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104學年度醫學資訊研究所 新加坡暑期實習說明會

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1 104學年度醫學資訊研究所 新加坡暑期實習說明會
主講人: 劉建財 教授兼所長 105年1月14日

2 背景說明 臺北醫學大學『105 年教育部學海築夢計畫』
為配合教育部鼓勵國內公私立大專校院,運用國際合作計 畫管道,選送學生赴國外先進或具發展 潛力之企業、機構 進行職場實習(不包括大陸及港、澳),以臺灣長期發展 優勢為核心考量,擇 定重點學門領域,充實實習課程,落 實學用合一,加強職涯生活輔導。 選送學生: 1. 具中華民國國籍,且在本校就讀一學期以上之在 學學生,不包 括國內及境外碩士專班生。 2. 應具備之語言能力 條件如下:英語系國家 TOEFL 79 分、IELTS 5.5 分; 非英語系國 家 TOEFL 75 分、IELTS 5.0 分。 補助經費來源: (一) 教育部補助款。 (二) 本校配合款:補助 金額視教育部補助額度及本校當年度預算而定。 (三) 專業實習 期間不得少於三十天 (不包括來回途程交通時日)。 (四) 每一個 實習計畫案,實際補助金額由本校審查委員會決定,每人實際 補助額度得包括一 張國際來回經濟艙機票款、生活費;

3 105年度學海計畫 申請流程

4 學海築夢注意事項 選送生及計畫主持人於出國實習期程結束後二星期內,上傳問卷調查表及一千字以內中文/英文心得(成果)報告,並得繳交經國外實習機構同意之實習經驗分享短片至本計畫資訊網(每篇心得需有照片四張以上,短片以三分鐘為原則),未傳送完成者,不得辦理結案。 選送生並應出席本部相關留學宣導活動之經驗分享座談會,進行國外研修或實習經驗分享。

5 暑期海外見實習規劃 暑期7~9月至海外,至少參與四週 新加坡2家醫療科技公司 Pulsesync Pte Ltd.
Cadi Scientific Pte Ltd. 回國後可抵免2學分,醫療資訊管理實習課程

6 Pulsesync Pte Ltd
Pulsesync is a leading provider of Aged Care IT/Technology solutions specifically for the community and residential based healthcare providers Armed with years of experience in this sector, we work with government agencies, ministries, private and non-profit aged care providers and partners to deliver solutions/technologies that drives productivity, empowerment and improves operational insight, which ultimately results in cost efficiency, agility, better quality and continuity of care By simplifying processes, cutting down wastes and merging knowledge centres, they work to increase synergy and reduce workload. With a finger on the pulse of the latest innovations and an eye for the goals of our clients, we serve to create affordable, effortless and smooth means to bridge the two by leveraging on our IT and healthcare business process knowledge to form pragmatic and practical solutions 1.主打提供老人和長照方面IT/Technology Solutions.專長於機構式和社區式照顧資訊系統 2.主要合作對象有政府機構、衛生部、公私立老人照護機構,以資訊科技提升生產力、成本效益和連續性照護品質 3.專注於運用資訊科技,簡化流程、融合專業和降低工作負擔,其目標在於提供可負擔、低投入卻可順暢橋接IT和

7 Pulsesync Pte Ltd Pulsesync (cont.)

8 Cadi Scientific Cadi Scientific is a Singapore-based healthcare technology company established in 2003 Specializing in wireless sensing, tracking and matching devices, Cadi helps hospitals improve outcomes by automating and simplifying their processes with advanced technologies The company's flagship product, Cadi SmartSense™, initially comprises of a small disc-like wearable that automatically measures a patient's temperature round-the-clock and at the same time tracks the patient's location This award-winning product helps enhances patient care, improves productivity and service level Over the years, SmartSense has evolved to include wearable tags that match infant to the right mother, and tags for tracking equipment. SmartSense is now deployed in the country's largest hospitals and several other renowned healthcare institutions in the region 1.專精於無線感測技術和識別與追蹤裝置等高端科技,提供醫院服務作業與流程自動化與流線順暢接軌,增進效率與成果 2.招牌產品為Cadi SmartSense,最初僅包含微型圓形穿戴式裝置,可以24小時量測體溫和追羧病人位置,強化照護服務品質 3.目前 SmartSense 更發展包括嬰兒式穿代標籤(TAGS)和設備追蹤標籤,已廣泛用於各大醫院 Actual Deployment. Systems are also used in Taiwan

9 Internship Overview The objective of the internship is to provide the students from the Graduate Institute of Biomedical Informatics, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan with the opportunities to: Relate their academic learning in the course of study to a relevant work environment Gain an international outlook while gaining practical experience in Singapore gain their biomedical informatics practice experience in an industry setting

10 Scope Students will undertake various activities assigned and experience problem solving in practical, real-life situations in selected areas of heath(care) Cadi Scientific:Wireless sensing, tracking and matching devices (Wearables) Pulsesync: Aged Care IT and Technologies The internship may also be structured with a project The project may be an independent or group project conducted independently or concurrently with the the activities assigned E.g. Pulsesync expressed the intention to train students on Interrai and have them translate it to Mandarin

11 Note: The actual learning plan is subjected to changes
High Level Plan Orientation to the host company High-level orientation to Singapore (by mentor) On-The-Job training to the selected areas of heath(care), Processes, Technologies, Information Ssytems etc. Partake in projects and various activities assigned Site Visits To customer sites for onground exposure To the NYP-HIMSS Centre of Excellence (Healthcare IT) Student assessment review with resentation of certificates of completion Note: The actual learning plan is subjected to changes

12 學海計畫補助類型 學海築夢:運用國際合作計畫管道,選送學生赴國外先進或具發展潛力之企業、機構進行職場實習(不包括大陸及港、澳)
申請學海計畫補助時,需同時申請北醫校內補助,校方就兩者擇一核定補助金額 年度 參與人數/補助金額 地點 102年 3 人/ 每位50,000 美國 103年 1 人/每位25,000 104年 2 人/每位45,000

13 A Quick Overview of Singapore

14 More information… 本所網站 本所聯絡人 錢小姐
本所網站 路徑: 北醫首頁->學術單位->醫學科技學院->醫學資訊研究所 本所聯絡人 錢小姐 歡迎來信洽詢~ 14

15 感謝聆聽

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