publisher (Springer), and looked at their research output and number of citations to form this analysis. Elsevier’s world-renowned authors are more established, cited more often, and better rated than most. Our highly acclaimed imprints reflect our commitment to providing both authoritative authorship and rigorous publishing quality. WORK ON Better Rated Elsevier Authors Other Major Publisher Authors

9 Elsevier:操作特色與模式

10 更容易取得 & 更大彈性 Anytime… 隨時 Anywhere… 隨地 共享性:無限制使用者 靈活性:無使用限制,可供下載及列印
可得性:無數位版權限制 Anywhere… 隨地 Accessibility anytime, anywhere allows researchers to work whenever—and wherever they want or need to: Notice that a significant amount of research is done between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.—after the library closes; and less than half of research is actually done in the library With today’s researchers multi-tasking lifestyle, accessibility is by far the most desirable benefit of using eBooks versus using print books that not as readily available or as accessible. Source: University of Tennessee eBooks study, Nov. 2007

11 更完整的連結整合 Integrated book and journal content—and citation tools across a diverse range of subjects Encyclopedia of Neurosciences Cognition H-index of Gerry T.M Altmann Current Biology Cancer Cell Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience Neuron Learning & Memory Advances in Cancer Research Signal Processing for Neuroscientists Cited By Counts for Advances in Cancer Research H-index of Paul W. Glimcher Citation Database Journals Books Integration of book and journal content—and citation tools across a diverse range of subjects offer researchers the most convenient solution for accessing the content they need—when they need it. Researchers also value finding relevant information that they were NOT searching for when it’s presented contextually—and with brief abstracts or previews to empower them to choose additional, relevant content—or not. Today’s picture of researchers: They go online and they are used to having hyperlinked content, from citation to citation, where books refer to journals and vice versa—and restricting their use to one or the other, they lose a valuable piece of the research process. 圖書和期刊內容的有機整合整合,實現多學科的交叉檢索與引用

12 便利的瀏覽界面 Librarians helping researchers find the content they need also becomes easier and faster as librarians browse for relevant sources—and immediately to researchers rather than searching their shelves—and shelves in affiliated libraries; and then sometimes mailing copies for interlibrary loan. Librarians continually say that this makes it easer and more effective to connect their researchers with the content they want and need.

13 Powerful and integrated search
強大的檢索功能 Powerful and integrated search Powerful, integrated search functionality on ScienceDirect returns immediate, relevant results from both books and journals. It’s easy and intuitive to adapt and refine searches—or save and recall searchers to personalize and streamline the path likely to be taken by researchers in their areas of interest over and over again. From quick search to advanced search, one of the most widely acclaimed benefits of the ScienceDirect platform is that users say they always find exactly what they need—and fast.

14 分章閱讀, 易於使用 Favorites: 可加入至線上書櫃,方便日後使用
As you can see here, once inside any given eBooks, it is divided into chapters, and each chapter has a DOI (digital object identifier). This convenient organization makes accessibility much easier than searching an entire book to find relevant topics by previewing one chapter at a time base upon its title. Favorites: 可加入至線上書櫃,方便日後使用

15 提供 PDF 等全文內容 Available in .pdf and xml enhanced “html” format, eBooks can be easily downloaded—or printed; and links to internal and external sources via Scopus and related journals make additional content instantly available directly from the book.

16 (Digital Object Identifier) 取得更多SciVerse ScienceDirect 資料庫中相關聯的文章
工具箱: 提供多樣功能, 方便進階使用或分享 1. Download PDF :下載全文 2. Export Citation: 轉出書目資料至書目管理軟體 3. Article: 全文連結, 分享同儕 電子書分章閱讀下載; 每章節皆有提供DOI服務 (Digital Object Identifier) Increasing number of eBooks on ScienceDirect are also adding visual perspective view xml files that enable audio, video, and multimedia features that bring the book content to life like never before. Here you see a video file to illustrate the language of apes. 取得更多SciVerse ScienceDirect 資料庫中相關聯的文章

17 Elsevier:個人化服務與管道

18 Live Chat 線上即時互動 - 專人指導

19 註冊個人化帳號密碼 註冊帳號密碼 單一的登入路徑 合法IP內,隨時可註冊;與Scopus共用帳號密碼 使用完整的個人化功能
First Name + Family Name = Username 例: C.H Tsai = chtsai

20 Quick Link :首頁 在首頁可將常用的功能設定為快速連結 不論是SD 的功能或常用的任何外部網頁皆可

21 自學輔助工具: Elsevier台灣官網 造訪我們網站
點選 => 線上產品 => ScienceDirect => 研究推廣輔助資源 可自行下載: 中文教育訓練PPT & 快速參考指南 & 影音教育訓練教材

22 Elsevier:未來趨勢與策略

23 Exponential Growth in number of titles on ScienceDirect since 2006 launch
15 books 10,600 online books & integrated journal articles in a diverse range of subjects 10,600 online books & integrated journal articles in a diverse range of subjects 10,600 online books & integrated journal articles in a diverse range of subjects From 2006 to 2009, the number of ebooks on ScienceDirect have gone from 230 to over 10,600 today…and that trend continues as we prepare the 2010 frontlist. 15 books Online Books on ScienceDirect: 230 titles in 2006 – 10,600 in 2009

24 收藏主題 包羅萬象 Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Chemical Engineering Chemistry Computer Science Earth and Planetary Sciences Energy Engineering Environmental Science Finance Forensics Immunology and Microbiology Material Sciences Mathematics Medicine and Dentistry Neuroscience Pharmacology, Toxicology & Pharmaceutical Physics and Astronomy Psychology Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine New Collection: Business Management Hospitality & Tourism Media Technology Clinical Medicine Health Professions Veterinary Medicine

25 ScienceDirect行動網站和ScienceDirect應用程式將於今夏啟用
A ScienceDirect mobile website and a ScienceDirect application will launch this summer ScienceDirect行動網站和ScienceDirect應用程式將於今夏啟用 25 Generic ScienceDirect App 通用ScienceDirect應用服務 Provides the most important SD productivity tasks, any time and anywhere 隨時隨地提供最重要的SD學 術產出任務 Search, Browse, Article view, PDF view 檢索、瀏覽、文章閱讀、 PDF閱讀 Highly personalized with interactive features, alerts and journals 以互動、快訊和期刊功能做 到高度個人化 Article content delivered in html 文章內容以html文件形式 Alerts, annotation and sharing 快訊、註釋和共享 Recent articles based on personalized alert settings 個人化快訊設 定的近期文章 Offline library of saved articles 離線圖書館的 保留文章 SD Search SD 檢索 Interactive article with quick access sections; images cover-flow; high-res zoom in/out 快速使用區的互動文章; 圖像覆蓋流量;高解析度 放大/縮小 Co-Branding with library's mobile website link 與圖書館行動網站連 結的聯合品牌 Easy and offline access to favorite journals 方便,且可離線閱讀 最愛期刊 iPhone app available to users at subscribing institutes only. iPhone應用服務只限於有訂閱的用戶。

26 主要參考書: 跨學科研究的理想起點 85% 的研究者和83% 的館員傾向線上參考書
主要參考書: 跨學科研究的理想起點 85% 的研究者和83% 的館員傾向線上參考書 依靠研究人員來獲得必要的跨學科背景和基礎知識,繼而在在自己的領域和各相關學科的角度進行比較 連結至相關電子書、期刊和工具書 → 促進研究過程 2009 Reference Works on ScienceDirect Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (print) Encyclopedia of Inland Waters Encyclopedia of Microbiology 3e Hormones, Brain and Behavior 2e Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences (print) Comprehensive Chemometrics Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources Encyclopedia of Basic Epilepsy Research International Encyclopedia of Human Geography Encyclopedia of Consciousness Shrier's Corrosion Encyclopedia of Mass Spectrometry, V. 7 Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology 3e Top Cited Reference Work on ScienceDirect Source: Survey responses from 300 librarians & 500 researchers, 2008 26

27 Top Cited eBook on ScienceDirect
電子書:更多的內容給予更多的使用者 越來越多學術科學和技術電子書在SDOL上可供閱讀: Books that are geared to upper level graduates and above: Monographs Text reference Professional reference Closed or irregularly published series 高品質的出版商: Academic Press; Pergamon; Elsevier Science; North-Holland; Butterworth-Heineman 2010年的回溯性文獻書單已在去年十月上網公布 Over 19 eBook collections on ScienceDirect span a diverse range of subject areas and are written, edited, and reviewed with rigorous attention to detail in accuracy and authority. They are highly cited and used widely by researchers to gain essential, reliable foundation knowledge in their area and in other areas in order to gain comparative perspective. eBooks Supplements in these subejcts: Agricultural and Biological Sciences; Chemical Engineering; Chemistry; Earth and Planetary Science; Engineering; Environmental Science; Mathematics FRONTLIST TIMING CHANGE for 2010 – The 2010 frontlist will be available on a calendar year, as requested by customers. PRICING MODEL—OLI, mention hybrid? Top Cited eBook on ScienceDirect

28 Top Cited Series on ScienceDirect
叢書:從圖書館到實驗室, 研究上最完美的知識補充 Top Cited Series on ScienceDirect 權威的評論和文章,以及時下熱門討論的研究 藉由叢書的條理性來擴充各方主題的知識 提供從圖書館到研究室中實用的文章 提高上下相關的文獻摘要 回溯性文獻: 更多內容,花更少的成本 78% of Librarians surveyed said they would replace their printed Elsevier/Academic Press with online Books Series 28

29 Najwa Hanel, Librarian, University of Southern California, USA
手冊Handbook Series: 最快、有價值的多主題參考工具 具有長達多年的研究成果,並具有長遠、長足的發展 在成熟的研究領域中具有權威性,且可完備的搜尋相關文獻 各章節皆可獨立使用、搜尋 由高引用度具權威性的作者撰寫 定期更新 六種手冊系列: Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry; Handbook of Numerical Analysis; Handbook of Statistics; Handbook on Magnetic Materials; Handbooks in Economics Series; Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths “Online handbooks offer quick reference on a variety of topics—and a preferable way of keeping them available on a wider scale.” Najwa Hanel, Librarian, University of Southern California, USA 29

30 SciVerse 問答集 平台是否另外收費? →本平台服務不另外收費 是否會整合所有 Elsevier 產品?
→所有產品都會陸續整合進入 Sciverse (例:EV→2011) 過去 SDOL 使用經驗是否能運用在 SciVerse ScienceDirect? →仍保留 SDOL 過去的操作方式,但增加更多元的元素 SDOL URL 是否會改變? →不會改變,會自動轉址至 SciVerse ScienceDirect資料庫

31 生存下來的物種不是最強壯的,也不是最聰明的,而是那些最懂得改變的。
Thank You! Are you ready? Learn more: “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.” 生存下來的物種不是最強壯的,也不是最聰明的,而是那些最懂得改變的。 -Charles Darwin on Evolution We opened with Einstein’s theory, now let’s turn to the master of evolution, Charles Darwin, who said “It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.” With regard to today’s library and tomorrow’s content solutions, one thing is clear: We are in transition. We hope the evidence and experiences we’ve shared today will help you respond to the eBooks evolution; and wee hope Elsevier’s solutions will help you better serve your patrons, your library, and your larger institution. GO TO NEXT SLIDE…are you ready? Q&A and thanks…. 楊思屏

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