任領何往 S283 where he leads me 我今明聞救主招呼, I can hear my Savior calling, 我今明聞救主招呼, I can hear my Savior calling, 我今明聞救主招呼,

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Presentation on theme: "                任領何往 S283 where he leads me 我今明聞救主招呼, I can hear my Savior calling, 我今明聞救主招呼, I can hear my Savior calling, 我今明聞救主招呼,"— Presentation transcript:

1                 任領何往 S283 where he leads me 我今明聞救主招呼, I can hear my Savior calling, 我今明聞救主招呼, I can hear my Savior calling, 我今明聞救主招呼, I can hear my Savior calling, 須背十架,随我行一路。 Take thy cross and follow, follow Me. 3-4

2 耶穌領我,我必跟隨, Where He leads me I will follow, 任領何往.我仍跟隨, Where He leads me I will follow, 福也,苦也,終必跟隨, Where He leads me I will follow, 踴躍隨主,隨主行一路。 I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way. 3-4

3 我必時時求主幫助, I’ll go with Him to the judgment, 我必時時求主幫助,
我必時時求主幫助, I’ll go with Him to the judgment, 我必時時求主幫助, I’ll go with Him to the judgment, 我必時時求主幫助, I’ll go with Him to the judgment, 我必隨主,隨主行一路。 I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way. 3-4

4 耶穌領我,我必跟隨, Where He leads me I will follow, 任領何往.我仍跟隨, Where He leads me I will follow, 福也,苦也,終必跟隨, Where He leads me I will follow, 踴躍隨主,隨主行一路。 I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way. 3-4

5 我必身心專獻耶穌,. He will give me grace and glory, 我必身心專獻耶穌,
我必身心專獻耶穌, He will give me grace and glory, 我必身心專獻耶穌, He will give me grace and glory, 我必身心專獻耶穌, He will give me grace and glory, 我必隨主,随主行一路。 And go with me, with me all the way. 3-4

6 耶穌領我,我必跟隨, Where He leads me I will follow, 任領何往.我仍跟隨, Where He leads me I will follow, 福也,苦也,終必跟隨, Where He leads me I will follow, 踴躍隨主,隨主行一路。 I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way. 3-4

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