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敬拜主 Majesty 〈華〉敬拜主 敬拜全能的主 榮耀能力一切讚美都歸給祂 Majesty, worship His majesty, Unto Jesus be all glory, power and praise, 〈台〉敬拜主,敬拜全能的主 榮光、權能一切讚美都歸於祂.

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Presentation on theme: "敬拜主 Majesty 〈華〉敬拜主 敬拜全能的主 榮耀能力一切讚美都歸給祂 Majesty, worship His majesty, Unto Jesus be all glory, power and praise, 〈台〉敬拜主,敬拜全能的主 榮光、權能一切讚美都歸於祂."— Presentation transcript:

1 敬拜主 Majesty 〈華〉敬拜主 敬拜全能的主 榮耀能力一切讚美都歸給祂 Majesty, worship His majesty, Unto Jesus be all glory, power and praise, 〈台〉敬拜主,敬拜全能的主 榮光、權能一切讚美都歸於祂

2 〈華〉敬拜主 敬拜權柄的主 從祂寶座能力流出 流到萬民 從祂寶座,能力流出,流到萬民
Majesty, kingdom authority Flow from His throne unto His own, His anthem raise 〈台〉敬拜主,敬拜權柄的主 從祂寶座,能力流出,流到萬民

3 〈華〉來高舉 一同高舉主耶穌聖名 來彰顯 一同彰顯 耶穌榮耀王 So exalt, lift up on high the name of Jesus, Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus, the King 〈台〉來高舉,相與高舉,主耶穌聖名 來彰顯,基督耶穌 君王的榮光

4 〈華〉敬拜主 敬拜尊貴的主 祂曾捨命今得榮耀 萬王之王
Majesty, worship His majesty, Jesus who died, now glorified, King of all Kings 〈台〉敬拜主,敬拜尊貴的主 祂為咱死,今得榮耀,萬王之王

5 聖殿充滿讚美 His praise fills the temple
聖殿充滿讚美 His praise fills the temple 曲:黃哲輝牧師 聖殿充滿讚美 我心充滿平安 喜樂與榮光 祂奇妙的賜給我 His praise fills the temple, His peace fills my heart His joy and His glory, He did wondrously impart

6 頌讚耶穌的名 赦我罪賜自由 讓聖殿充滿讚美 使聖靈居住我心 The blessed name of Jesus, Brought me freedom from sin Now His praise fills the temple, And His Spirit dwells within

7 我們是祢的百姓 We Are Your People 我們屬於祢,都是祢的百姓 我們正呼求祢,宣揚祢的聖名 在這黑暗的世代,祢召我們發光 當我們尋求祢面,主啊,顯祢大能 We are Your people who are called by Your name We call upon You now to declare Your fame In this nation of darkness You’ve called us to be light As we seek Your face, Lord Stir up Your might

8 建立祢教會,來醫治這地, 願祢國度降臨 建立祢教會,來醫治這地, 願祢旨意成全 Build Your church, and heal this land Let Your kingdom come Build Your church, and heal this land Let Your will be done

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