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我的食物 我的身體 蕭寧馨 應用營養研究室 台灣大學生化科技系 2010.

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1 我的食物 我的身體 蕭寧馨 應用營養研究室 台灣大學生化科技系 2010

2 Outlines You are what you eat Milestones in nutritional sciences
World food and nutrition problems Prevention strategy

3 Hungary Planet Part I to III: What the World Eat?
Time的網頁上展現25個家庭一週的飲食內容與費用 哪個家庭的飲食與自家的飲食比較相似? 您能接受和不能接受的飲食是哪一家? 您的飲食花費比較接近哪一個國家?

4 Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults BRFSS, 1985

5 問題一:哪些是必需營養素 紅麴 大豆異黃酮 葉酸 葉綠素 菸鹼素 茄紅素 Β-胡蘿蔔素 花青素 金 銀 銅 鐵 鉀 鎂 硫 磷 X X V

6 營養定理 營養 Nutrition : 生物獲得滋養的生命程序, 利用外界的食物來維持生長和修補組織
營養素 Nutrients : 食物供應的維持生命所需的成份 必需營養素 Essential nutrients: 缺乏導致缺乏症 非必需營養素 Non-essential nutrients 缺乏不會導致缺乏症 營養素與健康的關係 因果關係:具有必需性 關聯性/機率性:風險、危險因子

7 領域特色與重點 食品科學 營養科學 醫學 農作物從收穫到入口前的各項知識和技術 食物入口後,人體利用食物的各項生理/生化程序的知識和研究技術

8 東西共通的保健觀 醫食同源 Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine“ 400 B.C.
said to his students, "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food".  He also said  “A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings.”

9 實驗營養與營養科學 15-18世紀 壞血病盛行於船員與海軍 第一個臨床人體飲食實驗:治療壞血病的食物 Lind (英 )

10 維生素缺乏症狀 葉酸缺乏與脊裂 維生素K缺乏與內出血
壞血病症狀 葉酸缺乏與脊裂 維生素K缺乏與內出血

11 Nutritional concepts arise from chemistry and physiology: 1750-1840
Antoine Lavoisier, the “Father of Nutrition and Chemistry” 體溫/生命的化學機制 He discovered the actual process by which food is metabolized.  He also demonstrated where animal heat comes from.  In his equation, he describes the combination of food and oxygen in the body, and the resulting giving off of heat and water. He then studied energy expenditure using calorimetry .

12 The first calorimeter built by Lavoisier (1734-1794)

13 Indirect calorimetry

14 Wilbur Olin Atwater (1844-1907) Nutrition and Exercise
Cycle ergometer used by Atwater and his colleague Benedict in their studies on exercise metabolism. Before Atwater died in 1907, he had completed more than 500 energy-balance experiments

15 實驗動物應用於食物營養研究 Animal study is relevant to human nutrition
1897 – Christiaan Eijkman, a Dutchman working in Java, and thiamin (B1) chickens fed white rice diet, developed the symptoms of Beriberi fed the unprocessed brown rice (with the outer bran intact), no disease.  Eijkman then fed brown rice to his patients and they were cured.   The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1929

16 維他命說 1912 – Dr. Casmir Funk (German) was the first to coin the term “vitamins” as vital factors in the diet. 

17 The Nobel Prize and the Discovery of Vitamins
圖像: the Genius of Medicine holding an open book in her lap, collecting the water pouring out from a rock in order to quench a sick girl's thirst. 文字 Inventas vitam juvat excoluisse per artes (Word for word: inventions enhance life which is beautified through art.) The words are taken from Vergilius Aeneid, the 6th song, verse 663; Lo, God-loved poets, men who spake things worthy Phoebus' heart; and they who bettered life on earth by new-found mastery

18 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Discovery of Vitamins Christiaan Eijkman (1929) B1 Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins (1929) Growth Stimulating Vitamins George Hoyt Whipple (1934) Treatment of pernicious anemia, B12 related George Richards Minot (1934) William Parry (1934) Henrik Carl Peter Dam (1943) 丹麥 K Isolation of Vitamins Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus (1928) D Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi Nagyrapolt (1937) C Richard Kuhn (1938) B2 and B6 Edward Adelbert Doisy (1943)

19 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Synthesis of Vitamins Walter Norman Haworth (1937) C Paul Karrer (1937) 瑞士 E Robert Burns Woodward   (1965)  B12 Structure of Vitamins A and B Richard Kuhn (1938) B2 Lord (Alexander R.) Todd (1957) Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin (1964) 英/女

20 Nutrition is an applied science 各國飲食指南: 食物種類與份量
愛爾蘭 英國 20

21 日本 21

22 加拿大

23 民眾使用的 飲食指南與指標

24 Accelerate pace of discoveries
Translate research more rapidly from laboratories to patients and back Explore novel approaches orders of magnitude more effective than current Develop new strategies, 2nd road map The expanded use of genomic technologies offers unprecedented opportunities for the expanded use of foods & components to achieve genetic potential, increase productivity and reduce the risk of various disease.

25 Uniqueness

26 營養的影響從幾歲開始? 孕期/受精卵胚胎 孕期/胎兒 20週/5-6個月 1 -3 歲 青春期 10-18歲 中年 40 – 50歲
老年 65歲以上

27 兩極化的飲食危機

28 2010 FAO 年報 世界上營養不足的人口 超過十億

29 2010 FAO 年報 貧困之下女嬰死亡率升高

30 各地區的營養不足盛行率

31 增進健康的有效策略 WHO/WHA 57 (2004) Resolution and strategy

32 英國健康白皮書2004 32

33 日本食育基本法 (2005) 《食育基本法》制訂於2005年6月(平成十七年法律第六十三号),其中將食育定義為: 「學習食物相關的知識,並養成正確選擇食物的能力」

34 結 論 1. 飲食的質與量影響個人與人類族群的健康和生存。 2. 個人學習營養的目的在於
結 論 1. 飲食的質與量影響個人與人類族群的健康和生存。 2. 個人學習營養的目的在於 認識食物相關的知識, 並養成正確選擇食物的能力。 3. 關心並認識國家和國際的糧食與健康趨勢和政策,合力營造健康飲食環境。

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