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伉俪家庭团契 讨论分享专题: ” 家庭理财实战篇- 如何积财在地,积财于天。”

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1 伉俪家庭团契 讨论分享专题: ” 家庭理财实战篇- 如何积财在地,积财于天。”
伉俪家庭团契 讨论分享专题: ” 家庭理财实战篇- 如何积财在地,积财于天。” Family Fellowship

2 分享与讨论的内容 1 2 3 4 5 芬兰政策的信息与家庭生活 儿童活动信息 芬兰家庭的理财分配 理财的观念和计划 基督徒应有的十种财富意识
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3 芬兰政策的信息与家庭生活 There is new policy that only if one of children in the family is sent to daycare, then the stay home allowance will gone completely. Because offering allowances for stay-at-home is cheaper for the local government than paying for daycare. This policy lead many Finnish household try to keep all children home to get the allowance. Many vacancy in daycare and easy for foreign family to choose one for children. Parents in Espoo and Vantaa get the Kela funds plus a municipal allowance of over 200 euros a month. This year the city of Vantaa increased municipal allowances for stay-at-home parents from 140 euros to 215 euros a month. The money is an added bonus to what the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) hands out. Company Logo

4 家庭生活信息 成人和孩子的舞蹈班 Helsingin Tanssiopisto
MLL baby music Sport/Dancing club Company Logo

5 专题讨论 - 前言 心理学研究发现:财富只占一个人幸福感的10%。所以,聪明的人会收到金融风暴的另一个提醒:赚钱不是通往幸福的唯一途径。理财只是我们生活中的一部分,决不是全部。 不论投资与否,但理财是必不可少的。理财也并不等于投资,理财其实是一项全面而长期的人生财务规划,经济环境的好坏并不是我们决定是否理财的理由。 马丁·路得(Martin Luther)说:「人可以拥有金钱财物,但必须懂得善于管理,作钱财的主人。 (传5:19)“神赐人资财丰富,使他能以吃用,能取自己的分,在他劳碌中喜乐,这乃是 神的恩赐”。基督徒应有正确的金钱观,成为理财能手。 Company Logo

6 芬兰家庭的理财分配 Company Logo

7 芬兰家庭资金分配的地方 Mutual fund shares Savings or investment such as deposits
with banks (other than a current account) Listed Shares Voluntary pension insurance Placing housing, leisure, housing or other fixed assets Savings or investment insurance policies Saving for their own use of the dwelling or to pay the mortgage Bonds and notes / bonds One of the other items required to: None of these Company Logo 7

8 金钱和理财观念 ”金钱无用论”的人认为金钱无用,干脆就不提它而罢。有些基督徒认为谈钱就是爱世界不爱上帝,甚至认为基督徒越贫穷越是属灵
“金钱月光论”的人认为钱财身外物”,取财有道、用之常乐、无须计划和管理。流行的消费主义 “金钱万能论”的人认为钱的万能,钱能通神,用钱来衡量一个人的人生价值,作为人生的目标 金钱可以让你买到舒适的床,却不能给你甜蜜的睡眠。 金钱可以让你享尽一切娱乐,却不能给你真正的快乐。 金钱可以让你吃尽山珍海味,却不能给你好的食欲胃口。 金钱可以让得到最好的医疗,却不能给你永恒生命。 在这样的时代,作为基督徒,应该具备怎样的财富意识,正确的金钱观呢? 并在处理金钱上不再失败,成为“赢家”。 Company Logo

9 基督徒应有的十种财富意识 生命重于财富 财富的功能有限。 财富是上帝的恩赐 君子爱财,取之有道 不要羡富,更不要仇富
我们是财富的受托者,上帝是财富的所有者 财富是好仆人,也是坏主子 富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移 尽赚、尽积、尽施 持守什一奉献 Company Logo

10 理财的观念 神知道金钱和财富影响人的力量,所以圣经竟然有多达2300节的经句提到钱财,钱财影响我们与神的关系,也关乎生活的质量(正如书中指出的金钱危机导致许多人婚姻的危机),一句话,钱财能够试验出一个人的本质如何。 圣经教导我们,我们是上帝创造之物的管家,更是钱财的管家,我们是被托付的,要存着向上帝交帐的态度,来经手生活中的钱财,帮助你完成你身上上帝的托付。 圣经论钱财是全面的,今天仍然要指导我们。其实,圣经更细到教导如何看待债务、投资、财富的增值,以及预算、储蓄等原则。圣经教我们奉献和节俭的理财态度,但更要让我们知道宇宙万物都属于神,人只是一切财富的“托管者”,即“管家”,在神所托付我们的钱财上忠心尽职,用经手的财富来荣耀神,等待“交帐”那天的到来。 其实金钱并非错误,其本身并无好坏之分,唯看人是否善用它,“金钱是最好的仆人,也是最坏的主人”。正当的金钱是人勤奋的代价、血汗的回报、生活的必需,也是神的恩赐。 耶稣在四福音书里面讲38个比喻,其中有17个比喻设计到与金钱有关系。耶稣没有否定金钱,耶稣乃是强调人不能为了金钱而失去了生命没有什么比生命更可贵 Company Logo

11 如何理财? 2.合理用钱 1. 正当赚钱 3.随时积钱 4.甘心奉献 基督徒正当赚来的钱,要精打细算合理使用。
“你们那一个盖一座楼,不先坐下计算花费?”恐怕按了地基,不能成功,看见的人都笑话他了(路14:28-29)。 “君子赚钱,取之有道,小人贪财,为所欲为”。 3.随时积钱 4.甘心奉献 约翰卫斯理曾说:“我从来不把钱财抓在手中太久,免得它跑到我心里来”。基督徒不但要积财于地上的银行,更重要的要积财于天国的银行。 父母该为儿女积财。”(林后12:14)。 “人生的意义在于奉献,不在于索取”。 奉献是基督徒应尽的本分、享受的权利、爱心的表现、信心的见证。“虽然奉献者不一定爱主,但爱主的一定会奉献”。 穷寡妇两个小钱的奉献蒙主称赞。 Content Layouts Company Logo

12 理财的规划 专业的理财规划包括八方面的内容。 财产分配与传承 税收筹划 现金规划 风险管理 理财规划 保险规划 投资规划 教育规划 消费支出
退休养老规划 Company Logo

13 理财的规划 - 投资 Mutual fund shares 许多银行基金月供是免手续费的
Savings or investment such as deposits 要留意欧洲央行的利率变化,它会影响银行的存款利率。 欧洲央行昨日宣布,继续维持利率在1%的历史低点不变 Listed Shares 股票风险高。在网络银行就能操作并交易。要缴纳每笔手续费用。 Unless expressly required, you are not expected to file a gift tax return for gifts less than €4,000 in value. Please note that if you sell the gratuitously received property and make a profit, tax authorities usually only subtract the tax value confirmed for the purposes of gift tax from the selling price. The resulting amount will serve as the basis for your capital gains tax. However, an exception from this rule can be made, for example, if you have received a gift of listed securities for less than €4,000. In this case, even if no gift taxation was effected, you may sell the securities, make a profit, and acceptably subtract the tax value of the securities from the selling price. The tax value to be subtracted is the tax value at receipt of the gift. Otherwise, the tax office will use the deemed acquisition cost for the purposes of capital gains computations, and thus, depending on your holding time of the property, they will subtract either 20 or 40 percent from the selling price. Company Logo

14 理财的规划 – 芬兰银行 Nordea 英文服务好 Aktia FIM Handelsbanken Op-Prime Sampo
SEB Gyllenberg Tapiola ….. Unless expressly required, you are not expected to file a gift tax return for gifts less than €4,000 in value. Please note that if you sell the gratuitously received property and make a profit, tax authorities usually only subtract the tax value confirmed for the purposes of gift tax from the selling price. The resulting amount will serve as the basis for your capital gains tax. However, an exception from this rule can be made, for example, if you have received a gift of listed securities for less than €4,000. In this case, even if no gift taxation was effected, you may sell the securities, make a profit, and acceptably subtract the tax value of the securities from the selling price. The tax value to be subtracted is the tax value at receipt of the gift. Otherwise, the tax office will use the deemed acquisition cost for the purposes of capital gains computations, and thus, depending on your holding time of the property, they will subtract either 20 or 40 percent from the selling price. Company Logo

15 理财的规划 – 购房 买房要注意选择合适银行。不同银行间提供的Margin不同,要选择Margin低的,银行客服好的,分部多的。
还房贷的方法也有许多种。根据情况选择。 第一次买房可以享受免1.6%的税。卖房子盈利也可以享受免税。 Unless expressly required, you are not expected to file a gift tax return for gifts less than €4,000 in value. Please note that if you sell the gratuitously received property and make a profit, tax authorities usually only subtract the tax value confirmed for the purposes of gift tax from the selling price. The resulting amount will serve as the basis for your capital gains tax. However, an exception from this rule can be made, for example, if you have received a gift of listed securities for less than €4,000. In this case, even if no gift taxation was effected, you may sell the securities, make a profit, and acceptably subtract the tax value of the securities from the selling price. The tax value to be subtracted is the tax value at receipt of the gift. Otherwise, the tax office will use the deemed acquisition cost for the purposes of capital gains computations, and thus, depending on your holding time of the property, they will subtract either 20 or 40 percent from the selling price. Company Logo

16 讨论结束并祷告 (传5:19)“神赐人资财丰富,使他能以吃用,能取自己的分,在他劳碌中喜乐,这乃是神的恩赐”。
但愿大家能够正当赚钱、合理用钱、随时积钱、甘心捐钱,成为神良善又忠心的好管家,成为一位理财能手。 Company Logo

17 下次3月份家庭聚会讨论专题: 恩愛夫妻话家常 - 如何以智慧美好的方法去处理夫妻、子女的关系
Thank You ! 下次3月份家庭聚会讨论专题: 恩愛夫妻话家常 - 如何以智慧美好的方法去处理夫妻、子女的关系

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