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Cue Dictation Verbal Collocations.

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Presentation on theme: "Cue Dictation Verbal Collocations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cue Dictation Verbal Collocations

2 Highlights Altogether we shall have 25 items to dictate.
For English items, recite Chinese; For Chinese, English.

3 afford people a sense of fulfilment

4 be afflicted with ~

5 改造犯人

6 塑造个性

7 学习知识

8 hone one’s ability

9 obtain information

10 draw on one’s experience

11 shoulder the responsibility of ~

12 增加政府支出

13 与~背道而驰

14 面对 ~

15 侵蚀民族自豪感

16 abide by the legislations

17 grant priority to ~

18 be vulnerable to ~

19 be immune to ~

20 分配资源

21 培育下一代

22 挖掘(开发)潜能

23 implement

24 从事研究

25 pose a threat to ~

26 exert an influence upon ~

27 facilitate healthy lifestyles

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