马槽圣婴 Away In A Manger 生命圣诗 100 Hymns of Life 100.

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1 马槽圣婴 Away In A Manger 生命圣诗 100 Hymns of Life 100

2 马槽圣婴 远远在马槽里,无枕也无床, 小小的主耶稣,睡觉很安详; 众星都照耀着主安睡地方, 小小的主耶稣,睡在干草上。
Away In A Manger 远远在马槽里,无枕也无床, Away in a manger, no crib for his bed, 小小的主耶稣,睡觉很安详; The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head; 众星都照耀着主安睡地方, The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay, 小小的主耶稣,睡在干草上。 The little Lord Jesus asleep in the hay. 1-V.1 生命圣诗 100 Hymns of Life 100

3 马槽圣婴 众牲畜呜呜叫,圣婴忽惊醒, 小小的主耶稣,却无啼哭声。 主耶稣,我爱你,求靠近我旁, 坐在我小床边,看守到天亮。
Away In A Manger 众牲畜呜呜叫,圣婴忽惊醒, The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes; 小小的主耶稣,却无啼哭声。 But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes. 主耶稣,我爱你,求靠近我旁, I love you, Lord Jesus; look down from the sky, 坐在我小床边,看守到天亮。 And stay by my side until morning is nigh. 2-V.1 生命圣诗 100 Hymns of Life 100

4 马槽圣婴 求主来临近我,与我在一起, 爱护我,亲近我,永远不分离。 求主赐福孩童,常关怀看顾, 让我们在天家与耶稣同住。
Away In A Manger 求主来临近我,与我在一起, Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask you to stay 爱护我,亲近我,永远不分离。 Close by me forever, and love me, I pray. 求主赐福孩童,常关怀看顾, Bless all the dear children in your tender care, 让我们在天家与耶稣同住。 And fit us for heaven to live with you there. 3-V.1 生命圣诗 100 Hymns of Life 100


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