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Signs and Symptoms of Head & Neck Cancers 头部与頚部癌症的症状.

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Presentation on theme: "Signs and Symptoms of Head & Neck Cancers 头部与頚部癌症的症状."— Presentation transcript:

1 Signs and Symptoms of Head & Neck Cancers 头部与頚部癌症的症状

2 Cancer-related Websites 与癌症有关的网站 Singapore: USA:

3 Head & Neck Cancers- Signs and Symptoms 头部与頚部癌症 Lymph Node Lumps 淋巴癌 Salivary Gland Tumour 唾腺癌 Thyroid Cancer 甲状腺癌 Vocal cord cancer 声带癌 Tongue Cancer 舌头癌 Nose Cancer 鼻咽癌 黄守全医生 Dr.Huang Shoou Chyuan

4 Nasopharyngeal Cancer (1968-2002) 鼻咽癌统计数字 (1968-2002 年 ) 男性 女性 男性

5 Causes of Nose Cancer 鼻咽癌病因  Genetics 基因 -Chinese esply southern Chinese 尤其华南一带的华族  Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) 细菌  Diet eg salted fish 饮食习惯例如咸鱼咸菜  Familial 家族遗传

6 Signs and Symptoms of NPC 鼻咽癌的症状  Ear 耳 Deafness 耳聋 Tinnitus 耳鸣  Nose 鼻 Nosebleed 流鼻血 Blood in sputum 咳嗽出血  Throat 喉 Neck Lumps 頚部肿瘤

7 Naso-endoscopy 用内窥镜检查鼻子 Normal 正常的 Nose Cancer 鼻咽癌

8 Treatment Methods 治疗方法  Radiotherapy 电疗 - Early stage NPC 早期  Combination Radio- and Chemotherapy 化疗与电疗 - Mid- and Later stage NPC 中期后期  Surgery 动手术 - Recurrent Neck Lump 頚部 肿瘤 复发 Early stage NPC has cure rate of about 80% ! 早期治愈机会高 +/- 80%!

9 Neck Node Swelling 淋巴肿瘤 Lymphoma 淋巴癌 : Fever 发烧 General Malaise 疲倦 Metastatic Neck Swelling 癌症扩散 : Cancer-related swelling 与癌症有关的肿瘤

10 Thyroid Cancer 甲状腺癌 Neck swelling 肿瘤 Hoarseness (Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve) 声音嘶哑 Swallowing difficulty 吞咽困难 Airway obstruction 呼吸困难 Pain 疼痛

11 Salivary Gland Cancer 唾腺癌 Swelling 肿瘤 Facial paralysis 脸部扭曲 Pain 疼痛

12 Vocal Cord Cancer 声带癌 Swelling 肿瘤 Hoarseness 声音嘶哑 Swallowing difficulty 吞咽困难 Airway obstruction 呼吸困难 Pain 疼痛 Blood in sputum 咳嗽出血

13 Tongue Cancer 舌头癌 Non-healing ulcer 无法痊愈的溃疡 Pain 疼痛 Bleeding 口部流血 Swallowing difficulty 吞咽困难 Airway Obstruction 呼吸困难


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