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Drugs for treatment of respiratory diseases 2013-4-17.

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1 Drugs for treatment of respiratory diseases 2013-4-17

2 Global asthma rates 全球 3 亿 中国 2 500 万( 1 000 万儿童) 2

3 粘液分泌过多 嗜酸性细胞 肥大细胞 抗原 Th2 细胞 血管扩张 新血管形成 血浆渗出 水肿形成 中性粒细胞 粘 液 栓粘 液 栓 巨噬细胞 / 树突状细胞 平滑肌收缩 肥大 / 增生 胆碱能反射 上皮脱落 上皮纤维化 感觉神经激活 神经激活 哮喘的现代观点 - 气道炎症 Barnes PJ 3

4 急性 炎症 慢性 炎症 气道 重塑 炎症细胞数量增加 上皮损伤 支气管痉挛 粘膜水肿 气道分泌增多 气道狭窄气道高反应性 气道可逆性降低 症状哮喘恶化 / 加重 细胞增生 细胞外基质增加 哮喘的病理学基础 4

5 疾病进程 气道慢性炎症 气道不可逆性 缩窄、重塑 呼吸衰竭 哮喘症状  发作性呼吸困难  喘憋  胸闷  咳嗽  反复发作  夜间加重  季节性和家族史 5

6 哮喘成功治疗应该 :  控制症状  预防发作  保持正常的肺功能  防止不可逆的气流受限  维持正常的活动水平 ( 包括运动 )  避免药物副作用  减少死亡率 Global Initiative for Asthma 6

7 哮喘的治疗机制 舒张支气 管平滑肌 消除支气管粘 膜的炎症水肿 避免诱发因素 7

8 Antiasthmatic drugs Airway inflammation bronchoconstriction Airway hyperresponsiveness Immunological and non-immunological stimuli Immunological and non-immunological stimuli Wheezing (asthmatic symptoms) glucocorticosteroids disodium cromoglycate leukotriene modifiers  2 receptor agonists theophylline muscerinic antagonists

9 §Relievers - Bronchodilators §  2 agonists § short-acting: salbutamol, terbutaline § long-acting: salmeterol, formoterol § Anticholinergics (muscarinic antagonists): ipratropine § Xantines (theophyllines): aminophylline §Preventers - Anti-inflammatory drugs §Glucocorticosteroids: § Inhaled steroids: beclomethasone( 倍氯米松), budesonide (布地奈德), fluticasone (氟替卡松 ) § oral steroids: hydrocortisone (氢化可的松), prednisone (, 强的松), dexamethasone (地塞米松) §Leukotriene (LT) receptor antagonists (leukotriene modifiers): § LT antagonists: montelukast ( 孟鲁司特 ), zafirlukast ( 扎鲁司特 ) § 5-lipoxygenase inhibitors: zileuton ( 齐留通 ) §Inhibitors of mediator release: cromolyn sodium( 色甘酸钠), nedocromil (奈多罗米 )

10 Antiasthmatic drugs §Glucocorticosteroids § Systemic: § hydrocortisone 氢化可的松 § prednisone 泼尼松 § dexamethasone 地塞米松 § Inhaled: § beclomethasone dipropionate 二丙酸倍氯米松 § budesonide 布地奈德 § triamcinolone acetonide 曲安奈德 § fluticasone propionate 丙酸氟替卡松 § flunisolide 氟尼缩松

11 Adrenocorticoid drugs  Adrenocortical hormones  Mineralocorticoids (球状带, 15% )  Glucocorticoids (束状带, 78% ) (Glucocorticosteroids)  Sex hormones (网状带, 7% )

12  1855 年, Addison’s 病 ( 肾上腺皮质功能低下)  1920s ,认识到肾上腺皮质对于维持功能的重要性  1936 ,自肾上腺皮质提取物制备了多种固醇化合物 结晶  1948 ,人工制备了可的松  1950 ,氢化可的松具有治疗作用  1958 ,地塞米松  倍他米松,倍氯米松。。。

13 §1. Pharmacological effects §Mechanisms of glucocorticoid actions §(1) Effects on metabolisms :增加肝、肌糖原含量,升高 血糖 §(2) Permissive action :可增加儿茶酚胺的缩血管效应和胰 高血糖的升血糖作用 §(3) Anti-inflammatory effects §(4) Effects on immune and allergy :用于解除许多过敏 性疾病的症状,抑制因过敏反应而产生的病理变化,抑制排 异反应 §(5) Anti-shock :广泛用于各种严重休克(内毒素和出血性 休克) §(6) Other effects § effects on blood and blood-forming organs § A. Glucocorticoid drugs

14 §Mechanisms of glucocorticoid actions §binding to glucocorticoid receptor (GR) § nuclear translocation § binding to GR element § regulating related gene transcription § biological effects (usually slow) A. Glucocorticoid drugs

15 糖皮质激素 (GCS) 的作用机制 皮质激素受体 热休克蛋白 90 核膜 mRNA nGRE +GRE 激素反应靶基因 X 细胞因子 诱导型一氧化氮 合成酶 环氧酶- 2 (COX-2) 磷脂酶 A 2 NK 2 - 受体 内皮素 -1 脂皮素 -1  - 受体 内核酶 中性肽链内切酶 GCS GRE 糖皮质激素 反应分子

16 Examples of glucocorticoid actions: Inhibition of proinflammatory gene transcription (AP-1 and NF  B)

17 §(1) Effects on metabolisms §a) Carbohydrate: blood glucose ↑ : gluconeogenesis ↑, § glucose utilization ↓ (用药期间少食高糖食物) §b) Protein: synthesis ↓, degradation ↑ (用药期间多食高蛋白食 物) §c) Lipid (短期应用影响不大) : plasma cholesterol ↑, fat redistribution (central obesity: moon face, buffalo hump) §d) Water and electrolytic: Na + excretion ↓,  K + excretion ↑, Ca 2+ excretion ↑ and absorption ↓ A. Glucocorticoid drugs

18 §(2) Permissive action §Potentiating the effects of catecholamines (儿茶酚 胺) and glucagon (胰高血糖素) § §(3) Anti-inflammatory effects §Acute: inhibiting microvascular leakage 减轻渗出和水肿 § leukocyte infiltration 改善红肿热痛 §Chronic: inhibiting fibroblast proliferation § deposition of collagen § cicatrization ( 瘢痕形成 ) § 注意:在抑制炎症减轻症状的同时,也降低了机体防御功能, 使用不当可使感染扩散,阻碍创伤愈合。 A. Glucocorticoid drugs

19 §a) Increasing inflammation related proteins or enzymes § inducing lipocortin (炎症抑制蛋白脂皮素), inhibiting phospholipase A 2 activity, decreasing mediators: PGs, LTs § inducing vasocortin (缩血管物质血管皮素), decreasing microvascular permeability § inhibiting the expression of PLA 2, COX-2, inducible NOS, etc. §b) Inhibiting cytokinins: decreasing the transcription and activities of TNFα, IL-1, IL-2, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, etc. §c) Inhibiting adhesion molecules : transcriptional inhibiting E- selectin and ICAM-1 §d) Inducing the apoptosis of inflammatory cells: downregulating proliferative genes including c-myc and c-myb, activating apoptotic-related enzymes (GR-dependent) A. Glucocorticoid drugs

20 糖皮质激素 (GCS) 的抗炎作用分子机制  对炎症抑制蛋白及某些靶酶的影 响  增加脂皮素 -1 转录,抑制 PLA2 , 使 PGs 和 LTs 减少  抑制 NO 合酶和 Cox-2  诱导 ACE 生成  对细胞因子和粘附因子影响  抑制 TNF-a 等生成  抑制 E- 选择素和 ICAM-1 表达  增加 NF-kB 的抑制因子 IKB 表达  对炎细胞凋亡的影响 基因效应  非基因的受体介导效应 细胞膜类固醇受体  生化效应 溶解于细胞膜,影响其生化特性, 对线粒体内膜影响直接导致例 子通透性增加,进而致使氧化 磷酸化偶联的解离。 特点:起效快 对转录和蛋白质合成抑制 剂不敏感 非基因效应

21  抗炎作用:抑制巨噬细胞和嗜酸粒细胞释放介质;抑制炎性细 胞(主要是嗜酸细胞)进入肺内;诱导磷脂酶 A2 抑制蛋白的产 生,抑制磷脂酶 A2 ,阻止膜磷脂分解为花生四烯酸,避免进一 步转化为白三烯、前列腺素等;减轻炎症的渗出、水肿和毛细 血管扩张,降低血管通透性。  抗过敏作用。  舒张支气管:抑制细胞内磷酸二酯酶活性,另外对支气管平滑 肌有直接松驰作用。  抑制支气管腺体的过度分泌,增强粘液-纤毛清除功能,参与 支气管上皮纤毛的形成,对受损的上皮起抗炎和再生作用。  增加 β 受体的合成,并可增强 β 受体的功能,合用时可减少 β 受体 激动剂耐药性的产生。

22 激素与  2 受体激动剂之间的相互作用 ß 2 - 受体 激素对 ß 2 - 受体的作用 激素受体 激素 抗炎作用 ß 2 - 激动剂对激素受体的作用, ß 2 - 受体激动剂 支气管扩张作用 Barnes Nice 2001

23 §(4) Effects on immune and allergy §Suppressing immunological functions and allergy §a) inducing apoptosis of T and B lymphocytes §b) inhibiting transcription factor - nuclear factor κB (NFκB) activity  应用:抑制组织器官的移植排异反应  对自身免疫性疾病也发挥一定近期疗效 A. Glucocorticoid drugs

24 §(5) Anti-shock (大剂量) § Septic shock §a) improving cardiovascular functions §b) inhibiting the production of inflammatory factors §c) stabilizing lysosome membrane: decreasing the release of myocardial depressant factor (MDF) §d) increasing the tolerance to endotoxin from bacteria A. Glucocorticoid drugs

25 §(6) Other effects §a) antipyretic (退热) effects §b) effects on blood and blood-forming organs §red cell  ; lymphocytes  ; neutrophils  (function  ); eosinophils  ; platelets  §c) skeletal system: osteoporosis §d) CNS: increasing excitability (elevated mood, euphoria, insomnia, restlessness, increased motor activity) A. Glucocorticoid drugs

26 皮质激素药代动力学-半衰期 皮质激素血浆半衰期 ( 分钟 ) 生物半衰期 ( 小时 ) 氢化可的松 908-12 强的松 强的松龙 甲泼尼龙 去炎松 60 200 180 300 12-36 24-48 倍他米松 地塞米松 100-300 36-54

27 皮质激素抗炎作用比较 激素 等效抗炎剂量 抗炎强度 无氟激素 氢化可的松 20 1 强的松 5 4 强的松龙 5 4 甲泼尼龙 4 5 含氟激素 去炎松 4 5 地塞米松 0.75 25 *Data from PNU file

28 吸入激素使用剂量换算表 ( 成人 ) 药物 二丙酸倍氯米松 布地奈德 丙酸氟替卡松 低剂量中剂量 200–500 µg 200–400 µg 100–250µg 高剂量 500–1000µg 400–800 µg 250–500 µg >1000 µg >800 µg >500 µg 应根据病人对治疗的反应来决定给予药物的剂量,这是最重要的。 全球哮喘防治创议 (GINA 2002 年 )

29 §2. ADME and properties of commonly used drugs §Cortisone and prednisone are reduced and transformed to hydrocortisone and prednisolone (active forms) in the liver §Metabolism will be increased by hepatic enzyme inductors (phenobarbital, phenytoin, rifampine, etc.) A. Glucocorticoid drugs

30 §3. Clinical uses §(1) Immune diseases §a) autoimmune disorders: reumatic fever, reumatic carditis, rhumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, polyarthritis nodosa, nephritic syndrome, etc. §b) rejection of organ transplantation §c) allergic diseases: urticaria, serum sickenss, contact dermatitis, drug allergic reactions, chronic severe asthma, status asthmaticus, angioneurotic edema, etc. A. Glucocorticoid drugs

31 §(2) Severe infection and inflammation §a) acute severe infections: merely suppressing inflammatory manifestations but at times lifesaving §Causion: combination with effective antimicrobial drugs ! §Usually be not used in viral and fungal infections except for those with cerebral edema or severe systemic symptoms §b) prevention of sequelae of some types of inflammation, such as in brain, heart, eye, joint, etc. A. Glucocorticoid drugs

32 §(3) Septic shock: larger dose, short-term, combined with antimicrobial drugs §(4) Hemological diseases: acute lymphocytic leukemia, lymphomas, aplastic anemia, hemolytic anemia, leukocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, etc. §(5) Topical applications: skin, eye, respiratory tract, joint (local injection) §(6) Some types of tumors: breast and prostatic cancers, acute lymphocytic leukemia, etc. A. Glucocorticoid drugs

33 §4. Adverse effects §(1) Effects resulting from continued used of large doses §a) Hypercorticism (肾上腺功能亢进) -like syndrome: central obesity (moon face, buffalo hump, etc.); hypertension; glycosuria (糖尿病), hypokalemia (低钾血症) ; etc. §b) Increasing susceptibility to infections: specific antimicrobial drugs should be administered with GCs §c) Ingestive system: peptic ulcers (胃、十二指肠 溃疡), etc. A. Glucocorticoid drugs

34 §d) Cardiovascular system: hypertension, arteriosclerosis (动脉硬化 ) §e) Myopathy and osteoporosis: vertebral compression fractures, spontaneous fractures, especially in postmenopausal women §f) CNS: behavioral disturbances, induction of epileptic seizures §g) Inhibition or arrest of growth in children A. Glucocorticoid drugs

35 Adverse effects of glucocorticoid drugs: Effects resulting from continued used of large doses



38 §(2) Withdrawal syndrome §a) Suppression of hypothalamic-pituitary- adrenal axis( 下丘脑 - 垂体 - 肾上腺皮质轴, HPA ) §b) Exacerbation of the underlying diseases (rebound) A. Glucocorticoid drugs

39 Antiasthmatic drugs Chemical structure of 4 kinds inhalation glucocorticosteroids F O HO C = O SCH 2 F OCOC 2 H 5 CH 3 F 丙酸氟替卡松(FP) 布地奈德(BUD) O HO C = O CH 2 OH O O H C H C3H7C3H7 糠酸莫米他松(MF) Cl O HO C = O Cl O CH 3 C- O Cl HO C = O CH 2 OCOC 2 H 5 OCOC 2 H 5 CH 3 H 二丙酸倍氯米松(BDP) O C = O CH 2 OCOC 2 H 5 OCOC 2 H 5 CH 3

40 Beclomethasone dipropionate二丙酸倍氯米松 A. Glucocorticoid drugs

41 §1. Pharmacological effects § Antiinflammation: § 抑制多种参与哮喘发病的炎症细胞及免疫细胞 § 抑制细胞因子与炎症介质的产生 § 抑制气管高反应性 § 增加支气管及血管平滑肌对儿茶酚胺的敏感性 §2. Clinical uses § As first-line drugs, currently § Controlling chronic symptoms (用于扩张药不能很好控 制病情的慢性哮喘患者) § Ineffective for acute symptoms! A. Glucocorticoid drugs

42 Adverse effects Local: 口咽部念珠菌感染 —— 用药后漱口可减少发生 Systemic effects 治疗剂量作用不明显  肾上腺功能亢进  易感染 A. Glucocorticoid drugs

43 B. Inhibitors of mediator release Disodium cromoglycate 色甘酸钠

44 §1. Pharmacological effects  抑制抗原引起的肥大细胞释放炎性介质  抑制非特异性支气管痉挛 §2. Clinical uses  Prevention of allergic asthma (外源性效果好, 内源性效果差) § Acting slowly (2-4 weeks)  8 周无效可放弃 §3. Adverse effects  咽喉和器官刺激,胸部紧迫感,甚至诱发哮喘( β 激动剂 可防止) B. Inhibitors of mediator release

45 CromolynInhibits mediator release from mast cells Cromolyn Inhibits mediator release from mast cells

46 Other inhibitors of mediator release: Sodium nedocromil( 萘多罗米钠 ) Inhibiting mediators release from mast cell or other cells, the effect is better than disodium cromoglycate. Ketotifen( 酮替芬 ) Inhibiting mediators release, and antagonizing H 1 receptor. B. Inhibitors of mediator release

47  Leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRA) (CysLT1 receptor antagonist) (CysLT1 receptor antagonist)  montelukast ( 孟鲁司特 )  zafirlukast ( 扎鲁司特 )  5-lipoxygenase inhibitors  zileuton ( 齐留通 ) C. Leukotriene modifiers

48 Leukotriene metabolism pathway LTC 4, LTD 4, LTE 4 ----CysLT1 receptor bronchoconstrictors, increase microvascular permeability, mucus secretion LTB 4 ----BLT receptor chemoattractant for neutrophils C. Leukotriene modifiers

49 (Accolate, 扎鲁司特 ) Zafirlukast (Accolate, 扎鲁司特 )  an oral LTRA  Reducing constriction of the airways and build- up of mucus in the lungs and inflammation of the breathing passages.  Clinical use: twice daily  maintenance treatment of asthma, often used in conjunction with an inhaled steroid and/or long- acting bronchodilator. C. Leukotriene modifiers

50 Montelukast (Singulair and Montelo-10, 孟鲁司特 )  it blocks the action of leukotriene D4 (and secondary ligands LTC4 and LTE4) on the cysteinyl leukotriene receptor CysLT1 in the lungs and bronchial tubes by binding to it.  reduces the bronchoconstriction  Clinical use: once daily  Asthma : maintenance treatment of asthma and to relieve symptoms of seasonal allergies  it is not useful for the treatment of acute asthma attacks. C. Leukotriene modifiers

51 Adverse effects  generic adverse reactions :  gastrointestinal disturbances  Headaches  sleep disorders  increased bleeding tendency  Churg–Strauss syndrome  Drowsiness

52 Zileuton (Zyflo, 齐留通 )  an orally active inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase  inhibits leukotrienes (LTB4, LTC4, LTD4, and LTE4) formation. taken four times per day  Clinical use: taken four times per day  Zileuton is used for the maintenance treatment of asthma.  Adverse effects  sinusitis (鼻窦炎), nausea (反胃), pharyngolaryngeal pain (咽喉疼痛) C. Leukotriene modifiers

53 治疗药物的选用 缓解药物 速效 β 2 激动剂按需吸入 控制药物 :  每天吸入皮质 激素 控制药物 :  每天吸入皮质 激素  每天吸入长效 β2 激动剂 控制药物 :  每天吸入糖皮质 激素  每天吸入长效 β2 激动剂  当哮喘控制 时,减少剂 量  监护 1 级 : 间歇发作 2 级 : 轻度持续 3 级 : 中度持续 4 级 : 重度持续 降级 结果:哮喘控制 尽可能的最好结果 控制药物 : 无 - 缓释茶碱 - 白三烯调节剂 - 口服皮质激素 53


55 属于糖皮质激素类的药物是 ( ) A. 特布他林 Terbutaline B .乙酰半胱氨酸 Acetylcysteine C .布地奈德 Budesonide D .氨茶碱 Aminophylline E .酮替芬 Ketotifen

56 关于糖皮质激素治疗哮喘的叙述,错误是 ( ) A .局部抗炎作用 B .减少白三烯的生成 C .可吸入给药 D .对磷脂酶 A2 有抑制作用 E .对磷酸二酯酶有抑制作用

57 下述哪个药物属于抗过敏平喘药? ( ) A. 特布他林 Terbutaline B .异丙肾上腺素 Isoprenaline C .布地奈德 Budesonide D. 异丙托溴胺 Ipratropium bromide E .色甘酸钠 Disodium cromoglycate

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