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冠词的用法 江苏如东岔河中学高一英语备课组. 1 、泛指一类人和物。相当于 any. eg.1 A horse is an useful animal. 2 A steel worker makes steel. 2 、表示 one 或 every, eg. I have a mouth,a nose.

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Presentation on theme: "冠词的用法 江苏如东岔河中学高一英语备课组. 1 、泛指一类人和物。相当于 any. eg.1 A horse is an useful animal. 2 A steel worker makes steel. 2 、表示 one 或 every, eg. I have a mouth,a nose."— Presentation transcript:

1 冠词的用法 江苏如东岔河中学高一英语备课组

2 1 、泛指一类人和物。相当于 any. eg.1 A horse is an useful animal. 2 A steel worker makes steel. 2 、表示 one 或 every, eg. I have a mouth,a nose and two ears. 3 、用于一些固定词组中. eg. A little / a bit / a couple of 4 、用在 quite, rather, many, half /what/such 等词后. eg.1 Many a boy is swimming. 2 The vollage is half an hour’s walk from here. 5 、用在 so(as/too/how etc.) + 形容词之后 eg.1 How interesting a film it is! ( How interesting the film is!) 2 He is not so /as good a driver as you. 6 、用 a/an + 抽象名词,表示 “ 一件 … 的事 “ 一个 …. 的人 ” eg.1 He is a success. Eg.2 The plan is failure. 7 、用 a/an 表示部分不可数名词,表示 “ 一点 ” , “ 一些 ” 等。 a smile 一丝微笑 a rain 一场雨 make a noise 制造一点噪音

3 定冠词的用法 1 、表示特定的或上文已提到的人或物。 For example:.1 How did you like the report? 2 I borrowed a book yesterday. 3.The book is every interesting 2 、表示世界上独一无二的东西。 for example:.The sun is the center of the word. 3 、表示江河 ,山川群岛,海峡海湾及国家,党派的名称是由 几个普通名词构成的转有名词时,通常用 the. for example :the Dead Sea the people’s Republic of China the English the French etc. 4. 定冠词 + 姓氏复数,表示夫妇或一家人。 for example The Smiths the Turners 5 、演奏的乐器名称前加定冠词. for example :Play the piano play the flute

4 6 、用在方位名词前或某些表示时间的词组或惯用语中. the left (right) in the west in the end in the morning 7 、某些形容词前加 the 表示一类人或物,谓语动词用复数。 eg.1 The rich become richer,the poor poorer. 2 The beautiful is always loved. 3 The Chinese are working hard. 8 、用在单数名词前,表示一类人或一类物。 eg. The horse is a useful animals. 9 、用在序数词前,形容词的最高级前及表示俩者之间的 比较中的 “ 较 …… 者 ” 之前. eg.1 the longest river the third lesson 2 He is taller of the two. 10 、表示 “ 几十年代或年龄 ” 之前。 Eg. in the 1870s the 90’s in his forties 11 、表示发明物的名词词前. Eg. Alexander Graham Bell invented the phone in 1876 ( NMET91)

5 零冠词的用法 1. 抽象名词、物质名词、单个专有名词,人命、地名等前, 一般不用冠词。如: Eg.1 What they need is water. 2 Failure is the mother of success. 3 China, Tom, Shangdong Province. 2. 球类、棋类运动前都不加冠词。如: Eg. play chess( 下象棋 ) play football (踢足球) 3 .名词前有物主代词,指示代词,不定代词, 名词所有 格等限制时不加冠词。如: eg. This is my book. 4. 三餐前不加冠词,但特指须加, 有时也可以加 a 表示一顿。 eg.1 What do you usually have for lunch? 2 We had a really good dinner. 5. 四季前一般不加 the 。但特指必须加 the 。 eg. 1 It is very cold in(the) winter in this part of China. 2 Summer comes after spring and before autumn.

6 6. 头衔,职位名词在句中做宾补,表语,主补以及同位语时,大都用 零冠词。 eg. He was made monitor only yesterday. 7. 当 bike , car , taxi , bus , train , foot , ship 等与介词 by 连用, 表示一种交通手段是,不用 the 。 eg.Did you come back by plane or by train? 还有 by water , by land , by see , by air , on foot , On horse back 以及 by telephone , by telegraph 等 但 take a bus , on the bike , in a boat 等需加冠词。 8 .表示语言的名词前一般不用冠词。如: eg.Chinese , English, French, 但用 language 时需加 the 如 : the Chinese language 9 、在含有 day 的节日、假日前,不用冠词 Children’s Day,. 但在含有 festival 的节日前,需加冠词 the Spring Festival; the Mid –autumn Festival. 10. 在某些词组中,用不用冠词,所表示的含义不同。如: go to school ( 上学 ) go to the school( 到学校去 ) in hospital ( 住院 ) in the hospital ( 在医院里面 ) in front of ( 在 …… 前面 ) in the front of ( 在 …… 的前部 )

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