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— Introduction of Certification Schemes in China

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1 — Introduction of Certification Schemes in China
提高认证有效性 实现科学发展 ―中国认证制度介绍 Enhancing Effectiveness of Certification and Realizing Scientific Development — Introduction of Certification Schemes in China 国家认证认可监督管理委员会(CNCA) 金立萍 by Mr.Jin Liping

2 认证认可: 国际通行的规范经济、促进发展的重要手段 企业和组织机构提高管理与服务水平、保证产品质量、提高竞争力的可靠方式 国家从源头上确保产品质量安全、规范市场行为、指导消费、保护环境、保护人民生命健康、促进对外贸易的战略性选择 Certification and Accreditation: An internationally adopted measure to regulate economy and promote development A reliable method of organizations to enhance management level, guarantee product quality and improve competitiveness A strategic choice of the nation to guarantee product safety, regulate market, guide consumers, protect environment, protect human life and health, and to promote international trade

3 为保护广大消费者人身和动植物生命安全,保护环境、保护国家安全,依照法律法规实施强制性产品认证。
China implements Compulsory Product Certification in accordance with relevant laws and regulations for the purpose of protection of state security, prevention of deceptive practices, and protection of human life or safety, animal or plant life or health, and the environment. 开展自愿性认证:指导消费者选购性能良好的商品,提高企业的市场竟争能力,全面提高产品的性能和提高企业持续稳定地生产符合标准要求的能力。 China promotes voluntary certification to guide consumers, improve enterprises’ competitiveness, their products’ performance and their capability to maintain compliance.

4 China Compulsory Product Certification (CCC)
强制性产品认证制度 China Compulsory Product Certification (CCC)

5 一 组织机构 Part 1: Organizational Structure

6 二 规范性文件 Part 2: Regulatory Documents
《强制性产品认证标志管理办法》 Regulations for Compulsory Product Certification 《第一批实施强制性产品认证的产品目录》 The First Catalogue of Products Subject to Compulsory Certification 《实施强制性产品认证有关问题的通知》 Arrangements for the Implementation of Compulsory Certification 列入目录内产品的强制性认证实施规则 Implementation Rules of Compulsory Certification 《承担强制性产品认证检测检查机构指定管理办法》 Regulations for Designating Certification, Testing and Inspection Bodies for Compulsory Certification 《强制性产品认证收费规定》 Regulations for Fees of Compulsory Certification

7 三 强制性产品认证制度的建立与实施体系 Part 3 CCC: Responsibilities and Obligations
1.主管机关及职能 The competent authority and its responsibilities 国家质检总局为国务院直属机构,负责全国的标准、计量、质量监督、检验、检疫工作,其在强制性产品认证工作中的职能为: General Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China (AQSIQ),directly under the State Council, responsible for standardization, metrology, quality supervision, inspection and quarantine. Its responsibilities related to CCC are:   ― 批准并与认监委共同对外发布《目录》; to approve and announce with CNCA product catalogue   ― 组织制定强制性产品认证规章; to set out regulations related to CCC   

8 三 强制性产品认证制度的建立与实施体系 Part 3 CCC: CCC: Responsibilities and Obligations
国家认监委与CCC相关职责 CNCA’s Responsibilities related to CCC   ― 拟定、调整《目录》并与国家质检总局共同对外发布 to draft and adjust product catalogue and announce with AQSIQ   ― 制定和发布《目录》内产品认证实施规则 to establish and announce Implementation Rules for CCC   ― 制定并发布认证标志,确定强制性产品认证证书的要求 to establish and announce CCC mark and set out requirements for CCC certificate   ― 指定承担认证任务的认证机构及为其提供产品检测、工厂审查的检查机构,指定认证标志发放机构 to designate certification, testing and inspection bodies for CCC and CCC Mark issuing center  

9 三 强制性产品认证制度的建立与实施体系 Part 3 CCC: Responsibilities and Obligations
国家认监委与CCC相关职责 CNCA’s Responsibilities related to CCC  ―公布获证产品及相关企业 to publish CCC certified products and their producers   ― 指导地方质检机构对强制性产品认证违法行为的查处 to guide regional quality supervision bodies to investigate and sanction violence of relevant laws and regulations   ― 受理有关投诉和申诉事宜,组织查处重大认证违法行为 to deal with complaints and appeals and organize investigation and sanction   ― 审批特殊用途产品免于强制性认证的事项 to approve exemptions

10 三 强制性产品认证制度的建立与实施体系 Part 3 CCC: Responsibilities and Obligations
 2.有关行业部门在强制性产品认证方面的职能 Relevant Ministries’ Responsibilities Related to CCC 按照国务院的规定,国务院相应行业主管部门应积极配合、支持并服从国家认证认可监督管理委员会对强制性产品认证工作的管理。国家认监委在强制性产品认证制度建立和实施过程中将积极发挥各部门的作用。 Relevant ministries and competent authorities under the state Council give support to CNCA for CCC.    

11 三 强制性产品认证制度的建立与实施体系 Part 3 CCC: Responsibilities and Obligations
3.地方政府质检机构 Regional Quality Supervision Bodies 地方质检机构是指地方质量技术监督部门和各地出入境检验检疫部门。地方质检机构在强制性产品认证工作中的职能为:    ― 对所辖区内列入《目录》的产品实施监督。严禁未获得认证的《目录》内产品进入本辖区。    ― 对强制性产品认证违法行为进行查处。 Regional quality supervision bodies refer to regional quality supervision bureaus and import-export commodity inspection bureaus. Their responsibilities related to CCC are: — to supervise CCC of products within their respective jurisdictions — to investigate and sanction violence of laws and regulations related to CCC

12 三 强制性产品认证制度的建立与实施体系 Part 3 CCC: Responsibilities and Obligations
4.指定认证机构及检测、检查机构 Designated certification, testing and inspection bodies   指定认证机构是强制性认证工作实施的主体,其主要职责为:   ― 按照认证实施规则的要求实施具体产品的强制性认证活动   ― 向获证产品及相关企业颁发强制性产品认证证书   ― 对获证产品及相关生产厂进行跟踪检查   ― 暂停、注销和撤消认证证书   ― 处理有关方面对认证产品及认证申请人的投诉、申诉 The responsibilities of designated CBS are: — To do certification in accordance with Implementation Rules for CCC — To issue to enterprises CCC certificates for certified products — To do surveillance of certified products and their factories — To suspend, cancel and withdraw certificates — To deal with complaints and appeals about certified products and certification applicants  

13 三 强制性产品认证制度的建立与实施体系 Part 3 CCC: Responsibilities and Obligations
为认证机构提供服务的检测、检查机构接受认证机构的委托为其提供认证产品的检测报告、认证产品生产厂的工厂审查报告。 Contracted testing laboratories and inspection bodies of the certification body provide test reports and factory inspection reports. 认证机构对强制性产品认证证书负责。 The certification body is responsible for CCC certificates it issues.

14 三 强制性产品认证制度的建立与实施体系 Part 3 Responsibilities and Obligations
5.指定认证标志发放机构 CCC Mark Issuing Center   ― 根据企业提供的认证证书,发放认证标志   ― 接受国家认证认可监督管理委员会的委托,对于非标准规格的认证标志以及模压等其他方式使用的认证标志的使用方案进行核准   ― 为地方质检机构提供执法所需的信息 — to issue CCC Mark — to approve the use of non-standard CCC Marks — to provide information need for law enforcement

15 三 强制性产品认证制度的建立与实施体系 Part 3 CCC: Responsibilities and Obligations
6. 指定认证机构、检测机构、检查机构在强制性产品认证工作中的义务: Obligations of designated CBs, testing labs and inspection bodies   1)    接受国家认监委的监督 to accept supervision by CNCA   2)    在指定范围内开展相应工作 to do certification, testing or inspection within the designated scope   3)    保证认证、检测、检查结果的准确性,承担相关法律责任 to ensure accuracy of certification, test or inspection results and bear relevant legal liabilities   4)    保守认证产品、申请人、生产厂的技术秘密 to protect confidentiality of technical secrets of certified products, certification applicants and the factories

16 三 强制性产品认证制度的建立与实施体系 Part 3 CCC: Responsibilities and Obligations
5)    未经许可不得向其他机构转让认证受理、认证决定、检测、检查权力 not to subcontract its rights of acceptance and decision of certification, testing and inspection without authorization 6)    不得从事与本机构业务相关的咨询服务 not to do consultancy related to its own business   7)    不得擅自与其他机构签署关于认证结果、检测结果、检查结果的相互承认协议 not to recognize results of certification, testing and inspection of other bodies without authorization   8)    配合执法部门的监督检查工作 to support market surveillance by law enforcement authorities   9)    建立申诉、投诉机制,公正处理认证争议 to set up mechanisms for complaints and appeals, and deal with certification disputes

17 三 强制性产品认证制度的建立与实施体系 Part 3 CCC: Responsibilities and Obligations
  7.〈目录〉内产品的生产者、销售者、进口商和经营活动的使用者在强制性产品认证制度实施过程中的义务: Obligations of manufacturers, dealers, importers and users for commercial purposes in the process of CCC certification: 1)自觉提出认证申请 to make applications for certification on its own initiative   2)保证提供实施认证的必要条件 to provide necessary conditions for certification   3)保证获得认证的产品始终符合认证实施规则的要求 to ensure that certified products continue to meet requirements of Implementation Rules

18 三 强制性产品认证制度的建立与实施体系 Part 3 CCC: Responsibilities and Obligations
4)保证销售、进口和使用的产品为获得认证的产品 to ensure that products it sells, imports or uses are certified 5)按规定加施认证标志 to apply CCC Mark in accordance with relevant requirements 6)不得利用CCC认证标志误导消费者 not to use CCC Mark to misguide consumers 7)不得转让、买卖认证证书和认证标志或者部分出示、部分复印认证证书 not to sell or purchase CCC certificates or marks, and not to display or copy 8)接受执法监督部门的执法检查 to accept surveillance by law enforcement authorities 9)对生产、销售、进口的《目录》内产品承担安全质量责任。 to bear legal liabilities for products it manufactures, sells or imports

19 四 强制性产品认证产品目录 Part 4 CCC: Product Catalogue
电线电缆(共5种) 电路开关及保护或连接用电器装置(共6种)低压电器(共9种) 低电压电器 小功率电动机(共1种) 电动工具(共16种) 电焊机(共15种) 家用和类似用途设备(共18种) 音视频设备类(不包括广播级音响设备和汽车音响设备)(共16种) 信息技术设备(共12种) 照明设备(共2种)(不包括电压低于36V的照明设备) 机动车辆及安全附件(共17种) Electrical Wires and Cables Switches for Circuits, Installation Protective and Connection Devices Low-voltage Electrical Apparatus Small Power Motor Electric Tools Welding Machine House and Similar Use Appliance Audio and Video Apparatus IT Equipment Lighting Equipment Motor Vehicles and Safety Parts

20 四 强制性产品认证产品目录 Part 4 CCC: Product Catalogue
轮胎产品(共3种) 安全玻璃(共3种) 农机产品(共2种) 乳胶制品(共1种) 电信终端设备(共9种) 医疗器械产品(共7种) 消防产品(共3种) 安全技术防范产品(共4种) 无线局域产品(共1种) 装饰装修材料(共3种) 玩具(共6种) Tire Safety Glass Agricultural Machinery Latex Products Telecommunication Terminal Equipment Medical Device Fire Fighting Product Security and Protection Product Wireless Local Area Network Product Decoration Product Toy

21 五 强制性产品认证的指定机构 Part 5 Designated CBs
序号 机构名称 指定的业务范围 Scope 1 中国质量认证中心 CQC CNCA-01C-020:信息技术设备; CNCA-01C-021:金融及贸易结算电子设备; CNCA-01C-022:照明电器; CNCA-02C-023:汽车产品; CNCA-02C-024:摩托车产品; CNCA-02C-025:摩托车发动机产品; CNCA-02C-026:汽车安全带产品; CNCA-03C-027:轮胎产品; CNCA-04C-028:安全玻璃产品; CNCA-07C-031:电信终端设备; CNCA-08C-032:心电图机; CNCA-08C-033:血液透析装置; CNCA-08C-034:血液净化装置的体外循环管道; CNCA-08C-035:空心纤维透析器; CNCA-08C-036:植入式心脏起搏器; CNCA-08C-037:医用X射线诊断设备; CNCA-08C-038:人工心肺机 滚压式血泵; CNCA-08C-039:人工心肺机 滚压式搏动血泵; CNCA-02C-065:摩托车后视镜产品; CNCA-13C-068:童车类产品; CNCA-13C-069:电玩具类产品; CNCA-02C-058:汽车外部照明及光信号装置产品; CNCA-02C-059:汽车后视镜产品; CNCA-02C-060:汽车内饰件产品; CNCA-02C-061:汽车门锁及门保持件产品; CNCA-02C-062:汽车燃油箱产品; CNCA-02C-063:汽车座椅及座椅头枕产品; CNCA-02C-064:摩托车外部照明及光信号装置产品; CNCA-13C-073:娃娃玩具类产品 CNCA-01C-014:电动工具; CNCA-01C-015:电焊机; CNCA-01C-016:家用和类似用途设备; CNCA-01C-017:音视频设备; CNCA-01C-018:声音和电视信号的电缆分配系统设备与部件; CNCA-01C-019:卫星电视广播接收机; CNCA-13C-070:塑料玩具类产品; CNCA-13C-071:金属玩具类产品; CNCA-13C-072: 弹射玩具类产品; CNCA-08C-040:人工心肺机 鼓泡式氧合器; CNCA-08C-041:人工心肺机 热交换器; CNCA-08C-042:人工心肺机 热交换水箱; CNCA-08C-043:人工心肺机 硅橡胶泵管; CNCA-10C-047:入侵探测器产品; CNCA-11C-048:无线局域网产品; CNCA-12C-049:溶剂型木器涂料; CNCA-12C-050:瓷质砖; CNCA-02C-055:机动车用喇叭产品; CNCA-02C-056:机动车回复反射器产品; CNCA-02C-057:汽车制动软管总成产品; CNCA-01C-001:电线组件; CNCA-01C-002:电线电缆; CNCA-01C-003:家用及类似用途插头插座; CNCA-01C-004:家用及类似用途固定式电器装置的开关; CNCA-01C-005:工业用插头插座和耦合器; CNCA-01C-006:家用及类似用途器具耦合器; CNCA-01C-007:热熔断体; CNCA-01C-008:家用及类似用途固定式电器装置电器附件外壳; CNCA-01C-009:小型熔断器的管状熔断体; CNCA-01C-010:低压成套开关设备; CNCA-01C-011:开关和控制设备; CNCA-01C-012:整机保护设备; CNCA-01C-013:小功率电动机;

22 五 强制性产品认证的指定机构 Part 5 Designated CBs
2 中国安全技术防范认证中心 CSP CNCA-10C-047:入侵探测器产品; CNCA-10C-052:防盗报警控制器; CNCA-10C-053:汽车防盗报警系统; CNCA-10C-054:防盗保险柜(箱); CNCA-02C-066:汽车行驶记录仪产品; CNCA-02C-067:车身反光标识产品 3 中国农机产品质量认证中心 OCAM CNCA-05C-029:植物保护机械 背负式喷雾喷粉机(器); CNCA-05C-074:拖拉机 中小功率轮式拖拉机 4 中国建筑材料检验认证中心 CTC CNCA-04C-028:安全玻璃产品; CNCA-12C-050:瓷质砖 5 北京中化联合质量认证有限公司 CCIQ CNCA-03C-027:轮胎产品; CNCA-06C-030:橡胶避孕套; CNCA-12C-049:溶剂型木器涂料 6 公安部消防产品合格评定中心 CCCF CNCA-02C-023:汽车产品(消防车产品); CNCA-09C-044:火灾报警设备; CNCA-09C-045:消防水带; CNCA-09C-046:喷水灭火设备

23 五 强制性产品认证的指定机构 Part 5 Designated CBs
7 中汽认证中心 CCCAP CNCA-02C-023:汽车产品; CNCA-02C-024:摩托车产品; CNCA-02C-025:摩托车发动机产品;CNCA-02C-026:汽车安全带产品; (暂不承担进口汽车、摩托车及摩托车发动机产品认证工作) CNCA-02C-055:机动车用喇叭产品; CNCA-02C-056:机动车回复反射器产品; CNCA-02C-057:汽车制动软管总成产品; CNCA-02C-058:汽车外部照明及光信号装置产品; CNCA-02C-059:汽车后视镜产品;CNCA-02C-060:汽车内饰件产品; CNCA-02C-061:汽车门锁及门保持件产品; CNCA-02C-062:汽车燃油箱产品; CNCA-02C-063:汽车座椅及座椅头枕产品; CNCA-02C-064:摩托车外部照明及光信号装置产品; CNCA-02C-065:摩托车后视镜产品 8 北京国建联信认证中心有限公司 GJC CNCA-12C-050:瓷质砖; CNCA-12C-051:混凝土防冻剂 9 方圆标志认证集团 CQM CNCA-12C-049:溶剂型木器涂料; CNCA-12C-050:瓷质砖 10 北京中轻联认证中心 CCLC CNCA-13C-068:童车类产品; CNCA-13C-069:电玩具类产品; CNCA-13C-070:塑料玩具类产品; CNCA-13C-071:金属玩具类产品; CNCA-13C-072:弹射玩具类产品; CNCA-13C-073:娃娃玩具类产品 11 中国信息安全认证中心 ISCCC CNCA-11C-048:无线局域网产品

24 六 强制性产品认证的实施程序 Part 6 Procedure of CCC
一般包括如下程序: (一)认证申请和受理; (二)型式试验; (三)工厂审查; (四)抽样检测; (五)认证结果评价和批准; (六)获得认证后的监督。 Standard procedure: Application for certification and its acceptance Type test Factory inspection Sample testing Evaluation and approval of certification result Surveillance

25 七 强制性产品认证证书及标志 Part 7 Procedure of CCC
强制性产品认证证书是证明《目录》内产品符合认证实施规则要求并准许其使用认证标志的证明文件。为便于监管,认证证书的格式由国家认监委统一规定。 CCC certificate is a certificate to demonstrate that a product conforms with the relevant CCC Implementation Rule and allow the use of CCC Mark. The format of CCC certificate is set out by CNCA. 强制性产品认证标志 CCC Mark

26 Part 8 CCC Statistics 八 强制性产品认证现状
By Sept.20, 2009: certificates issued, valid certificates, certificates for domestic products and certificates for imported products 41097 enterprises holding valid certificates, domestic ones and 4839 overseas No Mongolian enterprise holding CCC certificate

27 Voluntary Certification Schemes
自愿性认证 Voluntary Certification Schemes

28 一 自愿性认证类别 Part 1 Types of Voluntary Certification
我国开展由国家认证认可行业管理部门会同相应的行业管理部门制定相应的认证制度,经批准并具有资质的认证机构按照“统一的认证标准、实施规则和认证程序”开展实施的认证项目,即国家推行的自愿性认证制度,简称国推自愿认证。目前我国开展的国推自愿认证业务包括饲料产品、国家节能环保型汽车、有机产品和良好农业规范认证(GAP)等,这四项认证主要以推荐性国标为标准进行实施。 CNCA in collaboration with relevant competent authorities sets out nationally promoted voluntary certification schemes. Approved certification bodies do certification in accordance with unified standards, rules and procedures. They are feed product certification, energy-saving and environmentally friendly automobile certification, organic product certification, Good Agricultural Practice certification. Recommended national standards are applied in these certifications.

29 一 自愿性认证类别 Part 1 Types of Voluntary Certification
国家积极推动管理体系认证的实施。 The nation promotes management system certifications. 国家积极鼓励、引导和规范认证机构自行开发认证领域的工作模式。 The nation encourages, guides, and regulates voluntary certification schemes developed by certification bodies.

30 二 国推自愿认证 Part 2 Nationally Promoted Voluntary Certification
节能环保型汽车认证: Energy-saving and environmentally friendly automobile certification 为引导公众树立健康、节约、环保的消费理念,促进和规范节能、环保型汽车的发展,国家认监委在全社会推行《国家节能环保型汽车认证实施规则—轻型汽车产品》。 In order to enhance consumers’ awareness of energy saving and environment protection, and to increase and regulate the development of energy-saving and environmentally friendly automobile, CNCA promotes energy-saving and environmentally friendly automobile certification and issued Implementation Rules for the certification of light automobiles.

31 二 国推自愿认证 Part 2 Nationally Promoted Voluntary Certification
饲料产品认证: Feed product certification 企业自愿申请,认证机构对饲料和饲料添加剂产品及其生产过程按照有关标准或者技术规范要求进行合格评定。 Enterprises make applications on a voluntary basis. Certification bodies assess feeds, feed additives and their production process in accordance with relevant standards and technical rules. 对饲料生产企业应用危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)原理的质量管理体系及产品质量、安全提出了要求,对饲料生产企业持续稳定提供符合相关法规要求的饲料产品的能力及饲料产品质量、安全等方面做出评价。 Requirements are specified for quality management system based on HACCP, and for product safety. Assessment is made on the manufacturer’s capability to produce continuously compliant feeds, and feed safety.

32 二 国推自愿认证 Part 2 Nationally Promoted Voluntary Certification
良好农业规范认证: GAP certification 国家认监委制定了《良好农业规范认证实施规则(试行)》,并指定认证机构作为试点,在种植、养殖行业全面开展CHINAGAP认证,提高我国初级农产品质量安全。 In order to improve quality of primary agricultural products, CNCA issued Implementation Rules for Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) Certification(tentative) and designated certification bodies to do ChinaGAP certification in planting and breeding industries as a pilot project. ChinaGAP标准涉及食品安全、环境保护、员工健康安全和福利、动物健康安全和福利等方面的内容。获得ChinaGAP认证证书将与EUREPGAP直接进行互认。 ChinaGAP standards cover food safety, environment protection, health, safety and welfare of workers. Mutual recognition has been reached between ChinaGAP and EUREPGAP certificates.

33 二 国推自愿认证 Part 2 Nationally Promoted Voluntary Certification
有机产品认证: Organic Product Certification 以GB/T ~ 《有机产品》为标准具体实施。 The standard GB/T ~ (Organic Products) is applied. 有机产品包括有机食品、有机纺织品、皮革、化妆品、林产品、生产资料和动物饲料等。 Organic products include organic foods, textiles, cosmetics, forestry product, production means and animal feeds.

34 三 管理体系认证 Part 3 System Certification Schemes
体系认证的开展取得了十分丰硕的成果。截止2009年6月底,颁发各类有效认证证书数435237张。 Management system certification has accomplished great achievements. By June, 2009, valid certificates had been issued. 管理体系多项认证结果被政府采信。如建筑企业被要求获得质量管理体系认证方可参与项目招投标。 Management system certification is adopted by government departments as a measure for evaluation. For example, only with QMS certification can a construction enterprise take part in bidding. 连续四年向获认证组织的满意度调查的综合评价结果显示,综合评价满意率保持在82%。 Consecutive investigations on certified organizations’ satisfaction of their management system certification from 2004 to 2007 showed the rate of satisfaction was 82%.

35 Standards/Rules for Certification 质量管理体系认证 QMS
认证领域 Schemes 标准类型/认证规范 Standards/Rules for Certification 质量管理体系认证 QMS GB/T /ISO 9001:2000 TL9000电讯业质量管理体系 Telecommunications Industry ISO13485医疗器械质量管理体系 Medical Devices TS16949汽车行业实施ISO9001特殊要求 Automotives 环境管理体系认证 EMS GB/T /ISO 14001:2004 职业健康安全管理体系认证 OHSMS GB/T 食品安全管理体系认证 Food Safety MS HACCP GB/T /ISO 22000:2005 测量管理体系认证 Measurement MS GB/T /ISO 10012:2003 信息安全管理体系认证 Information Security MS ISO27001 软件过程及能力成熟度评估 Software Process and Capability Maturity SJ/T11234 or SJ/T11235

36 未来的发展趋势和方向 Future Development
第一,进一步发挥认证的作用,服务经济又好又快发展 第二,进一步发挥认证认可技术评价作用,推动资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设 第三,进一步发挥认证认可提供信任证明的优势,服务社会诚信建设 第四,发挥认证认可国际化优势,服务进出口贸易发展 to further develop certification to serve the good and rapid development of economy to further utilize certification and accreditation as a measure of technical assessment to promote the construction of a energy-saving, environmentally friendly society to further optimize the advantage of certification and accreditation as a measure to demonstrate credibility, and serve the building up of credibility in the society to further utilize the internalization of certification and accreditation to facilitate import and export

37 如需更多信息 For further information:
国家认证认可监督管理委员会官方网站: 国家质量监督检验检疫总局官方网站

38 -谢谢大家- Thank You!

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