Chartering a Course for Club Success 成功分會之經營訣竅

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1 Chartering a Course for Club Success 成功分會之經營訣竅
By: Steve Tung, DTM 董世瑜 中華民國國際演講協會 總會長 District Governor

2 What’s a Toastmasters Club? 什麼是國際演講會?
Let’s see 是…

3 The Mission of a Toastmasters Club 國際演講會各分會的使命
Is to provide 國際演講會是一個能提供 A Mutually Supportive and Positive 互相幫忙且正面的 Learning environment, in which 學習環境 Every member has the opportunity 使每位會友都有機會 To develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn 精進人際溝通和領導技能 Foster self-confidence and personal growth 以期能建立起自信心和個人之持續成長

4 Five Steps to Success 成功五部曲
Have a Vision 要有願景 Set Goals 設定目標 Build / Motivate a Team 建立/激勵團隊 Monitor Progress 追蹤並掌握進度 Achieve 務必達成目標

5 Vision 願景 Leaders imagine 領袖要預想 What they would like to happen
In the future 想像未來想要達成的目標

6 Goals 目標 Leaders identify specific goals
that must be achieved to make the vision a reality 領袖需 標明 必須達成的明確目標 以實踐願景

7 A Goal is 目標必須是… Specific 明確的 Measurable 可衡量的 Action-oriented 以行動為導向的
Realistic 實際可行的 Time-bounded 有完成時程表的

8 Achieve 務必達成目標 Follow the first four steps and achievement naturally happens 確實執行前四個步驟自然就會達成目標

9 Build and Motivate a Team 建立和激勵團隊
People must want to make the vision and goals a reality 團隊要有共同達成願景和目標的使命

10 Monitor Progress 追蹤並掌握進度
Track progress 追蹤進度 Revise plans and goals as necessary 必要時得隨時修正原有之計劃和目標

11 The Club Success Plan 成功分會計劃表
Help determine how to meet 10 important goals 幫忙決定如何達成十項目標 Allows club to set own goals 讓各分會自訂目標 Outlines strategies 界定策略 Identifies resources 標示可運用之資源 Has space to write in data 預留空欄位以方便隨時填入資料

12 Club Officers Should 分會所有幹部需
Study and use plan to set goals / timetables 研讀教材並運用計劃表來設定目標和達成目標之時程表 Form committees 組成各委員會 Periodically review goals / timetables 定期檢討目標和達成目標之時程表 Compare accomplishments with reports 從網站檢視世界總會之成就報告表是否有落差 Give completed plan to incoming officers 把完整的計劃表移交接給即將接任的各級幹部

13 10 Goals 十項目標 1. Two 兩位 CTM 中級演講員 or CC 中級溝通員
2. Two more 再兩位 CTM or CC 3. One 一位 ATM-B/S/G 高級演講員 or AC-B/S/G 高級溝通員 4. One more 再一位 ATM-B/S/G or AC-B/S/G 5. One 一位 CL(AL-B)/AL(AL-S)/DTM中級領導員/高級領導員/傑出會員 6. One more 再一位 CL(AL-B)/AL(AL-S)/DTM 7. Four new members 四位新會員 8. Four more new members 再四位新會員 9. Minimum four officers trained each training period 兩次幹部訓練該分會至少都有四位幹部參加 10. One dues renewal and new officer list submitted on time (by June) 半年費準時繳交和準時(六月底前)呈報新任幹部名單

14 Membership requirements 傑出分會要求之會員人數
At year-end a club must have 該分會年終(六月底)要有 At least 20 members, or 至少有二十位會員 或 Net growth of at least five new members 至少需淨成長五位新會員

15 DCP Club Recognition 傑出分會榮銜
Distinguished Club goals 傑出分會 Select Distinguished Club goals 優選傑出分會 President’s Distinguished Club 9 goals 總會長傑出分會

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