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US$100,000 in 4 Commission weeks

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1 US$100,000 in 4 Commission weeks
ABC 法則 ABC Pattern Joanne Hsi 國際總裁級 International Field President Coordinator 四個佣金週期共賺取US$100,000 US$100,000 in 4 Commission weeks 本簡報中提到的收入等級純屬舉例說明,無意代表美安香港經銷商的一般收入,也無意表示任何經銷商皆可賺取同等收入。美安香港經銷商的成功與否,取決於其在發展事業時的努力、才能與投入程度。The income levels mentioned in the following presentation are for illustration purposes only. They are not intended to represent the income of a typical Market Hong Kong Distributor, nor are they intended to represent that any given Independent Distributor will earn income in that amount. The success of any Market Hong Kong Independent Distributor will depend upon the amount of hard work, talent, and dedication which he or she devotes to building his or her Market Hong Kong Business.

2 國際總裁級 席再鳳 International Field President Joanne Hsi

3 自我介紹 軍人子弟(外省人) 大學畢業就結婚,沒有工作過 1987年離婚,獨自撫養兒子 1990年移民美國,不會英文、沒有工作 1995年12月加入美安公司 Self Introduction From a military family (Mainland Chinese) Get married after university graduation; never work 1987 divorced,raised her son on her own 1990 immigrated to the US, do not know English, no job Dec 1995, joined Market America

4 早期成功人士的背景(資深顧問委員會) Background of Successful distributors in the early stage (Advisory Council)
努力型 Hardworking style 四週佣金週期可賺≥ 美元 Earned ≥ US$ in a 4 week pay cycle Marian & James Kuo Amber Yang $80,000 $45,000 Emily Cheng & Te-Ling Chou (周德麟) $36,000 趙瑩 張海東 $25,000 Cindy Eng Johnson Li 陈敏 Marian & James Kuo $80,000 every 4 weeks Emily Cheng (德林) $36,000 every 4 weeks 趙瑩 $36,000 every 4 weeks 張海東 $25,000 every 4 weeks Cindy Eng $25,000 every 4 weeks Johnson Lee $25,000 every 4 weeks

5 劉敏 $63,000 Catherine & Shu Yang $36,000 彭美玲 $25,000 Donald Qi (戚曙光)
老師背景 Teacher background 四週佣金週期可賺≥ 美元 Earned ≥ US$ in a 4 week pay cycle 劉敏 $63,000 Catherine & Shu Yang $36,000 彭美玲 彭美珊 $25,000 Donald Qi (戚曙光) & Jingying Liu (刘景莹) 劉敏 $63,000 every 4 weeks 董宥均 $45,000 every 4 weeks Catherine & Shu Yang $36,000 every 4 weeks 彭美玲 $25,000 every 4 weeks 彭美珊 $25,000 every 4 weeks 本簡報中提到的收入等級純屬舉例說明,無意代表美安香港經銷商的一般收入,也無意表示任何經銷商皆可賺取同等收入。美安香港經銷商的成功與否,取決於其在發展事業時的努力、才能與投入程度。 The income levels mentioned in the following presentation are for illustration purposes only. They are not intended to represent the income of a typical Market Hong Kong Distributor, nor are they intended to represent that any given Independent Distributor will earn income in that amount. The success of any Market Hong Kong Independent Distributor will depend upon the amount of hard work, talent, and dedication which he or she devotes to building his or her Market Hong Kong Business.

6 Dolly Kuo (郭多麗) $63,000 Nina Hale $45,000 Tina Chen Roger & 吳彩樺
生意人背景 Business Man background 四週佣金週期可賺≥ 美元 Earned ≥ US$ in a 4 week pay cycle Dolly Kuo (郭多麗) $63,000 Nina Hale $45,000 Tina Chen Roger & 吳彩樺 Melisa Chen $25,000 Amy Liu Pau Kun Liu 王梅 本簡報中提到的收入等級純屬舉例說明,無意代表美安香港經銷商的一般收入,也無意表示任何經銷商皆可賺取同等收入。美安香港經銷商的成功與否,取決於其在發展事業時的努力、才能與投入程度。 The income levels mentioned in the following presentation are for illustration purposes only. They are not intended to represent the income of a typical Market Hong Kong Distributor, nor are they intended to represent that any given Independent Distributor will earn income in that amount. The success of any Market Hong Kong Independent Distributor will depend upon the amount of hard work, talent, and dedication which he or she devotes to building his or her Market Hong Kong Business.

7 如何帶夥伴執行ABC滾動 時間自由 永續收入=領導者+領導者=BV+IBV
How to lead your partners to do ABC pattern Time Freedom Residual Income = Leaders + Leaders = BV+IBV

8 ABC滾動模式 ABC Pattern of Duplication & Building Depth
我 You 資深夥伴 Senior Partners B A A、B、C等均為積極進取型經銷商 A, B, C, etc. are GoNow Distributors

9 你 You 建立「基本十顧客」基礎 Base 10 is the fundamental 建立 10 人以上的忠實顧客基礎,
每位顧客每月至少購買 30 業績點數(BV)的產品。 At least 10 Preferred Customers ordering 30 BV per month. 你 You (BV: 業績點數) C = 顧客每月購買價值 30 個業績點數以上的產品 C = Preferred Customers ordering at least 30 BV per month

10 為什麼我該做UFO? 答案:UFO會提高自己的能力
會有更具體目標 十顧客七人強/UFO 專業檢定 工具/零售/招募/培訓/成果 系統模範 有效率 具時效的要求 有標準 全方位的驗收 有複製 Why should I be UFO? Answer: UFO enhances your abilities Specific Goals Base 10, 7 Strong/ UFO Track Professionally Tools/Retail/Recruit/Training/Result Systemize Efficient Timely Standardize All-rounded result Duplicable

11 複製前先系統化 系統化:同樣的元素同樣的結果 Systemization before Duplication
培訓  系統化培訓 零售  系統化零售 招募  系統化招募 系統化:同樣的元素同樣的結果 Systemization before Duplication Training  Training Systemization Retailing  Retailing Systemization Recruiting  Recruiting Systemization Systemization: Same Element, Same Result

12 Training Systemization
培訓系統化 Training Systemization 練習歸零學習 練習搶票賣票 練習每會必到 Practice: Learn from zero Practice: Get the tickets ASAP & Sell the tickets Practice: Attend every meeting/training 溝通歸零學習 溝通搶票賣票 溝通每會必到 Communicate: Learn from zero Communicate: Get the tickets ASAP & Sell the tickets Communicate: Attend every meeting/training 一起歸零學習 一起搶票賣票 一起每會必到 Together: Learn from zero Together: Get the tickets ASAP & Sell the tickets Together: Attend every meeting/training 重點是:學 / 陪著學 / 陪著一起學 The KEY: Learn/Learn together/ Learn & Support each other

13 Retailing Systemization
零售系統化 Retailing Systemization 練習自用產品 練習經營商場 練習借力見證 Practice: Self-use products Practice: Operate HK.SHOP.COM Practice: Leverage power by testimonials 溝通自用產品 溝通經營商場 溝通借力見證 Communicate: Self-use products Communicate: Operate HK.SHOP.COM Communicate: Leverage power by testimonials 一起自用產品 一起經營商場 一起借力見證 Together: Self-use products Together: Operate HK.SHOP.COM Together: Leverage power by testimonials 重點是:用 / 陪著用/ 陪著一起用 The KEY: Use/ Use together/ Use & Support each other

14 Recruting Systemization
招募系統化 Recruting Systemization 練習建立關係 練習曝光商機 練習借力場次 Practice: Relationship building Practice: Let more people know about this business opportunity Practice: Leverage power by different events 溝通建立關係 溝通曝光商機 溝通借力場次 Communicate: Relationship building Communicate: Let more people know about this business opportunity Communicate: Leverage power by different events 一起建立關係 一起曝光商機 一起借力場次 Together: Relationship building Together: Let more people know about this business opportunity Together: Leverage power by different events 重點是:聊 / 陪著聊/ 陪著一起聊 The KEY: Discuss/ Discuss together/ Discuss & Support each other

15 複製系統 執行計劃 堅持行動 相信成功 Duplicate the System Execute the Plan
Be consistent to the Actions Believe and you will succeed

16 跟進分五個階段: 1. 物色期 2. 新經銷商 3. 做了一陣子的經銷商 4. 積極進取型 5. 領袖
5 steps of Follow-up: 1. Prospecting period 2. New Distributor 3. Being Distributor for a while 4. GoNow 5. Leaders

17 物色的重要性 因為我們是一輩子的合作夥伴 交流彼此的思想 吸收不同的經驗 累積眾人的力量
The importance of Prospecting We are life-long partners Exchange ideas and thoughts Get more experience Accumulate power of all

18 物色所有條件中我最重視的是: 你是否願意拿出時間來學習?
The most concerning part for me in prospecting: Are you willing to spend time on learning?

19 建立「基本十顧客」基礎 每位經銷商都執行「基本十顧客」 你 You Base 10 is the fundamental
在左右組織各推薦一位合格經銷商,由此擴展業務 Activate by personally sponsor 2 qualified distributors in your left and right organization. 你 You 孫先生 Mr. Suen 蘇小姐 Ms. So 每位經銷商都執行「基本十顧客」 Everyone does “Base 10”

20 建立「基本十顧客」基礎 Base 10 is the fundamental 我 You 每週至少賺取 $16,100元 - 二十四個月後
After 24 Months, Earn > $16,100/Weekly (BV) 5000 BV 3600 BV 2400 BV 1200 BV 5000 BV 3600 BV 2400 BV 1200 BV 我 You $11,500 $11,500 孫先生 Mr. Suen 蘇小姐 Ms. So $4,600 $4,600 $4,600 $4,600 $2300 $2300 $2300 $2300 $2300 $2300 $2300 $2300 $2300 $2300 $2300 $2300 $2300 $2300 $2300 $2300

21 謝謝聆聽

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